The largest community of punsters on the Internet.
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2. Spam:
Phishing sites, links to non-puns, excessive self-advertising, karma botting, or calling others bots, spam is spam. This will result in a permaban.
This includes trying to buy/sell products with puns. Please crop any central product so that just the pun is visible. We don't help sell products, with or without puns.
3. Must be a pun (or pun request):
This is obvious!
Only put punchlines in the title if the entire pun fits there or if needed to make sense of an image.
Vague titles aren't allowed. Titles like:
OMG this is funny, Title, A TITLE WITH ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS, Does this belong here?, Found on so and so subs.., Loolll, yooooo, wow, My mommy asked me to post here...
Also, please don't mention your websites or Instagram in titles. We don't give credit here.
5. NSFW pun not marked by OP:
If your pun isn't suitable for public viewing or shouldn't be seen immediately by those under 18, it must be marked as NSFW as soon as you post it.
Violating this rule may result in a timed ban/permaban depending on the situation.
6. Unnecessary information/cluttered screenshot:
Please only submit posts after removing any unnecessary parts, text, images, names, times, or dates. Please also remove the new Reddit credit banner at the bottom. We do not give credit for puns.
7. No racism/pedo/sexism
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This may result in a ban depending on how grave the issue is.
8. Other:
This option is a catch for all instances that require moderator attention.
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Because many hands make light work
Hi! I’m after your very best rat Christmas puns, please! I’m doing a window display with crochet rats dressed up for a nativity scene / Christmas party scene and Santa etc. and want a phrase for it. They were going to be mice, which I thought ‘have a mice christmas’ but they’ve turned out more ratty😆 thanks all!
My friend is about to give birth to a baby boy she is naming Brooks. Looking for puns and can create a gift with. So far I have, "Don't just a Brooks by his cover."
Happy Halloween. My costume this year is simple and punny.
every year i make a halloween themed dessert with joke name. i mean, they’re bad, but they’re cute ya know?
one year i did “boo-berry pies” (blueberry mini pies shaped like ghosts)
the next i did “mum-pkin pies” (pumpkin filled mini pies that looked like mummies)
i’m stumped this year! please help! i have a pumpkin/cream cheese filling i would like to use with puff pastry, but i can do a last minute pivot for the sake of a good name.
I’m inordinately proud of this ridiculously hyper-niche pun I’ve come up with, even though exactly one person I’ve shown this to has gotten it 😅! Anyone here picking up what I’m laying down?