
Photograph via snooOG

This is a community for Redditors that are starting to get that "get off my lawn" feeling whenever they check their front page. So come in, have some fun, and enjoy the Reddit discussions that you remember from years past.


This is a community for Redditors that are starting to get that "get off my lawn" feeling whenever they check their front page.

Sure, we may still play video games, but most of us have no clue how to play Pokemon. And we may still go to school, but our last high school final was many moons ago.

But this isn't a sub solely for serious, adult discussion, either. We have great senses of humor. We just don't rely on using memes and rage comics to prove it to each other. And we don't do pun threads...

So come in, have some fun, and enjoy the Reddit discussions that you remember from years past.

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We don’t eventually start wearing old people clothes - it’s just that the clothes we’ve always worn become each generation’s “old” style

Here I was swearing all my life that I’d never start dressing like an old person, but little did I realize that your existing style eventually just becomes your generation’s “old people” style.

And that’s fine 😁

00:58 UTC


End of life: advice on capturing last chance things

23:47 UTC


Girlfriend and I are thinking about moving from our home state

Hey hope everyone is doing well, as the title says we are thinking about moving. We have been together for almost 4 years we are both 20. We have been traveling for about two years now , 3 countries 5 cities. Im just wondering how has moving been for those who moved states? I am a little nervous about leaving my mom and little brother here where I currently am. Backstory ( my little brother doesn’t have a father ) so I been trying to be a good role model while here so that’s really my only worry. My other family do their own thing so it’s not really on my mind.

My gf and I have the same goals on what we want in life. She is currently in nursing school she graduates in two years meanwhile I am a truck driver. We are either thinking about Virginia, Georgia , north or South Carolina. Those who know any info on those states please help as far as laws, wages for our profession, cost of living, nice county to live in etc.

For those who moved states and was nervous about leaving something behind please help also. Thank you in advance I appreciate it!!

23:35 UTC


Has anyone switched from progressive lenses to bi- or tri- focals with lines?

I've always splurged for progressive lenses in the past, but they're so freaking expensive with my insurance that I put off replacing them much longer than I should. The old-school kind will save me hundreds of dollars.

Are the lines that big a deal? Do you stop noticing them after a while? Or will I regret it?

21:51 UTC


I could use some guidance.

I could use some guidance and perspective. Below is some context and background information.

TLDR: Divorce (no kids) and navigating professional changes. Do I take a new job or not?

29F. Born and raised abroad. Expatriate parents that work in international business, so in many ways, I had privileged upbringing. However, I was also diagnosed with an autoimmune condition as a toddler, resulting in years of chemotherapy, immunotherapy infusions, and numerous reconstructive joint surgeries throughout my childhood and adolescence. Battling experiences like paralysis and chemotherapy at such a young age kept me from turning into a spoiled little brat, and taught me to work hard, how to be disciplined, not to take your health for granted, and to never give up on yourself, among many other valuable life lessons.

Against all medical and statistical odds, I still managed to thrive: college, travel, etc. Shortly after completing my studies (business), I got hired at a prestigious tech company. Met my (at the time) husband through mutual friends while working there. I spent almost two years working at that company. Six years ago, we moved from the west coast to the east coast. I've continued working in technology, albeit in the financial services industry, at a large bank. I've dabbled across numerous job functions at the company, and will soon be coming up on six years at my current employer.

To make a long story short, my husband and I are currently getting divorced, and have now been separated about seven months. What I thought was simply a short temper, turned into serious anger issues. What I thought were simply pack-rat tendencies, turned into a full-fledged hoarding problem. What I thought was simply enjoyment of a few drinks, turned into full-blown alcoholism. What I thought was simply a challenging transition out of the military, turned into 5+ years of chronic unemployment, despite him being healthy and able-bodied. What I thought was simply a need to better understand personal finances, turned into SUBSTANTIAL financial irresponsibility. And about eleven months ago, unfortunately, his anger escalated to a physical level, and left me fearing for my life and safety. This wasn't the first time he'd gotten physically aggressive or forceful, he had a history of throwing objects and things, and on several occasions, I had sustained injuries from his physical aggression with objects. However, in this particular instance, I saw his hands fly towards my face and neck, and, well, let's just say my life effectively flashed before my eyes. That was basically my last straw.

