
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the official subreddit for the rif is fun (formerly reddit is fun) Android app!

Welcome to the official subreddit for the "rif is fun for Reddit" (formerly "reddit is fun") Android app

Read the FAQ before posting a question!

How to make Reddit links open in RiF

Ideas or suggestions? Check out the Feedback Forum!

Click Here to use the Bug Report Submission Template

If the above link doesn't work, you can copy the template from here.

Beta testing opt-in:

Please wait a few hours after opting in for Google Play to send the beta version.

Free version: Google Play / Amazon Appstore

Golden platinum version: Google Play / Amazon Appstore

/r/redditisfunthemes for theme design/development discussion.

Note: If your submission fails to appear, it may have been temporarily filtered until it can be manually reviewed as part of an anti-spam measure. If you do not see your post appear within 8 hours, please message the moderators.


51,546 Subscribers


Thank you everyone. /r/redditisfun going Restricted

The blackout is starting so this subreddit will be Restricted. Thank you everyone. Watching everyone come together is so incredible and means everything to me and the other app developers.

It gives me hope for Internet communities, watching all these completely disparate groups come together for a common purpose. And guess what: it has nothing to do with this platform we're on. It has to do with the people. You. Us.

Websites come and go all the time. Yet we'll always find each other, somehow.

I have hope for the future. You have all reminded me how that feels, like never before. Thank you.

05:28 UTC


The statistics of how much content on reddit goes dark

05:12 UTC


Thank you for making one of the world's greatest reddit apps

I don't know what I'll do , the official app sucks so much ass , Reddit has really outdone themselves.

10+ years using reddit is fun

05:04 UTC


Thank you for 10 years rif

It's a shame it had to come to this.

04:16 UTC


Is there a way to transfer RIF "viewed" purple links to the official reddit app?


03:59 UTC


So long and thanks for all the fish

03:58 UTC


Thank you all for everything. rif is reddit.

I ve been using only rif for more than a decade and I would like to express my sadness right now. Good times will soon be gone.

03:57 UTC


Like losing a friend.

After perhaps 10 years, it's really like losing something I used a lot everyday. Thanks for the app, and thanks, reddit peeps. It's been something, all the way from the narwhal baconing until now. I'll miss everything. Goodnight and good luck.

03:52 UTC


Thank you for all of your hard work. Long time user first time thank you, I'm sorry about that.

Fuck u/Spez

03:31 UTC


So long and thanks for all the fish!

There were plenty of lulz too.

03:29 UTC


Thanks for everything. I'm out.

Reddit was fun

u/spez would've prosecuted Aaron

03:20 UTC


Thanks for everything

I think I've been using reddit is fun for about 6 or 7 years now. I've experienced so much through this app. I have hundreds of screenshots of this beautiful UI all through my phone, so the memories will live on.

No other app has made browsing this website so easy and clean. Absolutely devastated about the API changes - not even sure I'll bother with reddit once this app goes dead.

Thanks for all your hard work over the years. You never asked me for a penny, and you always provided an amazing service.

All the best to you xx

1 Comment
03:11 UTC


Thank you, RIF

punch chop ossified mindless innocent direction absorbed capable wrench mysterious

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact

02:39 UTC


My last post

This account was created using this app. Thanks for the decade of fun. When this app is unusable I will no longer be a redditor. I made sure to purchase the premium version when I found out about it. Goodbye everyone!

Thank you RiF

02:17 UTC


It was good while it lasted

I only used 2 3rd party apps including Reddit is fun but it was great while it lasted, I'ma see y'all in 2 months. Reddit is no longer fun

1 Comment
01:59 UTC


An Ode to Reddit

In the realm of cyberspace, where minds convene, A digital tapestry of stories unseen. There stood a platform, vibrant and vast, Where Redditors gathered, their voices amassed.

But lo, one day, a mysterious plight, Befell the site, casting shadows of blight. Reddit, the haven, went silent, offline, Leaving its users in turmoil, in a bind.

The forums grew quiet, no comments to share, No upvotes or downvotes, no memes to declare. Gone were the debates, the lively discourse, As if the internet had lost its own source.

No more r/AskReddit, with queries profound, Or r/worldnews, where truth could be found. r/funny and r/pics, a laughter-filled space, All now suspended, in digital grace.

Subreddits once teeming with tales of delight, Their stories and anecdotes, vanished from sight. The camaraderie, the sense of community, Lost in the void, a digital immunity.

The karma remained, mere numbers on a screen, A reminder of a platform that once had been. But without its heartbeat, its pulse of connection, The absence of Reddit cast a somber reflection.

