
Photograph via snooOG

/r/Restoration is a community for anyone seeking restoration help, wanting to show off their restoration projects, or anything inbetween. The restoration can be anything from an antique to an engine.

The followings rules and etiquette should be followed when posting in this subreddit:

  1. If it is NSFW, label it as such!

  2. Don't spam the subreddit with anything unrelated.

  3. Trolling or insulting other users will not be tolerated.

Otherwise, welcome and have fun!

/r/Restoration is a community for anyone seeking resotration help, wanting to show off their restoration projects, or anything inbetween. The restoration can be anything from an antique to an engine.

The followings rules and etiquette should be followed when posting in this subreddit:

  1. If it is NSFW, label it as such!

  2. Don't spam the subreddit with anything unrelated.

  3. Trolling or insulting other users will not be tolerated.

Otherwise, welcome and have fun!


23,622 Subscribers


How to remove paint from chrome?

I have over spray on alot of my trim and chrome from a bad repair shop. How can I remove it without damaging anything?

1 Comment
23:06 UTC


NC-101X Receiver from ~1940 - unable to remove front dial

18:44 UTC


Repairing paint on a vintage sewing machine?

I got this Necchi BU Mira machine on FB Marketplace from a guy who services and sells vintage machines. He fixed it up so it runs great, but the paint is badly damaged. I'm not sure what kind of metal it is under the paint. It's ferrous, but has no sign of rust, so maybe it's galvanized? I'm sure someone here can tell me.

I'm crafty but have no experience with restoration. I have two goals:

  1. Cover/repair the chips in the sewing bed so that fabric doesn't snag on it.

  2. Protect the machine from corrosion/further damage.

I'm not really sure where to start. I'm looking for the solution that requires the least amount of specialized materials and has the machine usable as quickly as possible. I have visions of repainting just the damaged areas, perhaps in an artistic design, but I don't know if that's feasible.

I would love advice on:

-What materials to use

-What the procedure would be

-Where I could find additional resources that might be helpful

I'm located in Colorado, USA, in case that affects advice on materials. Thank you very much!

A rear view of the machine, an olive green sewing machine from the 1950s. There are large areas without paint in the sewing bed and on the back of the machine. The bare metal is dark and clean with no signs of corrosion. The edges of these areas have chips and paint lifting.

Top view of the machine showing minor damage--chips forming and paint lifting. Some of the paint is discoloring to a rusty orange.

17:52 UTC


Belt buckle restoration

I found these two belt buckles at a tag sale and was looking to restore them. I’m pretty sure they’re brass, but have some oxidation on them. Does anyone have a good suggestion for a solution to soak them in before I take a wire wheel to them? One of my first restoration projects of this type, so I’m open to any/every suggestion

21:49 UTC


What kit should I buy to clean up this lil boombox?

Looks like it was used as a radio on a construction site. Still works fine. No damage except light scratches and some of the chrome scratched off. But lots of dust and grime, some paint spots.

I'm a complete newbie and a bit worried about using any cleaning products that would damage the plastic or electronics. Aside from q-tips and a can of compressed air I'm not sure what to use. Dish soap? White spirit? WD40?

17:13 UTC


Mom photo

13:58 UTC


Photo restoration?

I remember a few years ago I was on a sub where Redditors would offer to restore damaged photos for a free or a “tip”. Can anyone on this sub help or direct me? I have a discolored/bleached photo of my mom (now deceased) from about 50 years ago that I’d like restored to full color. Thanks.

1 Comment
13:58 UTC


Jewelry box of doom!

Hi all, I have recently received a jewelry box from my mother that she has had since she was a child and as you can imagine, it is very dirty.

It looks asid the farnish that once covered it has cracked and is now trapping dust.

How do I property clean it without destroying the paintwork underneath

1 Comment
11:25 UTC


Apple cart parts

My humble 5 acres used to be the staple of a huge apple farm. I would like to remove the rust from these little artifacts as easily as possible on my own. I want to clean them up and spray paint them black and display them. How can I do this most easily?

I already soaked most of these pieces in a CLR mixture, but it didn't seem to do anything.

23:01 UTC


Match safe/Match dispenser restoration

15:56 UTC


cleaning/restoring a large cast iron storm grate (going to be used for a coffee table)

Dear restoration community,

I'm building a coffee table, made from reclaimed lumber and a cast iron storm grate (approximately 28 inches wide).

For illustration purposes, it is fairly ornate and looks very similar to this picture (except its square)


It's full of surface rust, and I'm asking for suggestions on how to clean it up. Due to all the ornate detail, its fairly impractical to manually clean (via wire brush, sand paper, etc.).

I was thinking of using a rust remover - something like Metal Rescue https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=FGOduNwX_Mg and chemically removing the surface rust.

I'm open to suggestions on how to protect - although Metal Rescue also has a sealer product as well.

Interested to hear your thoughts on this and thank you in advance for all the help

1 Comment
00:46 UTC


Removing Rust & A Huge Announcement! | BMW E30 325i Touring Restoration - Part 5

18:01 UTC


Anyone know how to fix this ercol table stain? TIA

14:24 UTC


Gameboy Pocket burnt screen restoration

07:25 UTC

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