Thankfully, we never had children, so it's been an 'easier' break than if we did have children. 90% of the divorce process is complete, all the paperwork stuff has been completed, just waiting on a hearing, and for a judge to stamp his/her gavel and make it official. Hearing is in a few weeks. Life has exponentially improved since I left him, in so many ways. I sold the house we lived in and earned a modest but healthy profit, found myself a beautiful condo, I went on two fabulous and restorative vacations, my finances are in better shape than they ever were while married to him, my migraines have completely disappeared, I'm re-connecting with both old and new friends, I'm re-discovering my own hobbies and interests, and overall just learning how to embrace the art of investing in my own health, wellbeing, and sanity. I'm also still in therapy, and have been for over a year now.

The issue (and reason why I'm posting) is my job. Long story short? I feel like I've peaked or reached a plateau, so to speak. Like many companies, there's been a TON of turnover the past few years. I've mostly worked under and with fabulous peers and leaders in my (almost) six years here, but my most recent set of two managers, who I've been reporting to for about six months now, are AWFUL. I'm back to crying in the bathroom stall on practically a daily basis. My employer has also become INCREDIBLY hostile towards people with disabilities or medical conditions. I've been jumping through their absurd administrative bureaucracy since autumn of 2021 in terms of WFH vs. hybrid vs. RTO. The commute SUCKS, it's about 90 minutes each way by car. I've started taking the train, which cuts down on some costs, such as gas, tolls, time behind the wheel, wear and tear on the car, etc. The work itself is no longer fulfilling. Half my workload/book of work is incredibly repetitive year over year for three years now, and a newer portion of my book of work makes me want to shove toothpicks through both my eyeballs, and is also fairly repetitive.

For anyone that takes Amtrak, you know cost of tickets can fluctuate significantly. I've done the math, and I'm probably spending (more or less) about $75-$100 per week on transit costs, give or take. RTO policy = 3 days per week. There's also tax implications. The state I live in vs. work in don't share tax reciprocity. I've had to pay an additional $502 per month to the state I work in, in addition to state taxes in my own residential state, as well as obviously federal taxes. Put another way: if I were to take a new job within the state lines of where I live, or even THREE other bordering states (which DO share tax reciprocity with my residential state), even if my salary were to stay exactly the same as it is now, I would still see an additional $502 per MONTH in my pocket, because I'd no longer have to pay taxes to the state I currently work in. $502 per month = $6,024 per year. Now multiply that by 5+ years, and that = over $30,000 paid in additional taxes.

They say not to make any drastic changes or decisions during the first year following major life changes, such as death or divorce. I'm about seven (almost eight) months into separation. I REALLY want to make a professional change, but the ongoing layoffs across so many companies has me TERRIFIED to jump ship right now. My brain plays a masterful "what if?" game.

What say you, fellow grown-ups and adults? I'd love any guidance or insight.

20:42 UTC


Keep losing contract roles

I keep taking contract roles and they end up not lasting.

These are higher paying jobs billed at $105,000+. Im 33 and have been in my field pre- and post-grad school for 2.5 years.

I have terrible feelings about them but I need the money. Last one, took 3+ months from interview to start date and the agency would call me incessantly when they needed something then ghost me when I had a question and wouldn’t reimburse me for my drug test.

How do I break this cycle? A new career? Hold out for a proper in-house role? It’s extremely competitive and it’s shifting heavily towards contracts.

Idk what to do. Sometimes it’s me, many times it’s absolutely not. This is the second role in a year after being laid off from my full-time role following a private equity acquisition in late 2022. It’s been such a roller coaster. I just want normalcy.

20:19 UTC


What emerging star do you enjoy seeing their fast rise?

13:31 UTC


What's the most expensive thing you regret buying?

I'd say, as a whole, probably clothes / shoes, for me. And "health/wellness" electronics are a close second. I don't need that towel warmer or most of the kitchen appliances.

12:13 UTC


Best materials for TKR

I'm 41 years old and I'm considering a TKR for my left leg.
What is the best materials used today for longevity.