Yet, amid the darkness, a glimmer of hope, For communities thrive where shadows elope. Redditors united, sought new avenues, From Discord to Twitter, they'd find their own muse.

The web may have faltered, but hearts still beat strong, As Redditors carried their passion along. They formed new alliances, rebuilt the bond, In subreddits anew, their stories spawned.

And so, the tale of Reddit's offline plight, Revealed the resilience within the online fight. For even when platforms fade into the night, The human spirit shall find a way to ignite.



1 Comment
01:40 UTC


Thank you for 10 years rif. You were a beacon of sincerity in an ocean of ad riddled monstrosities.

What's next for rif devs? Do you have a discord to follow? Please don't go 😢🫂

01:37 UTC


Honestly I'll stick around but moderation will suffer

I've been trying the official reddit app and I'm posting from it now (can't find the damn Flair options). The one thing I'll say is moderation is SO MUCH HARDER here.

Moderators are the giant unpaid workforce of Reddit and this is such a giant fuck you.

Never expect me to work in Reddits interests again. I'll try help my sub but if I it's ever about reddit instead of people... yeah they can fuck off.

I expect moderation quality to go down and I have no issues saying why.

01:12 UTC


Why don't we pay for our own usage?

Im sad it's come to this where a place I've been for almost half my life is going away. The internet of my youth is gone and with it the magic it once brought with it.

However nothing in this world is free. Instead of just letting RIF die why not pass the cost on to users. Yes the API pricing is excessive and reddit has made choices to only increase that cost. But on the other hand the joy and knowledge reddit has given me for basically nothing is huge.

Why not add a setting that lets users who want to pay for it add their own API key? This way rif can continue like it is. I have no idea how many API requests I use per month. But I don't actually browse that much. So 50c a month seems reasonable for the information and resources reddit gives me.

Hopefully others agree and we don't have to loose everything.

00:58 UTC


Thanks for the six great years.

RiF was amazing. Bought it in December 2016.

Thank you for everything.

00:41 UTC


Thank you

Long time lurker on reddit. My comments are far and few between. RIF has been an essential part of my life for so long. I credit it to the fact that it helped me branch out my hobbies and taught me many self learned skills that helped me broaden my person.

I'm not going to lie, this loss is devastating to me. I use it for everything from NSFW, to news, to product reviews, to learning more about any variety of subject matter I am interested in. When the official reddit app came out, I tried it for a few hours. I uninstalled a few hours later and vowed never again to use such a hot piece of flaming, cancer producing, rat riddled, cockroach infested garbage again.

Again, I don't like posting, but I want to thank the developer for everything they have done. If it weren't for RIF, I would never have used reddit at all. I was tempted to pay the 50 dollars a year to just bite the bullet and keep using reddit as "normal", but in light of recent developments, I cannot stay on a platform that acts not only in the interest of greed, but malevolence against it's communities.

I don't know where I am going from here, but I think it will be a combination of 4chan and RSS feeds. I recently deployed FreshRSS for this purpose and will find a suitable app to keep up with general information. If there are any more recommendations, please tell me.

I want my very last act as a redditor to be something that violates rule #1 of lurking: Just browse, don't comment.

1 Comment
00:07 UTC


Is it worth it to keep the app without nsfw?

I would love to keep using RIF to browse reddit as it is by far the best way to use the website on mobile and was thinking of other options besides shutting it down...

Would it be possible to have the app without NSFW and with a paid subscription?

Without NSFW subs the traffic would reduce significantly which would lessen the API requests dramatically also if improvements in efficiency were added it could be a viable option to keep RIF live.

I really like reddit and some of the communities I use and it would be tough to quit or have to move to the reddit app.

Thanks for all the effort over the years anyway?

23:58 UTC


Goodbye and godsend, my friends.

I delete the app after this post. After so many years and so many accounts, I no longer ever use Reddit by PC, few do. Now that RIF is dying, I will hold her hand and we'll walk into forever together. Good luck to those of you who remain, I hope the sacrifice we make has a positive impact on your experience here. I'll never know, lol. Good luck, goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!

1 Comment
23:10 UTC


Thank you ❤

Like many others RiF has been a part of my life for 10 years or more. It's always there whenever I need it. I use it a lot. I just can't imagine life without it.

Wanted to post something before the blackout.

1 Comment
22:35 UTC


Mass saving posts?

Is there a way to mass download all my saved posts with RIF? I use RIF's function rather than Reddit's, so I can't use their save function.

22:32 UTC


Crazy times.

/r/videos set to private

22:23 UTC


Thanks for All of It, RiF

You're a real one.

1 Comment
21:57 UTC


My last post on reddit, thx for the wonderful app

20:10 UTC

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