The reddit community at the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) in Aachen.
Join to attend discussions about the latest news, questions, memes and more about the University.
This subreddit is not officially run by the university itself, but rather run by students that attend the university. Any view by a moderator is their own.
Hello Leute!
Next semester, I’ll be taking a group discussion course where the exam will be a presentation. The problem is, my German isn’t fluent enough. I can understand when people speak, but I struggle to express my ideas quickly, and sometimes I don’t know the right verbs to use. This makes me pretty nervous.
I’m worried that in a group discussion, my "not-so-good" German might be frustrating for others. Do people generally mind if someone in the group isn’t fully fluent? And do you have any tips on how I can improve my German, especially for speaking more naturally in discussions?
Ich bin angemeldet zur Progra Klausur morgen hab die Zulassung nicht bekommen und vorhin erst gemerkt das ich noch angemeldet bin. Abmelden kann ich mich dementsprechend nicht mehr. Wird mir das jetzt als Fehlversuch eingetragen oder wird das noch gestrichen. Bzw bei wem meld ich mich deswegen am besten oder machen die das von selbst.
Ich überlege meinen master an der RWTH zu machen. Ist es bei euch üblich die Masterarbeit an der RWTH zu schreiben oder kann man die auch an einer Firma Schreiben. Ich hab z.b von bekannten gehört das die TUM es einen echt schwer macht die Masterarbeit in der Industrie zu schreiben, weil kein Prof Geheimhaltungsvereinbarung unterschreiben möchte. Habt ihr da Erfahrungen ?
Hello together, we are looking for a tenant for a student apartment in Aachen. It has 1 room with 22m² and the rent is 280€ + 120€ additional costs including heating. The address is Promenadenstraße 33, 52062 Aachen and the apartment is free from 15.03.25. If you are interested you can contact b.spielmann-engelen@web.de to get more details and arange an apartment viewing.
Hey guys. I am a non-EU student. This winter semester I wrote my bachelor thesis and finished my bachelors completely. I have the certificate and Notenspiegel to prove so as well. My Exmatrikulation date is 31.03.2025 but my residence permit expires at 22.02.2025. I already got an admission from RWTH for masters but for summer semester I want to switch to TU Berlin. I also have an admission from there and in fact I already sent them the necessary documents for my Immatrikulation, I am just waiting for them to be processed. I managed to get a termin from Super C for a residence permit appointment but it is at 02.04.2024, which is after my Exmatrikulation. Do you have any recommendations on what I can do to get a Fiktionsbescheinigung or something like that which allows me to stay in Germany until the Immatrikulation process is over and get a place to stay in Berlin for the residence permit appointment there without being illegal? Is even an extension until 31.03.2025 possible?
For EU and non-EU applicants, could you share how many weeks after the application deadline you received your admission decision for Master's programs in previous Semesters?
Will they wait until mid-March to respond to applications for SoSe 2025, since that's their deadline to provide applications feedback?
is it legal or na
My teacher expects me to study all weekend and I can't it's history
Hi guys, to understand the german people more and the language, i want to watch informative and helpful contents in german also a podcast. Not like tutorial of how to do, or funny chanels. Is there any chanels like "huberman lab" in german ? I'd really appreciate every recommedation, thank you 💕 so far i know mai lab, mr.wissen2go 😅
hello, I am a student that wants to apply for the freshmen program. I have already applied for the test and will be doing it soon. I practiced all the sample papers that were posted for maths and English and studied all the topics listed for the requirements. However I’m still just a bit worried if I did enough or if I need to be more prepared so if there are any tips or things I would need to know, I hope u enlighten me. I know this sounds a bit brief but I just don’t want to miss anything and regret it later
I recently applied for Robotic systems engineering and yet to receive mail if anyone got any mails can you let me know
I have a 2.9 GPA and am currently working on a research paper focused on improving localization in quadruped robots. I also have a solid project portfolio, having participated in Shell Eco-marathon and Robocon. However, I have a history of two arrears. Do I have a chance of getting into RWTH Aachen ?
In the coming days, I will be applying for a room in a dorm for WiSe 2025/2026. I am an EU citizen and know German. What are the best dorms to apply for and which ones to avoid? I already know all about the furnishing and amenities at the various dorms offered by Studierendenwerk but I want to know a bit more about the people and actual situation there. Also, how likely is it that a room will be available by October?
Hello again!
I’m currently choosing which courses to take during my exchange program at RWTH and have put together a list of options I’m considering. Are there any courses on this list that you would recommend avoiding due to their difficulty? Or do you have any other suggestions for interesting yet relatively easier courses I could take?
- Robotic Systems / Tribology / Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering / Mechanics, Biomechanics and Fluid Mechanics / Heat and Mass Transfer / Manufacturing Technology / Linear Control Systems / CES Mechanics I / Special Topics in Fluid Mechanics
I would love to hear any advice from you guys!
