
Photograph via snooOG

A subreddit dedicated to modern & traditional publishing, for profit and for fun. All are welcome.

Welcome to /r/publishing. This subreddit is focused on publishing: editorial, marketing, publicity, production, sales, and all things related to the industry.

Rules of the sub:

  1. We try to keep a friendly and inviting atmosphere here. Constructive criticism and strong opinions are allowed, but no name calling or overt insults.

  2. Self-promotion, or what might be considered self-promotion, is not allowed.

  3. No "help me get published" posts. General discussion about publishing methods and platforms is fine, but this is not the place for advice on getting published.

  4. No doxxing, unless the individual is a public figure or has otherwise consented to revealing their personal information.

  5. No "author pays first" publishing schemes; the vast majority are scams.


26,630 Subscribers


rates as a freelance editorial coordinator?

I need some advice because I've just received my first assignment as a freelance editorial coordinator, and I have no idea how much to charge. The project involves coordinating a series of 10 books, each containing about 7000 words. I will essentially be the liaison between the suppliers (writer, layout designer, and proofreader) and the publishing house. How much should I charge per book?

1 Comment
20:35 UTC


I have 2 books on Amazon and for each book, they can’t get the color right no matter what. Also, the author copies always come to me stinking like vape. I’ve tried B&N and they are so bad I dropped them. Ingram Spark has a million rules and no phone support. Any suggestions?

21:06 UTC


ARC copyright page needs

I have a boilerplate we use for our copyright page that lists all the normal stuff, but am doing an ARC for the first time on a forthcoming novel. What information should I remove or change on this page?

For example, we print our books in China, but will be doing the ARC via US-based POD. Do I have to change the "Printed in China." line to "Printed in the United States." to be accurate, or is it being an ARC understood to possibly contain inaccurate info like this?

Beyond the copyright page and cover, where else do I need to indicate that it's an uncorrected review copy? Are there standards around this, or is it largely up to me as the publisher how "close to final" I want the book to be in terms of presentation?

00:29 UTC


Edinburgh Napier or City, Unversity of London publishing masters experiences?

Does anyone have experience with either of these programs? I was accepted to both as an international student, and they seem very similar, so I'd love to hear from any former or current students.

(please, no comments saying it isn't worth it/a publishing MA is a waste of money. comments like that seem to dominate these types of posts and I'm looking for other information)

18:04 UTC


Macmillan Summer 2024 Internship

Is there a deadline to apply? It’s been a month and almost two weeks since it was posted and I’m unsure if I should even bother. I can’t seem to find a deadline anywhere.

22:49 UTC


publishing a piece with quoted/burrowed material (without plagiarising)

i recieved feedback from a prof for a creative nonfiction piece that i should consider publishing it. i am most definitely interested in publishing, however the piece consists blocks of borrowed text and i don't know how to formulate it properly so that it's cited?? if that makes sense?? it's a piece exploring the concept of growing up with undiagnosed ASD and comparing directly to defecting product liability laws (quoting the laws/lawyer explanation of the laws) directly. when i submitted the piece for school i had a write-up & a works cited page so as not to plagiarise, but i'm not sure how to do that in a creative writing piece without making it look like an essay or something. any input is welcome!!

1 Comment
18:44 UTC


How to get a job in a scientific journal?

I am finishing a PhD in materials science and bioinspired robotics. I have some experience as a reviewer (mostly IOP journals). I published 7 papers during my PhD including first-author papers in Nature communications materials and Robotics & Automation Letters. Am I sufficiently qualified for a job as an editor? How can I improve my chances of being hired?

17:38 UTC


Advance Sale Chaos

I am new to the world of publishing. My first book is open for advance sales in June. I was told that a galley would be sent to me after advanced sales.

How does that make sense? Shouldn't I finalize my collection with my editor BEFORE the advance sale period?

What should I do to prepare for advance sales? The press isn't really walking me through this process. Communication has been minimal so far.

I know I have to create an author website. I'm being published by a small press so they won't do much marketing for me.

I'd apporeciate help to understand the advance sale/galley stage as well as marketing tips.


22:42 UTC


Penguin Random House Fall 2024 Internship

I was wondering if anyone heard back from them for fall 2024 internships! I applied the last day of the deadline (March 15) so it’s been about 4 weeks and 2 days now.

15:00 UTC


Options for careers outside of publishing?

I've been working in publishing, specifically editorial non-fiction, for almost a decade now. I mostly love the work but I've had to company-hop in order to get decent pay increases and I'm becoming jaded with culture and competitive climate. Two of the companies I've worked at have done 'restructures' in the past, leading to lists being cut and redundancies, and as I'd like to have children in the next few years, this lack of stability makes me nervous.

I know a lot of people have left the industry for this reason and of the people I know (who havent retired), two became agents and one a teacher.

