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OMG this is funny, Title, A TITLE WITH ONLY CAPITAL LETTERS, Does this belong here?, Found on so and so subs.., Loolll, yooooo, wow, My mommy asked me to post here...
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My ideas are Kung Food, and the Bhagavad Eata..
It's a midwife crisis.
No one was shocked when I grounded him until he conducted himself properly
I’ll try harder to give him more productive outlets
So... D? Yum!
They ketchup.
New found love for AI 😂
The more I miss the meaner I get.
NEW: Woman pleads guilty in the UK's first-ever "Cyber-Farting" case, spanked with penalties after sending videos of herself farting to her boyfriend's ex.
Only in the UK.
25-year-old Rhiannon Evans caused "distress or anxiety" to her boyfriend's ex.
"She proceeds to pass gas by placing the camera on her bottom and passing the gas," said prosecutor Diane Williams. "Miss Evans passing wind, her face smiling at the camera."
The "victim," Deborah Prytherch, said the booty belches made her feel unsafe in her own home.
"It was purely malicious. She was smirking throughout, she found it hilarious but the victim didn’t."
Evans must attend 15 rehabilitation sessions, 60 days of alcohol abstinence monitoring, and a two-year restraining order following the cheek squeaking stunt.
She is no longer allowed to "harass" the "victim."