I want my TKR to last for hopefully for 20 or maybe even more.
I will not play contact sports, I just want my life back.

For a couple of days I have been consulting ChatGpt & Gemini on this subject but now I want someone with actual knowledge to advice me.

Gemini says that - materials like (Ceramic) or (Oxinium - Zirconium dioxide) are very Wear Resistant.
What is the difference between these materials and (Highly Cross-Linked Polyethylene - UHMWPE) ?

Someone also told me there is something called a (Sport Model TKR) that has the best materials.
Does anyone know anything about this?

08:31 UTC


It appears to me that the younger generations are more aware of mental health concerns, than us older generations

The 20 and 30 year olds are always citing mental health issues for why they are doing poorly in school, or work, or just in life in general. My generation (Baby Boomer). would never cite mental health as a reason for not getting a job done, or why we were doing poorly in school, or why we were having issues with our significant other. When things got tough you were told to suck it up and power through. Are younger generations being taught to recognize mental health issues and to address them? Or is this just a convenient crutch?

03:52 UTC


My home is no longer my comfortable safe space

About a year ago I became friends with "Amy." She's a single mom and literally the nicest person you will ever meet, but unfortunately has terrible taste in men. All of her relationships have been with emotionally abusive and controlling men that she will stick it out with for years before she (at least in one instance) literally escapes.

She recently got out of another bad relationship and literally 2 days later met a new man that she decided is her soulmate. A couple of weeks after that she was set to house-sit for us, so I asked her not to give her new BF our address since we (and really she) don't know him and hadn't met him yet. She said that wasn't a problem and she completely understood.

We were gone for 2 weeks and I met up with her when we got back to catch up. She eventually said her BF dropped her child off at our house after school. I didn't say anything since it seemed like it was unavoidable since neither Amy nor her child drives. I didn't think about it until later that I live 2 miles from her kid's school, and her kid takes the public bus to school every morning...

One week later, so about a month and a half into them being together, Amy tells me her BF found a house ON MY STREET that he wants them to move into. They just met. Her kid has been through all of these other abusive relationships with her, but she's rushing headfirst into a brand new one with a dude she barely knows, that from what she's telling me, sounds like he's love-bombing her. Also, he lives in a SUPER nice neighborhood and mine has dogs in almost every home because the ones that don't will definitely be broken into. When she told me I was kinda speechless and have just kind of kept my distance.

IDK what to do. Maybe this dude actually is great for her, but I'm freaked the fuck out that as soon as he comes to my house he decides to move there with her. Oh, and I also found out that she gave out our address to my friend to drive her kid home. She didn't tell me about that, I only found out because he was like, "hey, I was at your house!" There's no way she knew he was my friend because I hadn't spoken to him in a few years before he told me she gave him my address. So IDK who else she gave my address out to.

All of this makes me nervous because, again, it's not the safest area, but not the worst, but also she just immediately trusts everyone and gets taken advantage of a lot. So I'm worried not only about who might think she/her kid lives at our home and just shows up, I'm also worried about her just showing up at any time since she now lives basically next door with a guy she's now known for 3 months.

I'm debating whether I tell her I'm incredibly uncomfortable with this situation and I'm out, or if I suck it up because we're neighbors now, and given her propensity to make it work even when shit gets real bad, we'll probably be neighbors for a very long time...

01:11 UTC


Coming here to vent I guess. Advice or anything else is welcome

For context, I’m very happily engaged and getting married next month. Me and my fiancé have been dating for 3 years and living together for a year. I love her with everything and I’m so excited to get married. For the past few months I’ve been having dreams of my ex that cheated on me multiple times 5 years ago. Every time I have these dreams I wake up with a strange feeling of missing her and I can’t get her off my mind. And when I do move past it I’ll have a dream that restarts the process. She was my first love, but she also hurt me more than anyone. It doesn’t make me second guess anything with my current relationship but it does make me feel almost guilty for the feelings that come up

19:24 UTC


How many Reddit accounts do you think lie about who they are etc?

