
Photograph via snooOG

A place for Oklahoma's left to educate, agitate, and organize.

This is a place for Oklahomans of all socialist tendencies to organize.


74 Subscribers


Get The Internationalist No. 18!

Get Revolution No. 18, voice of the Revolutionary Internationalist Youth!

For copies send US$1 to: Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008, USA.

In this issue:

  • Why We Need a Socialist Revolution
  • "Africa Starved of Vaccines": An Imperialist Crime
  • How Cuba's Heroic "Wasp Network" Stung U.S.-Backed Counterrevolutionaries
  • Bernie Sanders and AOC Peddle Biden's Bitter Brew
  • In Memory of Joe Johnson (1948-2021)
  • Remembering Lil Joe
  • On Rejecting Anarchism and Joining RIY: Radicalized by George Floyd Protests
  • Response to "Left Voice" Supporters: Real Reds Don't Bow to Anti-Communist Bans
  • Forum on "Women, Class Struggle and Revolution"
  • Wash Supply Worker: "We Face Mistreatment and Discrimination"
  • Black Women Face Capitalism's Triple Pandemic
  • Bangladesh, Mexico, NYC: Women Workers in Struggle
  • CUNY Faculty and Staff Union Protests for Safe Reopening
  • A Review of Trotsky in New York 1917: "Bronx Man Leads Russian Revolution"


02:04 UTC


Marxism & Education on "Critical Race Theory" racist backlash

21:41 UTC


Get The Internationalist No. 59

Now available: The Internationalist No. 59. For copies, send $1 to: Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008.

Subscriptions are $10. You can subscribe on-line with a credit or debit card at http://www.internationalist.org/orderhere.html .
In this issue:

  • Coronavirus and Capitalism
  • En la hecatombe de la pandemia de COVID-19, los trabajadores luchan por su salud y seguridad
  • As the COVID-19 Pandemic Rages, Workers Fight for Health and Safety
  • Shut Down I.C.E. Jails Now!
  • U.S. Response to Coronavirus: China-Bashing and War Moves
  • Coronavirus Pandemic Ravages Italy, Overwhelms Capitalist Medical System
  • Let Cruise Workers Off Death Ships Now!
  • CSWP Calls for Workers Action in Coronavirus Crisis
  • UPS: No Safety, No Work!
  • L.A. Transit Workers Facing Deadly Conditions – It’s Up to Us to Fight for Health & Safety Now!
  • A Tale of Two Cities: Wuhan – New York
  • Some History Ex-Trotskyists Would Like to Keep Hidden

The Internationalist No. 59 front page

14:20 UTC


Get The Internationalist No. 51!

14:41 UTC


Get The Internationalist No. 50!

1 Comment
01:20 UTC


Education Cuts

Anyone else feeling the impact from Fascist Fallons bull shit? Meanwhile my classes are getting cramped with 40 people 4 day school weeks and shes renovating the fucking capital. Not to mention that shes lobbied by the private prison industrial complex. Is there any organizing what soever to counteract these measures which were caused by the lowered price of oil from foreign nations and Fallons puppet self?

20:33 UTC


What do you guys think of flyers?

Demonstration is obviously essential to our end goal, but I feel education should always come first. I think we should start a flyer campaign to clear up the common misconceptions about Socialism. I.e. "Did you know the National Socialist Party was actually fascist authoritarianism?" Or "did you know that many socialist theories have the end goal of a classless and STATELESS society?"

I just think that we'd gain more ground if people could see what we're actually about. The added bonus being that it would be less likely that people to misunderstand our protests.

19:00 UTC

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