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Radio broadcast of UAB game

Does anyone know where to find an archived version of the radio call for yesterdays game vs UAB?

19:16 UTC


The past 13 years of this football program need to be studied

We got the W today but sure as hell doesn’t feel like it

02:05 UTC


[Post Game Thread] Arkansas defeats UAB 27-37

Roller coasters of emotions from this game

23:48 UTC


Rorschach test

Some see the face of Jesus in their toast - I saw this hog in a puddle, in the Harmon Avenue Parking Garage today.

22:48 UTC


[Game Day Thread] Arkansas Razorbacks vs UAB Blazers

Game Info

Location: Donald W. Reynolds Stadium, Fayetteville, Arkansas

Time: 3:15 PM CT

TV: SEC Network

Online: WatchESPN (ESPNU)

Radio: 99.3/99.5/Online

11:01 UTC


Razorbacks in the NFL

I got tired of sifting through ESPN box scores to find former college athletes in the pros. With the NFL season starting, I would love folks to check out the latest version of the tool I built at https://fandaily.io/.

All feedback is welcomed. Thanks!

04:55 UTC


Reds rooftop

So my tickets got changed to red’s for some odd reason through SeatGeek (probably my fault) I do still intend to use the tickets, how early should I show up to get a good view before people pile in??

11:36 UTC


NEW YORK CITY Razorback fans

Any Razorbacks in New York City? Come out to Grove 34 in Queens tomorrow night (September 13th) at 8pm!

We've got a comedy show featuring Arkansas comics, and we're gonna be drinking and calling the hogs after the show.

Also we'll be at the Baker Street Irregulars bar watching the game on Saturday as well! #wps

19:56 UTC


Razorbacks Vs Texas Nov 16th

I got two tickets to the game and I won’t be able to attend so I’m selling em shoot me an offer I have proof of tickets also

23:33 UTC


In the last 4 years, teams are 337-1 when they gained 550+ yards and outgained their opponents by 200+ yards. Guess the 1

15:57 UTC


where's the best message board to buy secondhand football tickets?

I'm bringing four high school senior boys for an arky tour and the tennessee game--where should i look for tix that don't line stubhub pockets?

22:00 UTC


On HY, Hunter Yurachek


You made one good hire, Eric Musselman, who is gone.

The good coaches at UA pre-date you.

You had nothing to do with bringing in Cal. That was done for you.

You passed on top-shelf football coaches, because they wanted their asses kissed, or some such. You didn't like that or their pay requests, so you saddled us with Sam Pittman.

I'm not mad at Sam as much as I am at you.

Best get your hand elbow-deep into that hat and pull out one hell of a rabbit.

Your time is over as far as I'm concerned. You are not bringing anything. Lately at least.

17:54 UTC


You took a top 25 team to double OT on the road… there are teams here that are in way worse shape than you

14:25 UTC


Sam Pittman

This goes without saying that Sam is a great guy and he was a god send to this program. He took us from the dumpster to a competent team with a lot of great talent. It is time though to start looking at different coaches to take this team to the next level. Loosing close games is unacceptable now especially with that OSU game. Unless Sam goes 8-4 this year (beat LSU, Ole Miss, A&M, Mississippi State, Auburn) I’m saying take a look at new head coaches or bite the bullet and get bobby in there or Barry Odem.

13:56 UTC


Hogs at 23…

23:12 UTC


Random Thoughts From Yesterday

Just some ramblings about what I saw yesterday, after sleeping on it for a night

This could be a good team. This team has potential. But my old ball coach used to say, "You boys got a lot of potential. Potential is a French word that means 'not worth a shit,.YET'". (Thank you Mike Adams. That has been an important phrase for my adult life).

30,000 ft view - and reasons for hope. This is a rebuilt team with a lot of new parts. In their first real game together, they went on the road, played a top 15 team, and took them to double OT. If it had ended in regulation, they would have covered the spread.

The scheme looked good. They have the players to compete. Execution needs to be better. This team could win a bowl game or only win 4 games.....

This is who we are. And we're better than when we played BYU last year.

Closer look -

Offense - WRs - this scheme had the same WRs that couldn't get open last year in wide open spots. BmfP is doing his job. This highlights just how bad Enos was last season.

The first half success gave me a lot of hope, but also made me angry about what we've suffered for 13 years bc BmfP made some tuuurrrrrrrble off the field choices.