I am wondering how many pretend to be someone they are not, like a different gender, age etc? Or how many accounts that make fake life stories posts etc. E.g sometimes when you post a post asking for advice and then you get comments from some people who tell you ‘their life story’ and it doesn’t really Seem right and you then check their profile and alot of stuff is contradicting against their stories. Or just in general people who post their life stories on advice subreddits.

18:54 UTC


"Everyone there is super friendly, but nobody is looking to make new friends"

Heard this the other day from a relative talking about the midwestern city where he used to live. He really liked a lot about the place, and I suspect he'd still live there if he and his family had made some close friendships. He put it down to everyone is super friendly because it's the midwestern culture, but nobody is looking to make a new friend because everyone grew up locally and has lots of family and long-time family friends and school friends and work friends already.

I think a lot about this sort of question because I'm thinking about where to move to after kids have left school, and I feel like where I live now the vibe is "some people are slightly friendly, but nobody is looking to make new friends." I want to live where people are friendly and it's not unusual for people to be making new friends, but I'm not really sure that's a thing that exists. Maybe this means a place that lots of new people move to? It surely means a place that has lots of community activities and clubs and social groups. I dunno, wondering if people think that there's really that much difference between different regions of the country, different cities, different types of cities? Maybe this is just how it is in adulthood, everywhere?

[edit] Okay, I'm coming to some conclusions -- or maybe developing some theories would be a better way to say it:

  1. There are places where people are going to be nicer to you, and places where they'll be less nice to you.
  2. Pretty much everywhere it's the case that it's hard to make friends as an adult, without the natural "friendship incubator" that school provides.

(2a) Everywhere there are people who are "friend rich" and not thinking about taking on new friendships.
(2b) Everywhere there are people who are "friend poor" and are interested in making new friendships.
3. Developing adult friendships benefits from access to "friendship incubators" -- community activities, clubs, social groups, community events, recreational sports leagues -- where the "friend poor" can find each other and can spend enough time together to begin to progress towards friendship
(3a) Some places are rich in these sort of resources, which makes these places good for developing new adult friendships.
(3b) Some places are lacking in these sort of resources, which leaves friendmaking as a more difficult endeavor.

So I guess the trick, for someone like me who is open to moving and wants social and friendship opportunities, is to pay attention to which places have lots of friendship-incubator type stuff ... and it wouldn't hurt if it's one of those places where people present as super nice, but that's less important than having opportunities to meet and mingle with other friend-poor folks.


16:58 UTC


What specific accent can people correctly peg you as ?

Not just general American, British or Aussie but specific to a region like Great Lakes accent, or from Liverpool area, Melbourne , Southern Ontario etc.

13:31 UTC


When it's time to tighten your budget, what are some things you cut back on first?

11:06 UTC


34F,49M Constant Reiterating

We've been together a year now, we don't live together, we see each other several times a week. I've noticed a repeat of stories, not only ones from the past but things that recently happen as well, typically when they directly involve him. I will say things like, "I remember you told me about this yesterday". He'll typically reply saying he remembers, and then continues to tell me the same story again 🤷🏼‍♀️ What do I do? How would you approach it?

04:57 UTC


Eat your carrots Mrs. Barbara

03:10 UTC


Two story townhome- 1 HVAC, one portable AC unit

We live in a small townhouse, and with AEP rising its prices, I want to be able to save some money, if possible. We have 4 animals, so leaving the AC uncomfortably high is not a choice, and I hate being hot, especially at night.

Personally, I do not spend a lot of time during the day upstairs, but my husband does when he is home studying. He never complains, but when I come up at night it feels like it’s 500 degrees. And vise versa, if I am sleeping I like it cold, and what I think is comfortable is freezing my husband half to death if he’s downstairs.

Our main system is an HVAC unit. We bought a portable unit last year because I had to have it freezing to sleep at night due to a medicine I was on.

So, this year…. Would it be cheaper to run both all day and night, with a two degree difference? I must mention my husband will not be home most of may, July, and August, but cannot leave my animals in the heat. Or should I only run the portable unit at night still, with a 2 or 3 degree difference?

02:33 UTC


Is it time to break up.

Hello. Both my partner and I are 40 and have been together nearly 3 years. We have different political beliefs, mostly democratic vs repubican, different religious beliefs even though we are both Christian. For example he doesn't like to celebrate holidays and I do.

