
Photograph via //r/sciencefiction

This reddit is for fans and creators of Science Fiction and related media in any form. SF topics should involve plausible ideas reached through the rational application of science. General speculative fiction posts are fine as long as they involve Science Fiction.


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Does "Greedo shot first" invalidate George Lucas?

The real question that needs to be asked but never has (for very obvious fan-inflaming reason): Given the creator of the franchise, the institution, Star Wars has become felt Han Solo gunning down someone pointing a gun at him with obvious intent to either turn in, rob or shoot him - if not all three - was a "mistake" attempting to fix it multiple times through as many "Special Editions" which has lead to argument around what is basically one of many retcons within and throughout the franchise, does Lucas truly deserve credit as sole creator?

15:15 UTC


The War Of The Worlds Jeff Wayne's Musical - Illustrations by Geoff Taylor & Mike Trim (1978)

14:57 UTC


Cory Doctorow finally reads the Steerswoman (Rosemary Kirstein)

Note: he goes on a bit about independent publishing at first. Special appearance by Randall Munroe.


14:23 UTC


On this May the 4th, please take a moment of silence for the late Jabba the Hutt. RIP dear prince.

12:07 UTC



So, everybody knows about Minecraft Obsidian, super hard and takes forever to break, however, Real Life Obsidian is Veeeery different, brittle, however, it is also known as a Hard Material so I want to ask, theoretically, in a science fiction world, if you were to grab like three chunks of obsidian and fuse them together with alchemy or whatever so it would basically just be a Ball of Reinforced Obsidian the size of only One Chuck of Obsidian… would it be really strong? Like as strong as Steel type of strong?

12:01 UTC


My sci-fi/horror film "THEY'RE HERE" is live! Would love to share it with you all!

07:17 UTC


The Art and Making of STAR WARS: THE FORCE UNLEASHED | Book Review

07:01 UTC


What are your thoughts on God Emperor of Dune? Masterpiece or overrated?

06:19 UTC


I would have called it "Aliens of the Corn"

00:40 UTC


Book Recommendations

Hi, I am looking for some sci fi author and book recommendations. My favourite sci-fi authors include Dan Simmons(Hyperion and Illium), Larry Niven(Ringworld Series), Isaac Asimov(everything), and Arthur C. Clarke. Are there any really good new authors out there?


22:46 UTC


Good Atomic/Space Age sci fi that i should check out?

Something in the vibe of Fallout or the og Star Trek series.

rayguns, hyper technological cities, everything alimented by atomic energy, strange new worlds, green aliens etc.


14:40 UTC


As a huge Star Wars fan, should I read any of the books? Canon or Legends, how good are they, are they worth investing in?

06:21 UTC


Should I keep reading Murderbot Diaries?

I just finished All Systems Red today in about 3 years. I enjoyed it. I liked how short it was (I feel like I'm normally reading 500-1000 page books, so this was refreshing), I liked the simplicity of the story, and the bit of worldbuilding that was included. I give it overall 3.5/5 stars. My question is, do the rest of the books follow the same character? Is there an overarching plot or is each book its own contained story?

I wouldn't mind using these stories as a pallet cleanser between bigger reads but i do not want to get sucked into a long series I feel compelled to binge if that's how they go. Thanks!

02:47 UTC


Concept of aliens!

I don't think if there will be Aliens that will look similar to us. This is not necessary that those life forms will look as with our criteria to be a living being. what do you all think? What type of life forms will be they??

02:14 UTC



AGAINST THEORY ABOUT TRAVEL TO THE FUTURE: In several films, series, documentaries describe a time travel that I think is wrong, I don't see many people talking about it because many scientists say that the time travel in the film back to the future would be one of the most realistic , which in my opinion is not, well I will explain why for me traveling to the future would be impossible, well let's imagine the following situation, you travel to the future 20 years forward, in my theory when you step into the future year, automatically will disappear, because your version of the past went to the future, that is, if your version of the past goes to the future, what will happen to the body that remained in the present, there is no way to have two versions in the same timeline, so most of the time travel theories of you finding yourself in the future are wrong, in this theory of mine the only correct trip to take is to travel light years with a rocket and then return to earth, because time in space is different from time in space. Earth, moving much faster, but leave your opinions in the comments, I know it was a little confusing but I know that anyone who is crazy about science like me will understand what I meant

01:46 UTC


The Time Traveler's Guide to NOT Getting Caught Season 2 Premiere Tonight

The Time Traveler's Guide to NOT Getting Caught has its Season 2 premiere tonight. For those who have no idea what this show is, it's a sci-fi comedy about a self-centered 25-year-old guy who finds a time traveling watch behind a dumpster and then goes back and has a bunch of selfishly ridiculous adventures, like accidentally almost killing Ben Franklin, accidentally impregnating a cavewoman, and purposely starting the Civil War.

