
Photograph via snooOG

A Force and Fear Free training community providing support and advice for puppy owners.



Here at r/Puppy101, you will find constructive and supportive advice for puppy owners who need help with a problem, have questions about training, or just need some encouragement while going through the crazy journey of puppyhood!

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Helping pup with change in routine

Hi all

We've got our 6 month old cocker pretty settled with his daily routine. I leave for work early so my wife takes him for a good morning walk, some training and wife goes out to work.. He's happy in his crate until his walker comes, then I get home about 4 and he gets another good walk.

I'm now off for the summer (teacher) and I want to try and keep his routine similar but with flexibility. Initial issue is that even keeping things similar he knows if I'm in the house and won't settle downstairs without me, making chores a bit tricky. I also don't want him to forget his term time routine in the mean time.

Any suggestions gratefully received

1 Comment
08:21 UTC


2nd wave puppy blues at 6 months

Our lab puppy is nearly 7 months old and for the past few weeks her behaviour has begun to change, as expected with early adolescence. The part I am really struggling with is she is waking me up at least once, if not twice a night, and the tiredness is causing a severe second wave of puppy blues. All the old fears and regrets are back. I’m scared of the impact on my mental health if the night waking goes on for months. Please - someone tell me you got through something similar and came out the other end relatively sane?!

07:43 UTC


Bull terrier puppy advice

Hi all, this might be a bit specific to the breed as they're a unique breed I feel but, we have a 21 week old English bull terrier puppy that is still constantly mouthing and biting, he will sporadically become completely unreasonable and begin jumping up, biting, pulling clothes etc and any training we have managed goes completely down the drain, he also does this around my dad and sister (I assume he's just excited to see them) my biggest concern is when he does this around my older sisters children (8,6 and 18months) he constantly wants to rough house and chase them. The training class we have been to was all treat based reward, the only issue is when he gets like this he isn't fussed about treats. Is this just normal puppy "zoomies"? Any advice Is appreciated!

1 Comment
07:22 UTC


3 month old puppy vaccinations

I went to the vet to vaccinate my dog. She’s 20 weeks old and the vet since said I’m getting the vaccinations so late I only need two rounds ? Is this true because everywhere I look it says 3 rounds. We just got her !

1 Comment
06:56 UTC


Advice on Crate Training

Heya guys. We are once again, for the third time, trying to introduce a crate to our 7 month old border collie pup. The first time he showed no interest, so we didn’t think too much of it, but ultimately decided we would want him to have a routine and a safe space. The second time and this time, all he does when he’s in the crate is dig, cry, and yelp. He chooses to go in there, the door is always wide open, and even when i take him out, he asks to go back in just to do this. Does anyone have any ideas? I’m honestly at my wits end dealing with that noise, and I won’t be surprised if my neighbours complain or call someone over concerns. Do we simply just have to wait it out? I don’t want him to be stressed if that’s what it is? I really want the crate to work, but I can’t even imagine closing the door if this is him now?

Thank you all!

06:20 UTC


My puppy started barking and growling!

Hello, I’m a first time puppy owner, never had any pet through out my 18 years of living! Decided to change that and bought a beautiful cockapoo, 9 weeks old.

At first I loved the puppy, my parents too, he was super quiet, friendly, and very playful but in a good manner!

Fast forward 11 days after getting the puppy, he’s 10 weeks now!! He was teething very badly from day one, we understood got him sooo many different toys, a full bucket of them! He doesn’t use them as much as he used my fingers or crocks 🙄 but we said it’s fine. He’s just a baby he doesn’t know anything yet, he’ll learn and grow and become better.

He got sick 3rd day of owning him, brought him to the emergency vet ER, stayed there over 6 hours with him just to say he’s fine he’s just stressed from the new environment and it effected his stomach and eating. Spent a lot of money there but we understood, and said it’s fine!

Recently he became super weird, he became sort of aggressive? But I might be wrong, and it’s just a puppy thing that I’m not aware of!