I've been married before and he's never had a longstanding relationship until now. He lives at home, no debt, I live alone, lots of debt/bills. He wants to be Celebate until marriage and I am ok with that but I need a deadline of sorts so I'm not left hanging into indefinite oblivion. He's fine going out to eat every weekend as our date and I like to.mix it up by going to plays or concerts or something. He'd be fine never going because "he's a man and those are 'gay'".

At my age and with certain medical concerns I want to be on the road to having a child either naturally or by adoption. Both take time and risk goes up as we get older. He'll say things like oh people in the Bible had baby's old. My opinion is that is selfish and I want time and a vital life with my child. He says if I want to adopt, he won't stand in my way. But if I'm planning a life separate from him what's the point of keeping him around?

I want the life I feel that I was robbed from in ways with my previous marriage. He's in no hurry. I don't want to force anyone to be ready when they aren't. But I have to know if this relationship is worth waiting for.

If I meet someone else im not sure they'd accept certain things the way he does and yet I need more action and less words. He doesn't like to plan things, which leaves me to do all the work. He will pay for things and drives albeit complaining if he doesn't want to really do it. If I do something for him in support I don't ruin the day by complaining, I go in support.

Is there something I need to do different? Should we be more in sync? Should I stay and see where this goes or should I just go solo?

I don't have the heart to leave and I do love him and I know he loves me, but I'm so tired of raising grown men. I pray but I just don't know what to do. Would I be trading mediocre for worse? Should I appreciate what I have and realize nothing is perfect? Should I go day by day. Have an ultimatum? Separate for a while?

He assured me that he wants to move forward but again these are just words. Please help me.

23:26 UTC


What to do when elderly parent declines help?

Hi All,

Anyone dealing with an elderly parent who is difficult and just stopped caring? Well, in my situation my mother has been declining my calls and any type of invite I have sent her way. I understand she’s dealing with depression and anger issues. She’s not in the healthiest of states mentally or physically. She’s also declining mental health help. Anybody got any advice on how to help someone who just blocks all aid extended to them ?

19:53 UTC


What was the most fun you have had at a house party while you were over the age of 25?

19:52 UTC


Making CLOSE friends as an adult

I was thinking about how people often say it's hard to make friends. And I don't know about other people, but when I talk about it, what I really mean is that I want close friends.

I would say I do have friends. But don't really have people I just go out with or have over. We see each other through local organizations (a common suggestion I often see being made), and that's pretty much it. We sometimes meet outside those things, but it's rare. The close friends I do have are all far away.

One thing I will say is that a lot of people seem to have made close friends in their teens and twenties. I think that's often who gets prioritized, especially once people go through major life changes and can't socialize as freely anymore. Which makes sense! Of course you'll prioritize close friends of 10, 20 years. But if you didn't make a lot of friends in your teens and twenties, and/or they aren't local, that leaves you in a social lurch, unless you live somewhere with a lot of transplants.

I also feel like people who have kids socialize with them more than previous generations, and that may be another part of it. A lot of my friends and family with kids don't seem to do anything outside of said kids - or vice versa, honestly. And I'm not even talking preschool age, I'm talking friends with preteens and teens. They even go to birthday parties. Whereas at least with my parents, there was family time and there was time they'd have with their friends, and I'd be with mine. It's very much not like that now, which is fine, things change, but that does make it harder.

I'm curious for other people's opinions.

18:15 UTC


Should I move back home?

I am 23F. I just graduated from college, and I have been working full time for a year now. I live in Philly and I love living in a big city. However I am very indecisive. My lease will be up in July and I'm debating whether I should move back home or not. I have a job right now and the pay is okay... It could be better. I make about 42.5k which is meh. I'm looking for a new job. I have fun out here, but my whole family is in NJ about an hour away from me. I love the freedom I have right now, and how close everything is, and the people I know out here but I'm tired of paying bills. If I move back home I can have a little break from working, and be closer to family. Also the neighborhood I live in now isn't the best. My family lives in a very nice neighborhood in a big house. What should I do. I'm open to providing more context if needed.

