This subreddit is dedicated to the American Revolutionary War, which occurred between April 19, 1775 – January 14, 1784
Ipswich was one of the most important towns in Massachusetts in the 1700s. Its actions leading up to the Revolution are documented at https://historicipswich.net/2024/08/12/ipswich-and-the-breach-with-britain/
Hello everybody! Canadian here, I was wondering if anybody can help me with this, I'm building my family tree and have quite a few direct ancestors that lived in the US and fought in the revolutionary war. The person I'm most interested in is Sherburne Dearborn (2nd cousin of Major-General Henry Dearborn), he was an american patriot who fought in Starks regiment. He and his family lived and had a strong history in NH, between 1787 and 1815 they moved to vermont and between 1823 and 1831 they moved to Quebec Canada. If you fought for your country why move to the country with the people you were fighting? I've attatched some documents that people might be interested in. Any help or comments would be appreciated, I'm very interested in this topic and there aren't many people to talk about this, seeing as I live in Canada lol. note that he may have been a drummer, nothing is confirmed yet, ill have to do more research.
Been looking for some good books written during or immediately after the Revolutionary War, not sure where to look though. Obviously I know about Common Sense, but any others like that or more historical suggestions than just books written ABOUT The War?
Hi All!
Let me know if I should take my question elsewhere, but I feel this is the best place to start!
I'm doing a writing contest and I've been given some things I have to include.
The story must be Historical Fiction, there must be a fad included (the queue hairstyle and wigs), and one of the characters must be a pathological liar.
My idea is that Paul Revere is in the barber shop getting his head shaved, his queue tidied (tidy'd?) up, and engaging is some gossip.
Geno is his barber, Conrad (the comrade) is the shop wig expert and gossip, and Paul, is, well, he's Paul.
My question is what would be some absolute revolutionary bullshit gossip that Conrad could be talking about prior to him dropping the bomb about the British coming?
Paul may or may not make his ride based on his experience in this shop.
Hairstyles and wigs will need to be central to qualifying my story, so any tidbits about that would be amazing.
Having read several books on the Revo, I still find it hard to understand. I've always seen 2 reasons given: greed (Arnold was promised a fortune for West Point) and wounded pride. He was already wealthy, and while Arnold did endure several slights from a seemingly ungrateful government and military, it's not like he wasn't valued. Washington for instance was very fond of him and trusted his abilities.
And he appeared to be an ardent, selfless patriot. His conduct in the Battle of Quebec showed incredible bravery and willingness to put himself in harm's way in the front line, which he paid for with a severe injury. He then continued to risk his life at the 2 Battles of Saratoga, as when leading a charge on a fortified camp, which resulted in another potentially-fatal injury.
Few generals in the war had so thoroughly secured the trust, affection and respect of their men (if not the public or brass). It seems so strange that after sacrificing so much on their behalf, he would be willing to kill them in battle. AFAIK he had no love for the British empire anyway.
Are there any cool revolutionary war related sites to see within an hour of I-90 between Chicago and Buffalo? I’m driving to Buffalo this summer and want to visit some historical sites or otherwise relevant places. Thanks in advance!
I think this is a really detailed portrayal of colonial America. The casting, acting, score, costume and set design are incredible. I feel like they really care for the history. Just wanted to share this here. It’s streaming on HBO max starring Paul Giamatti. Really good
Going to the battle of Princeton reenactment what should I expect? What should I ask the living historians?
Hi everyone, my wife and I are trying to plan a trip to see as many revolutionary war related sites possible. Does anyone have any suggestions???
I used to work as both a historical tour guide and ghost tour guide in Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Jamestowne! As well as 400+ years born and raised in Virginian Revolutionary War Territory! Ask me anything!
I want to buy my parents a vacation for Christmas and haven't decided between Cowpens or Saratoga. I prefer the former cuz my dad has read more about it, but from what I've seen the Saratoga battlefield park looks more interesting.
How is the audio tour at CP? Does it show you where specific events happened?
Has the NPS tried to preserve the relatively open meadow with scattered trees? How's the museum in the visitor center?
Sorry for all questions. Any info y'all could give me (or on Kings Mtn) would be appreciated
Excuse the novice question here...But the colonists gratefully accepted help from the king during the 7 Years War, no? Was it that unreasonable for the colonists to feel they should reimburse for that?