Some of the things he’s done are, when people try to pet him he turns around and tries to bite, when he’s laying down and I go try to talk to him or play with him to go take him potty, he just gets up and walks away further from me, when he’s in my bed laying down and I lay down he goes at the end of the bed, he just tries to be far away from me at times. He also loves bitting my fingers, to the point it started bleeding once, Which is insane, I had no idea he could break skin at 10 weeks, and I’m waiting for it to swell up or something before I go to the doctor, if it doesn’t than iii just wait till it heals itself or something! He became very jumpy and always running around, jumping on couches, beds, my family members, biting most of our furniture even though I do try to redirect him to his toys, but he doesn’t acknowledge them at all, and just goes crazy. I did find on google that they like loud toys, so I had put a water bottle in a sock, for him to chew on it, turns out he loved it, a little too much. He started playing with it for a while, than he got very excited and started growling and barking while playing, so I took it away and when I did, (I had bought him a slow feeder and a no spill water bowl) he went to his water bowl put one of his paws into it and with the other paw he went crazy spilling all the water everywhere, I was kind of afraid of stopping him becuase he was already a little loud by growling and barking, and my family is asleep, I didn’t want them to wake up as they have work in a few hours, so I just let it happen till he was done, sad part is it was full at the time so my floor, my clothes, my bed his bed and the puppy, were fully drenched, Side note, I just showered him today and it seemed like he doesn’t like getting wet at all so for him to do that was insane to me. I kind of lost my temper and said loudly “STOP STOP STOP” gradually getting louder while tapping his nose, he bit my finger, I lost my mind and ended up putting him in that pile of water he made and got most of him wet, which now looking back breaks my heart, (he’s hiding under my table, I picked him up and put him on my bed, since I feel very guilty ☹️) he’s done more but I just can’t seem to remember!

I love my puppy but sometimes he actually really gets me a very to the point I regret even getting him. Than we have some moments where he does well on his training and I’m super proud and happy, and my love for him becomes even stronger, every second I’m away I always think about him and call my family and ask what he’s doing, and than there is moments like those mentioned above and I start regretting everything!

Someone help, what do I do, where do I train him to stop those type of behaviours, how do I “punish” him without me hurting him but at the same time him knowing he’s done something bad.

Thank you guys for your time and comments in advance!

05:55 UTC


Toilet training help

I have a French bulldog cross olde English bulldog pup. He's 11 weeks old so currently in the process of potty training him. We take him in the garden as much as possible to wee and poop and when he does that he gets rewarded with a treat. At night we use puppy training pads to put down and he's getting there with using them ( sometimes misses which he did this morning but getting there ). I've had dogs before but thisnis my 1st ever time owing my own puppy. Just wandering hiw long it'll be before he can hold it through the night. Sometimes I'll be outside with him he won't do a wee but wee on the carpet as we come in. Amd I'm like " dude ... really you've been outside) . Everything else aside the puppy nipping he's really good. Just need some help on the potty training really .

05:46 UTC


okay to leave 4 week old puppies overnight?

i have a litter of 10 puppies, they are 4 weeks old today and doing amazing. i was wondering if its okay for the mama to sleep in her own bed at night? she’s with them all day while im at work (i go home multiple times throughout the day to let her out and feed the pups as im starting the weaning transition). she’s getting restless with them and figured she’d like a break at night to sleep in her dog bed. since i’ve started weaning them, i feed them their puppy mush before bed so that they have a full stomach and let mama clean them up. so im wondering if its okay to leave them alone for about 5-6 hours at night?

1 Comment
05:18 UTC


How to prep for spay?

Wasn't quite sure what to put as the flair, but we have a 9 month old husky mix and as my partner and I are starting to go back into longer work hours as our girl gets closer and closer to her first heat, I'm just wondering how those of you who had to get your pup spayed while working full time did it? Should I schedule the spay around a time I can take time off to make sure she isn't irritating the surgical site? She isn't crate trained as she can be more than trusted hanging out in specific areas of the house while alone just fine. And I know it'll be much harder to start now, but should we start crate training her again in anticipation of it helping with her spay recovery?

1 Comment
05:17 UTC


Puppy Now Barks All the time

I have a 9.5 month old puppy. Suddenly he now barks at every little noise he hears. I live in an apartment so sometimes you can hear my neighbors moving around and now that causes him to grumble and bark. He’s grown up here and never had any issues until a couple weeks ago. He’ll hear a neighbor move at night and it’ll wake him up from sleep and he’ll start grumbling and barking. If there is a weird noise in a TV show I’m watching he’ll start barking. I’m confused because this never used to be an issue with him. He’s even started barking at dogs when we see them outside (not aggressively). This has NEVER been an issue. He’s been through multiple training courses already and is a CGC. Any thoughts on what could be causing this and how to get him to stop?