QB - Green is who we have. He's making good decisions. He's lacking in pass accuracy. He might end up being Kellen Mond 2.0 - a guy who won't cost you a game,.will be a solid starter, but you don't want to count on him to be a hero. Kellen also always struggled with balls that were consistently thrown low and behind where they should be. But he was a B+ QB that no one could beat out for his spot.
Green didn't do anything yesterday that KJ couldn't do.
I didn't see a lot of leadership on the sidelines, but reports from hometown papers is he is better in the locker room than KJ was. We'll see how that plays out this week

I think Greens ceiling is a slower version of Matt Jones that throws a better deep ball.

Green is not an upgrade over KJ, but he's good enough to win games and I'm glad he's here.

OLine- O Line IS better than last year. There were definitely blitzing LBs that didn't get picked up. It's hard to know if these were OLine mistakes, RBs that didn't pick up their guy, or the QB missing a hot read. Bobby will get that sorted.

I only saw maybe 3 plays where OLine lost 1 on 1 battles. However, one of those ended in a hit QB / flub throw / INT.

Running the ball, - lots of good backside pulls working. Addison is working really well with both guards on combo blocks that get to the second level. IF we couldn't run the ball against a 3 man front- we'd be in BIG trouble.

But we were much less effective in the second half. Either OSU made better half time adjustments, or we ran out of gas. My heart wants T. Crawford to be able to contribute - either as a TE for a heavy run set, or maybe part of a rotation so we don't get gassed. But my head says that if he's not on the field now he's a quality back up.

The transfer OTs are mostly living up to the hype.

RBs - we got to hold on to the damned ball. And possibly be better at pass pro.

Defense - D Line is the strength of this team but they can't be out there all day. Juncaj looked solid. Ball / Gregory May be the best in interior duo we've had in a while. We all know how good Landon Jackson is.

LBs. - Sorrey is a baller. Spence is solid. Maybe we only need 2.... But I sure wish Pooh Paul was with this group. Who's gonna be the third guy.

DBs - all last season and camps. I've known that someone needs to beat out Hudson Clark. Don't get me wrong, I love Hudson's hustle and he always knows where to be. He's a smart player. But it got to be a running joke how many times he was a half step slow from making a GREAT play

I've thought TJ Metcalf could be that guy He didn't have a great game, on D or special teams. Hopefully, these are growing pains

The group had some dumb penalties. One was a bad call by officials. This is a solid group.

The group was dominant in the first half Then OSU made adjustments.

Again, did we run out of gas? Or did we get out schemed or out played by the end? I think the amount of time on the field hurt us.

Overall -

This offense can make chunk plays. we left some opportunities out there with missed throws. We didn't run the ball as well in the second half.

Defense is sold but can't do it on their own

We made a LOT of dumb mistakes. A LOT. Just one fewer - not running into a punt retuner, or not fumbling the ball, or not missing a makable FG, or having confidence to make a FG after a miss. IF ONE of those goes the other way, we beat a top 15 team on the road.

Last year we saw a lot of dumb mistakes not get corrected over the year. Hopefully that isnt the case this year.

There is a lot of reason for cautious optimism. The scheme is there. The players are good enough. We need to execute at a higher level. That is on both the players and coaches.

PTSD triggers - we lost a LOT of close games last year. Can we clean those up???? I don't know. 3 or 4 busted plays a game are the difference between 8-9 wins and 4 wins. We're not good enough to have big mistakes.

Houston gave ZeroU all they could handle. OSU is the better OK team this year.

Gonna rewatch today bc I'm a glutton for punishment.

WPS!!!! The next 3 games will be winable. Lets get ready for UAB

Edits - grammar / spelling .... And I'm sure there are more

16:30 UTC


I think we can all relate

13:50 UTC


[Post Game Thread] Arkansas Razorbacks lose to Oklahoma State Cowboys 31-39


20:06 UTC



17:50 UTC


Dallas Bars to watch the game

I saw KSP is now permanently closed… where is everyone going to watch the game?

14:25 UTC


Game day themes

I live in Louisiana but have been a lifetime Razorback. Only been able to go to a couple games in Fayetteville. My wife and I are going to the lsu Arkansas game this year! I was wondering if there was somewhere to look up games themes? Like are there any white out games or black out games? Is this not something that is announced this early? Thanks in advance for the help! Wooo pig!

1 Comment
17:31 UTC


Former Hog Hunter Woodhall wins Paralympic Gold in the T62 400m

17:08 UTC

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