I am a mechanical engineering student applying for an exchange program at RWTH Aachen, and I need to prepare a study plan for my home university stating which courses I intend to take during my stay at Aachen.
I saw that it is possible to register for both lectures and exercises for the same course. How exactly will this affect the grades and the ECTS credits earned after passing the exams? I need this information because my home university can be quite strict if I do not meet requirements such as, for example, having 4 weekly hours for each subject (if the subject is like that in my home university).
I am thinking of choosinhg mechanical engineering as my bachelor's degree but I've heard from some people that it's to hard and there is barely any people who is able graduate in 7 semesters. Is this really true or is it exaggerated?
Hi, Ich habe leider die abgabe in Codescape verpennt und es erst vor ein paar stunden gemerkt. Ich habe noch eine Stunde zur abgabe von 3 Aufgaben, jedoch weiß Ich dass Ich es zeitlich nicht schaffen werde.
Ich habe keine der aufgaben mit dem Puzzle Symbol (Bspw. Move Korrektheit, Schleifenregel Trockenübung usw.) Wenn jemand so nett wäre mir die lösung von 3 dieser aufgaben schicken könnte, wäre Ich sehr dankbar.
I want to ask whether I would be prioritized by the employers due to the fact that I am an RWTH graduate, (considering the fact that I have the same skills as other candidates)
Hallo allerseits,
hier kam die Tage die Frage auf, wann eigentlich das letzte RWTH Diplom für einen Maschinenbauingenieur verliehen wurde - ehe es nur noch Master oder Bachelor gab.
Ich habe da noch nix gefunden, weiss da jemand etwas?
Kann mir jemand sagen, warum der Infopoint bei superC geschlossen ist? Ich habe meinen Master abgeschlossen und habe einen Arbeitsvertrag ab dem 1. Februar. Das Problem ist jedoch, dass ich gestern erfahren habe, dass der Infopoint bei SuperC seit dem 20. Dezember geschlossen ist. Ansonsten vereinbaren sie normalerweise innerhalb einer Woche einen Termin, wenn Sie mit mir sprechen die Person am Infopoint. Ich habe sie bereits per E-Mail kontaktiert: info.auslaendische.studenten@staedteregion-aachen.de. Aber ich habe noch keine Antwort erhalten. Ich wäre wirklich dankbar, wenn mir jemand helfen könnte, was ich unter bestimmten Umständen tun kann.
Moin zusammen, Ich bin mittlerweile im 3 Semester Informatik B. SC., hatte die letzte Zeit aber wieder viel um die Ohren und hatte ab dem 2. Semester sehr wenig Lust mehr aufs Studium. Mittlerweile bin ich bereit weiterzumachen, würde das Studium dafür im nächsten Wintersemester aber am liebsten einfach neu starten wollen (Ohne die paar Klausuren, die ich schon hinter mir hab natürlich). Was ist der beste Weg?
Hey zusammen,
ich habe nicht vor zu studieren, interessiere mich aber sehr für Informatik und würde mir gerne ein paar Vorlesungen der RWTH im Bereich Computer Science anschauen – einfach zum eigenen Selbststudium. Hat vielleicht jemand Zugriff auf aufgezeichnete Vorlesungen oder kennt entsprechende Ressourcen, die er mit mir teilen könnte?
Das Ganze ist nur für meinen privaten Gebrauch, um mich weiterzubilden. Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Hello , I am from Bangladesh and there is a severe visa issue going on here as delays occur , sometimes months , to get an appointment. So my question is, can I keep my admission even after the class starts and I cant arrive in Germany by then?
And If so, for how long can I do that ?
And What is the procedure I have to follow ?
Servus, ich überlege für meinen Maschinenbau Master nach Aachen zu wechseln. Weil mein Bachelor am KIT nur 6 Semester hat, müsste ich dann ja noch 30 Credits nachholen. Hat jemand eine Ahnung was für Fächer das sein könnten? Ich habe ursprünglich an der RWTH angefangen und 2-3 Fächer dort gemacht, die mir in Karlsruhe nicht angerechnet wurden, wie zum Beispiel KOE.
Moin, just wondering, werdet ihr derzeit auch unsäglich auf dem rwth Postfach zugespamt?
Wie kommts, sind doch normalerweise 2,80 oder?
hi, I am an international students who wants to study maschinenbau (not nc) at rwth aachen next year. I am also a non-EU so I have to make sure that my university entrance qualification in turkey is acceptable in Germany too. AndI know that I need to check that on Anabin.
My question is that I can see that my university in turkey is classified as acceptable in Germany (H+) on anabin, however, I can't see "mechanical engineering" under the abschlüssen section of my university on anabin even though my university is the best technical uni in turkey.
Do you know if that entrance qualification is still valid for rwth? thanks in advance :)