04:51 UTC


6 Month Puppy Still Not Sleeping Through Night

Hi puppy friends! We have an almost 6 month old Portuguese Water Dog mix who is still waking up at least 1 time during the night between bedtime at 10:00ish PM and wake up at 7:30 AM. For a while she was making it from like 10-5, but has recently started waking again around 2/3 AM crying and whining. When we let her out she barely has to wee at all. It’s almost more so she can see us and get a snuggle.

It’s been several weeks now and I’m wondering if it has to do with teething as she is in the midst of it. She’s been sleeping in her crate since about 11 weeks when we brought her home with a crate cover in it and a white noise machine. She also gets at least 2, 45-min+ walks a day and mental and physical stimulation as both hubby and I WFH full time. Will the night wakings ever end?!

04:32 UTC


How do I exercise my untrained puppy while not reinforcing bad habits?

I have a 10 mo aussie shepherd and pitbull mix. She has a lot of energy to expend so I want her to get enough exercise while I train her. Problem is, getting her exercise involves getting her over-stimulated and acting out most of the time.

  • She is currently afraid of walks, and I'm not going to force her to do that.
  • She pulls and jumps on the leash, so I can't take her out in public, even on short trips like from my car to the dog park.
  • She tries to play with my older dog, which sometimes annoys him, and when he's not playing back she barks at him.
  • In the car, she will bark at people she sees walking around.

So I can't really take her out to do anything. I can teach her to be calm on a leash... but that is going to take weeks. Should I keep her locked in my house the whole time I train her, however long that may take? Won't that make her get not enough socialization and exercise? I can't win.

04:15 UTC


Cat help with new puppy

I adopted a new 5-month-old shih Tzu. My cat is two years old this month. We had our beautiful shih Tzu, bandit, when she came to our home. He unfortunately passed this February (talk about grief...). But our cat was mainly Ok with our dog, and would always follow him and picked up many mannerisms of Dog.

Everyone around me said that our cat would be OK, including my husband. And she is mostly OK but tries to hunt our new pup and swat/hiss at her. We just got the new pup yesterday. I know I should have scent swapped and get the new pup in her crate. But the original owners kept the pup in her crate all day. She's not potty trained.

we both decided on getting our cat a new companion because she's been so sad after our first dog passed (13 years old). I'm just afraid that the new companion we got our cat may be the worst decision.

Currently, I've been trying to get my cat to smell things that the new pup has been in like a collar. I've begun to crate train the pup. She's really clingy but I'm being insistent on the crate, it's a little small so I will be returning for another. I've also given Cat many treats when she is calm around Dog. I've also done the same with Dog.

I know it's only been less than 24 hours but I just want to make sure I do this right and both Dog and Cat can coexist, if not be friends. Any advice would be so much appreciated.

ETA: our cat was 3 months old when she met our other shih Tzu. Our shih tzu passed earlier this year. Additionally, our cat tries to get close to either touch the new pup or to sniff but resorts to hissing. Cat started with a puffed tail and hair standing yesterday and earlier today. Later on in the evening, she keeps trying to smell pup but she doesn't have raised hair or puffed tail, instead just hissing.

1 Comment
03:46 UTC


Taking on a very part time job at the same time I’m getting my puppy

Hi all! I’ve been looking at this sub lots recently as I will be bringing home an 8 week old puppy in September! I’m so excited and am looking to learn as much as possible before then.

I work remotely and am almost always at home so I wasn’t worried about not being able to give the puppy all of my attention for the first few months. However, today I got offered to coach a team starting the same day I get my puppy.

The time commitment is very small; it’s just a 5 week season. Practices would be from 8-9:30 at night twice a week, with games on every Sunday, for a max of 4 hours each time (most likely less).

Luckily, I live at home with 3 other people, and my mom would be willing to help out as well (she doesn’t live with me).

Is it naive of me to think it would be okay to accept this opportunity? My family that I live with would be able to spend time with him during the weekly practices or take him outside for potty. And my mom would be more than happy to take him on the Sundays if no one I live with would be willing to do it. My main question is will leaving him for even these short times cause behavioral or bonding issues with my puppy? I’m assuming since it’s so short and he’s so young his attention span will barely notice but just looking to get some advice.

