-----------------------------------------This subreddit is to ensure that savannah monitor keepers have access to correct information to provide the best care for their monitors. Please feel free to post pictures, ask questions, and start discussions.
A place for you to interact with others about Savannah monitors.
Can somebody help me out what are this yellow
Title says it all. Traditionally, my savy has been a great pooper, and usually would have a bowel movement every couple of days or one a week. He still eats well and I take him out for play time and exercise on days I’m not working. I also soak him in the tub twice a week, which where he will usually poop. For the last two weeks, each time that I’ve soaked him he hasn’t pooped and it has me concerned that he may have fecal impaction. Anyone else experience this and have advice on what to do?
For reference, he’s about 3 years old and has a 6x4x4 enclosure that he can climb around in. He also gets a diet of mainly of grasshoppers, chicken sometimes, and the occasional rat/hard boiled egg.
look at this adorable bed I bought for my boy🥰🥰🥰
I fed my monitor some shrimp a day ago, he missed a few and I left them in the cage, today I noticed he has, I think, thrown up, not to sure, and his mouth is watering, has anyone had any experience with this? For reference he’s 2.5ft, I’ve had em for 3 yrs and he’s never drooled before
So I have had my sav for about a month now. I don’t know the age but about 9 inches long. Slowly got more social and was eating great. I rotated between crickets, Dubai’s, mealworms and earthworms. I did give him one pinky as a treat to try and encourage and ease handling. I don’t force handling and only have been able to pet him once. About a week ago he burrowed and never came back up. He was in a 5x2x2 I pulled him out on Christmas every because I was worried and he was very lethargic. His basking spot was 125 and ambient temp was around 85 90. I kept his humidity around 65 and bumped it up to 80. He didn’t have a great shed and after that is when he burrowed. I pulled him out and set up a 60 gallon tank I had lying around. I have an appointment with a vet set up for next Wednesday. I’m honestly just worried I’ve tried giving him Dubai’s and he ate about 3 which he usually downs 10 or more. He was already on the skinny side when I got him and just concerned about him not eating. The vet is going to call if they have an openings sooner. Should I try and keep offering food? Should I try and higher value food like pinky’s, eggs or hornworms? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Again I know this is not an appropriate enclosure but simply to monitor in.
Just found him earlier today & I’m upgrading his enclosure ASAP
Hey so my savannah monitor that I have had for a few months now has finally made a little burrow, but I haven't seen him come out at all today and normally I feed him while he's out of his hide, should I just toss some dubia roaches in there and just let them wander so he can find them or wait till he comes out? I don't want to try pulling him out if I can avoid it, just a little worried is all.
i made a video of some enclosure inspiration pics i’ve found for savannah monitors ! enjoy !
i revamped my boy gimley’s enclosure yesterday. still wanna completely redo it at some point cause i dont LOVE it but it’s fine for now. still definitely at least need to add more to the cool side.
Hello, Just not sure, but is he fat? He just ate, but not much (At least I think). I’m giving him about 10 roaches every other day/once in three days.
How to tame my savanah
I got a Savannah about 2 months ago. He is somewhat active during the day. He has a massive appetite and has no problem coming out of his enclosure if I hold the tongs outside his enclosure. He digs in his enclosure, destroys his plant, basks, etc. He generally hides if there is a lot going on in the room. However, when being held 90% of the time he just closes his eyes like he is sleeping. He doesn’t tongue flick, explore when given the chance, or anything. Just “sleeps”. Is this normal? I have experience with tegus and BTS but this is my first monitor and if it was my tegus or BTS doing this it would be concerning. My guess is stress response but it’s not improving with time and patience.
How big should a sav be at around 15 months old? Couldn’t find much info about it on the internet, I got mine at maybe 3-4 inches long and 3 months old and now he is 25 1/2 inches long. Is that normal? Video of my boy waiting for his bath as well.
Hello! I am new to monitor world! I have years of snake experience and have a BTS and tegu as well so the general knowledge is there but I do not have specific monitor experience. I recently picked up a baby Savannah (named him Mushu). He has a 120 (ish) degree (Fahrenheit) basking spot, 40-50% humidity, a substrate blend he can dig in, a water bowl large enough to soak in, and 2 hides in his 40 gallon front opening breeder. When I got him I noticed some stuck shed, I tried using a clean make up brush (never used for make up) and water to coax it off but that didn’t work. So my question is, is it safe/good/healthy to soak a Savannah?
This has been the most effective way for me to bond with my 2 month old savannah monitor. He will let me get as close as I was as long as I am spraying him with water, I discovered this on accident spraying down his tank one day and he just let me water board him for as long as I wanted!
He has a large water dish he can actively swim around in but mainly uses it for his bathroom. Daily water boarding has become routine for us! Hope this helps any one else looking for ways to bond with their monitor.
I had a savannah monitor dropped off at my house today while I was out (Pennsylvania) temps aren't very high here. I don't know much about them but I have experience with reptiles and I am known in the area to take in rescues (I'm not a rescue) I went and got necessary items because the supplies i have are being used.
Can anyone give me advice as far as a good setup and stuff. It's just a little thing, not underweight or anything.