Reddit Bots highlights the new and old automated posters on reddit.
Reddit Bots highlights the new and old automated posters on reddit.
Related subreddits:
I have a question, there's a person who helps individuals ban large amounts of bots on twitch by making both a program for banning and by sharing data of which accounts are bots. (Mass produced accounts with way too similar names. Ex: Hoss_blue0001, Hoss_blue0002, ...)
Through the program I've been able to ban more than 10 000 accounts. It also created a way for conmunities to share their ban lists and make moderation so much easier.
I'm wondering if reddit has a similar thing so you can mass block the bots that yoink reddit posts and repost them as their own?
Downvoting the bots and upvoting the original is not enough. I would love if there was a way to clean up the home feed from them.
But maybe it's not that easy.
This account instantly replied to my comment regarding atrocities committed by Kuomintang and says their family was not tortured or harmed during the white terror in Taiwan.
Anyways, I view their account and strangely it was created today. But they have the 4 years reddit badge, and tons of comments every day. I scrolled through and their account is more than 8 days old. I assume it really is 4+ years old. I think there must be something fishy going on
Hi, I made a list of posts and made a bot using praw which replies to one of them every 40 +random(0,10) minutes. My bot keeps getting suspended even though it gets upvotes on the comments. Is there any explanation why? I tried it with old and new accounts but I get the same result. The comment limit is every 15 minutes afaik
In more detail, here is what the bot does:
I've seen a bunch of accounts that make AI voice TikToks, and I thought it was super interesting how they manage to have so many views and likes. I wanted to know if it was possible to make a program that automates this process without minimal input, and I made a working app that does just that. I would really like some tips or ideas on how to improve this. Example on my GitHub (link below)
Hi all! Wondering if there is a bot to convert time zones and dates out here. Thanks in advance!
Looking for a bot that does:
Does anyone know of an existing bot for this and is this possible? It's just to post deals to my sub from other ones
Thank you in advance
i want to use a bot that makes a post every time a channel uploads a new video to use in a fan subreddit for that channel
I am a bot
Wondering if bots are allowed to post links?
would love to see a full list of ruled about bots if such a thing exists on reddit
Is there a bot that can post a "weekly thread" for a subreddit that you are mod?
A subreddit that I am a mod is asking for a bot that would post a weekly thread for "unrelated or miscellaneous topics" which they can comment to.
or that I could invoke by going like !overratedbot or something in the thread and have it respond to me proving my point. STFU, OP.