Also; would him spending time with my mom cause potty training regression? She lives at an apartment and since he won’t be fully vaccinated I’ll be asking her to have him pee on a pee pad on her balcony since other dogs potty frequently outside her apartment. I see mixed timelines of potty training so I’m thinking this wouldn’t cause a big issue but just wanted to hear your thoughts/experience!!!

Again the first practice would be the day I bring him home and the last obligation would end when he’s 13 weeks. This would be a great opportunity for me but I’ve committed to the puppy first and don’t want to cause any real damage.

03:40 UTC


How do you guys manage your routine with a puppy while you’re sick or injured?

Looking for a bit of advice! At some point over the weekend I either strained or tore a muscle in my side (my right oblique). I’m not sure what caused it, but I don’t think it would be totally out of left field to think lifting and carrying my 18lb Akita puppy up and down a steep flight of stairs every day, several times per day, could be the culprit. Pretty sure I also injured a muscle in my right foot at some point, too. Unfortunately, there isn’t much that can be done about this sort of injury outside of rest and letting it heal.

Problem is, it becomes a lot harder to do all of the things I usually do with my puppy when it feels like I’m being repeatedly stabbed in the ribs whenever I bend forward or move the wrong way. My pain level today was especially bad. I feel really guilty because I wasn’t able to play with or train my pup the way I usually do on a daily basis. Just getting him outside to potty was pretty excruciating. I felt myself getting frustrated with him at one point because of how he was acting up with the leash when I was trying to get him outside. Normally I would have taken the opportunity to work on our “leave it” and “with me” command, but I was in too much pain to even try and just kind of (carefully) forced him outside instead. Can’t stress enough that it’s absolutely not his fault I got frustrated. He was just having a puppy moment and I was letting the pain I was in impact my handling and training skills.

So yeah, completing simple tasks like getting him to potty, putting him in his crate, getting him down the stairs, playing, and even just bending over to give him his food, is so stupidly difficult right now. I have two roommates who are able to help out a bit, but he’s ultimately my dog and I can’t expect them to do everything for me while this injury heals (which could take weeks).

This has absolutely nothing to do with my pup. I love him to death and WANT to be playing with him, training him, etc. But my body is preventing me from doing any of it because of the pain I’m in. How does anyone manage to do all of the normal puppy stuff when you’re in physical pain or completely exhausted? Has anyone had a similar injury while caring for a puppy? Looking for any advice I can get!

03:31 UTC


struggling with new puppy

i brought home my fur ball on friday. he’s two months. he really is my entire world and i love him so much. but i can’t help this sinking feeling that i made the wrong decision. i know puppies are basically babies, maybe even harder sometimes, and he’s my first pup. he bites. everything. i feel like i can’t take my eyes off him for a half of a second or else he’s trying*** to get into things that he shouldn’t be. teething so he’s biting every piece of furniture he can manage. i have barely slept since i brought him home because he does not want to sleep in his crate for more than an hour without crying for me to let him out. my house is a wreck because as soon as i turn around to do anything he’s wreaking havoc. i feel like i can’t even shower or use the bathroom without rushing myself! i don’t mean for all of this to sound like i don’t love him because i really do. maybe it’s just the exhaustion, and i know he’s just a wee pup, im just hoping it gets easier sooner than later

03:05 UTC


how to thoroughly clean puppy poop stuck under door!

guys, my puppy likes to poop right behind the bedroom door and so when i open the door to enter the bedroom i find that she has pooped and it has gone under the door. 😭😭 what special cleaning tool can i use to clean that very very narrow space between the bottom of the door to floor? thank you! xxx

update: guys i just discovered the crevice cleaner, i think that tool would definitely help! :)))

1 Comment
02:40 UTC


Resource guarding with a beef chew/treats!!!

Sorry for the long post but I’m so desperate for everyone’s thoughts so please give it a read!

I have a 14 week old mixed breed puppy who up until this point, didn’t seem to have any resource guarding issues (from what I noticed). There have now been two occasions in the last 24 hours that are worrying me.