We're currently being featured in Apple's Comedy section alongside the Lonely Island podcast, Daily Show and Julia Louis-Drefyus' Wiser Than Me. We've also been on their Top 200 Fiction Chart for over a month, and we wouldn't be there if it weren't for a bunch of you on this sub so thank you!

The show is very raunchy and unapologetically funny (and gets even more politically incorrect). Season 1 has 19 episodes published and Season 2 will have 16 episodes with more seasons on the way. We're rolling straight into Season 2 tonight with no hiatus and plan on releasing Season 3 with the same speed, so have no fear that you'll fall in love with our show and that we'll be lazy bastards and give up on it just as you're getting into it. We already have the next two seasons written and currently working on Season 5.

The show is still ad-free and full of ridiculous SFX that'll make you laugh and wonder if something's wrong with us (we're okay...we swear we're okay...we're gonna be okay). Make sure to start on Ch 1 or nothing will make sense.

Apple link is here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-time-travelers-guide-to-not-getting-caught/id1723275746

Spotify link is here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/time-travelers-guide

And we're on pretty much every other podcast app.

Thanks for your support!

01:18 UTC


Classics of Science Fiction

Ok, so last year I read "Dune" and later I also read few Lem's books. I also purchased few another books, among them second novel of the Dune series, but I haven't read them yet. In the past I read few books by Phillip K. Dick, William Gibson, Arthur C. Clarke and also few from Star Wars universe. Now I want to read most of the classics in the SF genre, which books, which authors should I read?

Besides these already mentioned, I think Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Roger Zelazny, Larry Niven and H.G.Wells should be on this list. Also Jules Verne, Liu Cixin, Strugatsky brothers and Kir Bulychev outside of the English language. Perhaps Mary Shelley and Robert Stevenson too. Who else? (If You could recommend also authors who haven't written in English, especially if they have written in French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, but also other languages).

I am asking about classics of the genre, but also about other books, which You consider masterpieces. (Is Ursula K. Le Guin an SF writer, I thought that she is rather a fantasy one?)

18:27 UTC


"Abaddon at The Therapist," Comedy in The Grim Darkness of The Far Future (Warhammer 40K)

1 Comment
18:13 UTC


Guillermo Del Toros Frankenstein Info

So they just showed off the snow covered set and practically built period piece ship from the Netflix produced Frankenstein on the news so here's all of the info we know about the upcoming film project:

The film is a long awaited, anticipated passion film project by Guillermo Del Toro who's been wanting to develop the film for most of his career and now has the time and success to develop the project.

It's going to be a visual, hauntingly frightening and beautifully tragic movie adaption.

Guillermo Del Toro has said the movie will be full on practical effects, over CGI effects that are in film

They built the winter/Antarctica environment and a massive ship stuck in the ice in Toronto Canada, in full practical effects driven glory.

The projects cast has been revealed:

Oscar Isaac-Victor Frankenstein

Jacob Elordi-The Monster

Mia Goth

Charles Dance

Christoph Waltz

David Bradley

Christian Convery

Ralph Ineson

David Chronenberg

Guillermo Del Toro said this about the project:

"What I'm trying to do is take the myth and do something with it, but combining elements of Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein without making it just a classical myth of the monster. The best moments in my mind of Frankenstein, of the novel, are yet to be filmed [...] The only guy that has ever nailed for me the emptiness, not the tragic, not the Miltonian dimension of the monster, but the emptiness is Christopher Lee in the Hammer films, where he really looks like something obscenely alive. Boris Karloff has the tragedy element nailed down but there are so many versions, including that great screenplay by Frank Darabont that was ultimately not really filmed".

The movie is said to be released in late 2024, or Early 2025 via Netflix.

It will be an R rated adaption.

17:15 UTC


History of Science Fiction by Ward Shelley

14:13 UTC

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