14:27 UTC


Has anyone noticed this trend, seemingly happy couples that get divorced as soon as their kids move out and they become empty nesters?

I know four couples where this has recently happened. All of them appeared to have good marriages and happy families but after 25-30 years of marriage they split when the kids left home.

13:55 UTC


I need help devising strategies for helping adult children struggling with poverty

So I have a situation and need some guidance on how to navigate this... And I would particularly appreciate insight from not only anyone who has faced similar issues but from those who may be / have been in situations like my kids and can provide advice on things that would _actually_ help in real life.

Here's the fundamental question from below, posted up front: "How do I develop a strategy that enables me to support the family members I love without losing my ability to take care of myself in retirement and not be a burden to them?"

I'm the highest earner that I know of in my family. Middle aged, currently living in a LCOL making about 4x or more the local median household income with an incredibly stable and rewarding government job as well as pension income streams. It took a long time to get to this point but right now Life Is Good(TM) overall. My girlfriend is also financially independent with no kids of her own and we travel several times a year. I invest heavily and while I'm not wealthy by any stretch I am on track to have a very comfortable retirement. Basically I'm on the lower end of HENRY: High Earner, Not Rich Yet.

I have 3 kids: one mine and two step kids from my late wife. None were raised by me, mine was raised by a very dysfunctional ex and my late wife's kids were grown when we met. All are adults at least 30 and due to an age difference between my wife and I her two kids are not far behind me in age.

The issue is all 3 kids have struggled their entire lives and in many ways barely make it. All of them are genuinely good people, very kind hearted and supportive of others, and all of them want to make their own lives better. Two of them have worked for two decades straight in basic customer service type roles, with one branching out to start their own small sole proprietorship in a service industry but is struggling significantly. All of them are barely making ends meet and at various times each needs financial help. One had a string of major health issues and a marriage breakdown resulting in divorce and a short stay at a psychological hospital. This one recently quit their job after over a decade there because the only option left for them at that job after a restructuring was to go back to "content moderation" ie monitoring social media sites for torture videos, child abuse porn etc all day every day which has already caused severe PTSD among many other issues from previously working in that role. Another has never had a job due to severe dysfunction growing up but is very self-aware and has made great strides in working on themselves, becoming a far more stable and mature person but this one and their partner are stuck in a terrible location in a remote state with essentially no infrastructure support, no transportation of their own to make it to a job (they spend hundreds a month on Lyft) and surrounded by a culture that is largely hostile to their very existence. While I sit here comfortably and spend time learning how to grow my net worth they worry about things like how to make it to the next payday and not being the victims of hate crimes while walking to the corner store. They all want to take care of themselves and do better, but are stuck in this cyclical system. The one who has never had a job has tried to apply for state benefits but they have a work requirement, and when they asked how to satisfy that with no transportation and no infrastructure they were told "that's your problem."

I love all 3 of them so much and help them. For example I am paying for the divorce for the one along with paying off their credit card. For the sole proprietor I paid for their studio lease for a while to help them get going. I've sent money to each for various things etc.

My fundamental issue is this: **How do I develop a strategy that enables me to support the family members I love without losing my ability to take care of myself in retirement and not be a burden to them?** I'm a big believer in the philosophy that you can't care for others if you aren't taking care of yourself first. But I'm in a situation where I need to find ways to help them but if I just blindly throw money at the problem then I may risk creating the situation where I am dependent on them in my elderly years when they are constantly in survival mode themselves. Yet if I don't help them they will always remain in survival mode while I prosper, which is completely morally unacceptable to me. And the end result is they will be wholly dependent on _me_ in retirement, at which point in theory I should have a higher net worth and be able to better absorb it and perhaps help them more, but at the same time intentionally waiting until then just continues to cause them harm now.

I struggle with finding the balance ie should I just send them each a fixed amount each month for a year or two or three? But if I do that then I'm diluting the impact I could have on them in specific situations such as paying for the divorce for one, and planning to buy a reliable vehicle and planning a move to a more supportive state for the other, etc. The idea is that those are "more impactful" ways I can help. But economic studies have often found the best way to impact someone in poverty is to just give them some money to spend as they need. So I'm stuck trying to figure out the "best" way to help each, and as a fallback just resort to customizing my assistance to each based on their need.