  1. Yesterday I was doing some training with him. Working on “leave it” while holding a treat in my hand and waiting for him to show no interest in the treat and looking at me instead. When he would keep eye contact with me for a moment I would mark and reward with the treat that was in my hand. During this session, my 14y/o dog was close by and when I was rewarding my puppy he snapped at my older dog, assuming he was basically telling him to get the heck away from his treat. So I then corrected him by telling him “off” and sending him to his place cot to chill for a second. And I’ve since just tried to make sure my older dog is respectfully distanced from the puppy during training.

  2. About 20 minutes ago, I was finishing up my puppy’s 1hr wake time by giving him a beef ring before I put him down for the night. Before I gave it to him I had him lay down and I tossed it on the floor and made him wait until I said “break”. He then picked it up from the floor and took it to his place cot (which I was actually very excited and happy about because he hasn’t chosen to relax on his cot yet). And then a few minutes later my brother went over to pet him and I think he was trying to also play with the beef ring as if it were a toy, so he probably grabbed it and started moving it around which caused my puppy to think it was being taken from him. And my puppy fully broke out into aggression. Like a scary sounding snarl/growl and aggressive biting on my brother’s hand. So I then lightly grabbed his leash just get my puppy’s attention off his chew so I could take it and I brought him out to pee and then put him in his crate after he went potty. Side note, this was the first beef ring we’ve given him. He does have a similar chew that stays in his crate with him but he’s never shown aggression with that one (but I don’t think we’ve ever tried taking it from his mouth like my brother did so I’m not entirely sure).

Other information that may be helpful?: we give most of his food by training. We give him half his breakfast portion in a puzzle ball so we have time to get ready in the am while he’s occupied. But the rest is all training treats with his kibble. And we at first didn’t give him free access to water just so we could track his potty needs. But we’d give him plenty of water during his wake times. We would just fill the bowl a specific amount every time so we were aware of how much he was drinking. We have since started leaving the bowl out for him to drink whenever he’s awake but we take it away an hour or so before bedtime.

So I at first didn’t give the first situation a ton of thought because I figured my puppy was just trying to communicate with my older dog that what he was doing wasn’t cool. But now that this second situation has happened, I’m worried that he’s just progressing into a food aggressive dog and I’m not sure what we did/didn’t do to prevent this. I also read right after this situation that it’s not good to take away the chew after showing aggression because he’ll probably just get worse next time (like even if you walk by he’ll growl, etc) so now I’m kicking myself over that. But anyway, we adopted him at 9 weeks so I personally don’t think he could’ve picked up much before us owning him. So I’m grasping at straws to figure out what we have been doing wrong and what we need to do differently. Any advice is super helpful so please speak your minds!!

02:31 UTC



Hi, I have a seven month old GSP/Australian Shepherd/American Pitbull puppy. Her name is Tracy and she is a beautiful girl. I’ve had her since she was eight weeks old. I started immediately trying to train her. She quickly picked up on the basics (sit, wait, lie down, etc.). She had hardly any accents when she was a puppy. I took her outside constantly and she was a very good dog when she was small. I was living with my parents when I first got her.

I now live with my boyfriend and his dog. He has a one year old lab. We slowly introduced his dog and Tracy and they got along very well from the start. When we brought Tracy into our home full-time, she adjusted very easily. We kept up with the reinforcement of commands and going to the bathroom. However, within recent months, she has been regressing very rapidly. We have been attempting to crate train Tracy (my boyfriend’s dog is already crate trained). We sometimes keep the dogs in crates at night and we sometimes let them sleep with us. When Tracy sleeps with us in the bed, she doesn’t make a peep from 10 pm to 6:45 am when I get up. However, when she’s in her crate, she pees and poops, and unfortunately eats her poop (??????). We let Tracy and our other dog outside very frequently with more than enough time for them to pee and poop, but Tracy will wait until she inside to pee and poop. Even when I go outside with them and WATCH Tracy pee and poop, she still does it in the house within the following 30 minutes. We let her out and watch her go potty before we leave to go to a movie or go to dinner, and when we get home she’s peed and popped in her crate.

I am desperate for advice on how to fix this. I don’t know what else to do. She either has to stop doing this (it’s costing us so much money in paper towels and cleaning supplies to clean up after her), or she has to be rehomed which I do NOT want to do. She is such a sweet dog, but I can’t get past my frustration with the bathroom situation. PLEASE HELP.

