Ever get downvoted due to length of your comic? I know that some stories can't fit into just four panels, and that is why I've made this subreddit.
Must be 6+ panels long.
One long panel does not count as two panels
Does not have to be a rage comic, rage or no rage, it's still fine here.
X-Posts are cool.
If you'd like user flair, or don't like the flair you've received, feel free to message the mods!
If your comic does not appear after being submitted: Please send a link to the comments thread for your post to the moderators, so that we can approve it. It probably just got stuck in the spam filter.
We can use rage faces in comments now!
How to use them.
Our Friends:
(Other Rage Subreddits that didn't make it in the list):
The most recent comic was a month ago and nobody else is uploading stuff anymore. So, I just want to know if this subreddit is inactive.