I am 100% committed to helping each of them and my objective is to help lift each of them to at minimum a higher level of self-sustainment and ideally at least some level of prosperity. This will also necessarily include helping them obtain training to improve their job opportunities as well.

How do I develop a strategy to achieve that without putting myself in the situation of becoming a burden to them later in life myself?

Thanks for any and all advice. I have to go to work but will try to check in periodically when I can.

13:55 UTC


Who was the last person from your distant past to reach out?

And what was the reason?

13:32 UTC


Do People Still Get Married Young? (17-20)

My grandparents on my mother’s side got married right out of high school at 18 grandfather and 19 grandmother respectively. He was going to serve in the Korean War and didn’t know what would happen so he and his sweetie went to the local Justice of the Peace and got hitched in front of family a week before he shipped off just in case.

I know a few couples who got married at 17 and 18. They didn’t “do anything” beforehand if you will. They just dated and fell in love, got their parents’ blessing had a wedding the whole nine yards and tied the knot.

I’m curious: is this as common as it seems like it was back in the 40s/50s/60s (that’s the decade or era most of these couples i know were married in)?

My folks got married in their early 20s and my siblings all did the same. Early 20s. I’m still single for now myself but these random questions pop into my head and I’m curious if this is still as much of a thing to get married while in your teens as it seems to have been back in those days.

On the flip side, I know two couples in my life who didn’t get married until their 40s and one of said couples had kids “late” so their kids are just now married off but they’re both just hitting their 70s.

Or is it more common for people to wait til later in life (20s/30s or later) nowadays because they want to experience other things first as a single?

13:18 UTC


Growing up means Accepting to live with Pain?

There’s indeterminable amount of pain in life it can be from minor inconveniences and Long term trauma.

There’s pain in thinking Why I didn’t do well in my Physical wellness journey which trickles down to my mental and social health.

I sought therapy last aka EMDR for Past trauma It was so painful that I have to accept and live with the things that cause me pain from past that I decided against taking it again all this while I cope by avoiding and when I avoid for too long. The very next day I get a reality check that fortune favours those who get OVER it.

Now getting over means develop a good story for yourself to make belief.

I will give you examples over what causes pain

  1. Long term life trauma from loss of loved ones
  2. Loss of platonic friendship which just turned sideways as my friend climbed social ladders
  3. The pain of remaining in the states to use the above reasons of not being able to do better
  4. The pain of being in a cult/Sect/religion I never associated or got along with it

Now the problem here is how do I learn to grow over these things I really treasured in life I am about to Soon spend 3 decades on this earth. Nothing feels of value sometimes I feel like I am trying to run in a gerbil wheel of survival while depriving myself of the key to escape as I try to hold the pain deep in my heart and avoid accepting it

What does acceptance imply?

Does it mean I forgive myself and past or just accept that is something which impact

All this often comes to me as an avalanche of emotional baggage some days it causes me extreme pain which I try to cope by adopting new hobbies or sticking to old not so helpful coping

No matter what I do it seems like these experiences are imprinted in me but at the same time I want to believe that I have to find a way identify these experiences as my strengths and not feel any lesser….

But it seems like everybody else has it figured out when I try to assume the same the avoidance from past haunts me and I coil back into the state of complaining as I feel the pain….

I wonder how do people use pain for good?

I play sports and work out infrequently

05:42 UTC


Late Bloomers

So I’m almost 22 years old and a late bloomer in life. For context I was in public school until about the beginning of 5th grade. Then due to being the quite kid who didn’t like confrontation of any kind (still don’t but working on it and getting better) and never raising my hand in class I started to fall behind also my parents were going through a divorce so that also effected things. I was homeschooled all of middle school and high school and graduated in 2021. I have a job at a small mom and pop restaurant and this summer I’m making time to study and get my ged. I also only have one adult bill and it’s my phone bill. I also don’t drive. So now that I got all of that out of the way my question is for the late bloomers. What is y’all’s late bloomer story and where are you now in life?

02:29 UTC

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