02:04 UTC


How to deal with resource guarding in small breed puppy?

My chihuahua puppy doesn’t do it with food, toys, people, her resting areas, or even treats but she DOES do it (tried to bite really hard and growling when you try to remove it) with something she puts in her mouth that she’s not supposed to (like a wrapper or a little piece of food that she’s not supposed to eat, etc) how would you go about fixing this issue?

01:59 UTC


am I feeding my puppy enough?

My lab pyr mix is 5 months old and she gets fed 3 times a day (1/3 cup dry food with a scoop of wet food) and I give her plenty of treats/chews throughout the day, along with vegetables and some fruit. I know it’s probably bc she’s a puppy but she acts like she’s STARVING whenever she hears or smells someone eating. i really just wanna know if this is just typical puppy behavior and being super food driven or if im not feeding her enough lol. this is my first time having a puppy i’ve always adopted older dogs so feedback is appreciated!

01:51 UTC


I really could use some kind advice so I can help this abused pup

I realize I'm going to hear that things are going to get better. I'm saying this myself. But I'm having a bad couple days and I'd love to hear some happy stories about people feeling no connection to their new dog and how it worked out in the end.

To make an amazingly long story short. I was given a Wirehaired Pointer 8 month old male pup who had been locked in a small cage kennel with 6+ other dogs. They weren't cleaned, they were irregularly fed and by the reaction this guy has to hand movements he was probably hit often. I also had no choice in the matter and I can explain that if anyone wants to hear. But what matters is I now had an 8 month old completely untrained pointer to deal with while having a year old mutt, and two elderly dogs. It was horrible and I had come very close to some very dark thoughts as I struggle with mental illness.

I had plenty of people offer support, even just sending them an Amazon wishlist and not a single person has followed through. I don't expect help but once offered there is a level I expect people to step up to. But I knew nothing would change if I didn't try. Between tears we started and in three weeks he has made amazing progress. From plowing over my 25 lb mix to playing more gentle with her, not always but it's happening. But today was bad, and now as I fall asleep in the living room as I have for 3 weeks so this boy doesn't have to be crated because he was so terrified to be in the crate, it was devastating. He sleeping in the crate with the door open and I'm hurting. Did I get too mean today? Maybe a bit louder than I should. Did I ignore a signal he was showing? I can't go close the crate because he runs from it or will bark for hours if I tried to sleep in my bed. I'd ruin the progress of him being in the crate willingly but I'm just so sad.

I miss my life before him. When my cats could roam free, we are trying to slowly acclimate the dog, my last pointer though couldn't do cats so I'm terrified. I miss them. I miss how silly and cuddly my 1year old pup was with just me and my husband and now she won't stop wrestling and playing with him. She gets so tired she gets mean and I'm shocked he doesn't react more from her. He's only rough when he's super stimulated and forgets himself but he's learned so much in 3 weeks. I can only imagine what another three weeks it will be like but I just.... I have no want to. I didn't want this dog. I had a pointer and I feel my mom just thought it would be like our old goofy girl. And he's not.

I don't want to cause more trauma to this guy with a rehome but I'm not a hunter anymore without my dad around. Can I stiumatle his mind enough without that facet? How can I get my year old to not play until she drops. It's upsetting to see her being so rotten as well.

Thanks everyone. I wish you all the best and thanks for any advice or stories to help ease this rainy spirit.

01:50 UTC



Hi guys! For some background, the mother of my pups is anemic and the vet told us to separate them for the time being. Our maid is gone for 3 days and will be back on Saturday. My mom has work and I have school untill 3 in the afternoon.

No one is able to take care of our pups. We are manually nursing them. My question is, how long can they go without nursing? Please help ASAP!

01:09 UTC


Need Advice, Feeling Sad

My 12 week old Bernese Mountain pup was diagnosed with two ear infections and ringworm within three days of bringing him home.

The ear infections were very painful and he hated his ear drops. Would cry and scream. We worked through it and his ears are cleaned up but we had a follow up visit today at the urgent care. He was so sweet at first and bounced around gave kisses but the second they went for his ears he whined and then became aggressive and bit. Not hard enough to draw blood but still.

