Beautiful coral reef scenery
Nothing NSFW
Be kind to others
You may only upload images hosted on imgur, flickr, or wikimedia commons, or from educational websites (.edu) or government websites (.gov)
Include the location, if possible. If you don't know the location, please put "Location Unknown" in the title. (If you or another Redditor later identify the location, it can be posted in the comments.)
Include the resolution in brackets
If you were the one who took the picture, you may put an [OC] in the title. (Don't do this if you didn't actually take the picture!)
Videos and animated gifs are not allowed; still images only.
Submit only images of coral reefs; other types of images can go elsewhere. (Reef fish are an appropriate exception to this rule, as they can often be regarded as "just part of the scenery." If you're not sure, feel free to ask!) Check out r/EarthPorn. Even if your image doesn't fit there, they do have links to other places it might.
Hello! I am working on a startup concept for a marketing class where I need to get feedback from the saltwater community. Can you please help me? It takes about 3 mins to complete :) https://qualtricsxmtclp7gfdw.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6xlbgXNFp4IWJv0
I have a five gallon pico reef and I was wondering if I put in a bubble top anemone if it would eat my clown goby or my yasha goby. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
just got my package and found out its a kid in college doing this! Awesome product.
... Subject to redecoration by the Evil Dr. MegaCrab... ( The monster emerald I got from TG who swings his massive claw and takes out even the biggest frag just minding its own coral business...