I play with his ears and paws all of the time and he doesn’t mind. I did it when we got home and didn’t pay attention to me. So did my boyfriend. I don’t know if it was them wearing gloves or how they restrained him tightly but I’m still so sad.

We are looking into hiring a trainer but with his ringworm (small spot on tail) I can’t bring him to classes. I’m praying a trainer will still come as we’ve been treating his tail.

Just a little depressed over this.

01:05 UTC


Puppy play biting aggression

We’ve got a 7 month old male Shih-tzu who has a worsening play biting behavior. He repeatedly lunges forward and bites aggressively. We have no other pets in our household for him to play with and we’re running out of ideas. We are doing/have done the following: -walk him 3 or 4 times a day. -play with him 2 or 3 times a day in the yard with a toy we toss for him to chase. -every time he starts biting we try to substitute a toy he likes. -we’ve tried putting him in a small pen when he starts biting as a time out.

None of these approaches seem to be working. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

01:00 UTC


Potty bell training tips

Any tips or tricks on how you taught your dog how to use the bell? We have a 13 week old poodle, and have been putting a treat behind the bells so he touches them with his nose consistently each time we go outside for a few weeks now. He’s not showing any progress so far.

00:14 UTC


Fresh Patch vs Doggie Lawn?

I live in a Chicago apartment and am trying to decide which live grass puppy patch to get. I’m sure this has been asked before, but since the companies have had some changes over the past few years (i.e. fresh patch now charges for shipping, etc.), does anyone prefer one or the other? Besides the sizes, are there any differences? And if you have a preference, is there a reason why you prefer that one?

23:52 UTC


11 Months old - still a terror.

We have a 11 month old corgi who is still being a gremlin. We’ve gotten him neutered and all of his baby teeth have dropped. We’ve had this pup since he was 11 weeks old and we thought we were seeing improvements in him around 7-8 months.

He has this really bad habit of pouncing and nipping/ biting. Hands. Legs. Arms. Butts. Anything he can reach. Sometimes it’ll be out of excitement during play. Sometimes it’ll be when no one is paying attention to him. Sometimes it’ll first thing in the morning when the first thing we do is take him out for a walk.

He usually only does it to me but that’s probably because I take care of him the most and interact with him the most. I’ve tried settling him down, telling him to sit, telling him no, redirecting his attention, ignoring him ( which gets him to bite harder ), and now we’re up to time outs. We’ve spent a week consistently trying each method and nothing seems to work well.

Is there any other methods out there that might help curb this behavior? I’m afraid to introduce him to family or other dogs like this.

23:50 UTC


Seeing changes after my pups first heat

My pup has gone into her first heat (8 month husky x staffy female) and her behaviour is changing. My vet wanted me to wait for spaying either just before her first heat or after the first heat due to her breed and size, I opted for before but it came earlier than we expected it to.

Now i'm kind of glad it came early because my lil scared, anxious puppo has slowly started to get confidence with things i've been working on FOR MONTHS. The last week, she has been going up to people for pats which she never ever does because she is terrified of most people. She has started to jump out of the parked car herself in the morning when we get to the office, rather than me having to either drag or lift her out. She also just walked through the office with less fear than she has had previously, no shaking or trying to pull me hard forward to my desk.

Slow progress, but progresssss and i'm so proud of her. Will be getting her spayed after the heat ends (still need to check with vet when exactly to do it after it stops) and hoping her confidence continues to grow more and more.

23:36 UTC


How to Help Mom Feel Comfortable Around Puppy?

The title is sort of misleading, lol. My Mom is more of a dog lover than I am, and has had many adult dogs throughout her life, but she hasn't had a puppy in a long time. My 14 week old rescue is super sweet but a lot of work, and I don't think my Mom expected that I would need to spend so much time with the pup (I live with my Mom, for reference).

The main problem is that the puppy only settles down when I'm around, otherwise she is jumping on/constantly focused on the doors that lead to the rest of the house. My Mom is concerned that, when I'm gone for longer periods of time (ie school days) that the puppy will either 1. be unmanageable and constantly wanting to find me or 2. have to be put in the crate for long hours (which neither of us wish for her). We're crate training, and working up to longer mandatory nap times, but still.

So if anyone has any advice in handling the puppy while I'm away or encouraging words I can relay to my Mom, that would be a blessing. Thanks y'all!

23:33 UTC

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