What are some other roles which you've seen people in the industry move into?

09:51 UTC


Royalties from Amazon Media international, but I'm trad published?

So I had a series of books published through a Big 5 a couple of years ago. Through rather complicated personal circumstances I was ghosted and aside from the advance I never received further royalty statements from them - I don't know if I've earned out my tiny advance if or I sold 5 books in total. It is a mystery, I've put it behind me and am starting over. Eventually I might chase it up when I reach out to the agency about my new book.

My first book in the series was put on KDP.

So anyway I've discovered a few small payments (not totalling more than $50 total) that were made recently from Amazon(dot com) services, Amazon Media EU and Amazon CA. Are they KDP amounts from the trad pubbed book? I don't have any Amazon Affiliate or self published books floating around, so I'm uncertain where the money could have come from.

02:50 UTC


Career advice: production editor

Hi everyone, Looking for some career advice. I’ve spent about 6 years postgrad doing work in journalism, mainly magazines (writing, editing, proofreading, fact-checking.) The last few years I’ve been working freelance.

I recently got a full time job as a production editor at a weekly science magazine. The content is not mentally stimulating to me, and for a few other reasons, the job isn’t a perfect fit. It does pay relatively well and I’m being trained on software like Incopy.

I’m wondering how easy the transition from a science magazine production editor to a book publishing production editor might be. If it’s plausible that I could work in book publishing as a production editor, I’d stick it out for that career move in a year or so. If production editor jobs are few and far between and the market is uber competitive, I might cut my ties and go back to freelance work, which was more fulfilling but paid less.

01:06 UTC


Does anyone have experience working with a consolidator?

Flat River Group just agreed to take on my game into their consignment service. I'm working on getting things together for them but would love any tips/ suggestions.


00:04 UTC


ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) request question

The website from Penguin Random House states:

Media inquiries and requests for review copies that are title, author, or imprint specific should be submitted to the e-mail address.

but also says:

Please note: We do not send review copies to individual consumers.

So does PRH only send out review copies to major media outlets? I don't know if I can contact the imprint directly or not. I don't know if individual consumers is directed at any random person or if any book reviewer/influencer/social media person is still allowed to.

20:57 UTC


Getting into the Publishing Industry

I have worked in Marketing/Social Media for ~6 years and would love to work in Publishing. I am really looking to find passion in my work again, and I feel like working in an industry that is behind something I already love would be amazing. I've applied to most, if not all, of the big publishing houses before but have never heard back. Assuming it's because I don't have experience in publishing, do you have any advice for breaking into the industry? Starting at Entry Level seems counter-intuitive since I already have so much experience maybe that's the answer?

17:43 UTC


is it possible to submit copy-edits to publishers?

I'll start by admitting that I realize this is an extremely niche question.

But I've been on a streak of finding easily fixable typos in books I've been reading recently. Is there any way that I could, like, send a list of these to a publisher so that the next printing of the book can correct them? What department or office would I need to look up for a given publisher in order to route these types of suggestions?

15:29 UTC


Is this an encouraging no or just a normal message for everyone who gets rejected?

10:54 UTC


Publisher marked on a textbook "Circulation of this book prohibited outside the Indian subcontinent"... what does that mean exactly?

Hi there folks. I absolutely don't know which sub to post this on, so apologies if I am out of place.
I came across a tag on a book marked "Circulation of this book is prohibited out of the Indian subcontinent".
What does circulation mean here? Does it only mean like selling, lending or renting out of India... or and could a person use this book for their personal use outside India?

Backstory: So I am a STEM uni student & needed some books for my study. And most books are ridiculously overpriced. My parents were travelling to India, where I am originally from, and since most textbooks are much cheaper there, I asked them to buy the ones I needed as I didn't want to use pirated pdfs. I am wondering if this is allowed. Of course no one cares or will even know.. but just wondering if I am doing the right thing.

1 Comment
08:29 UTC


Anyone leave Academia for Publishing?

Tenured faculty member thinking about leaving the toxicity of higher ed for higher education publishing. Anyone do something similar?

05:03 UTC


Help! I have my first ever interview with a big 5 publisher FINAL UPDATE

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to provide an update on my application considering how encouraging and helpful the community has been throughout the entire process.

Well, I didn’t get the job (this time at least)! I was initially quite upset as I was really excited by the role. I genuinely thought that both interviews and exercises had gone really well, but I suppose there must have been a stronger candidate. My interviewer did mention that trying to break into SFF was like trying to get a Supreme Court seat 😭.

I’m waiting to hear some feedback on my application and interviews which should help with future applications.

Overall, I had a great experience and it’s definitely built my confidence for when I apply for another editorial assistant role. Again, thank you for all the help and encouragement, I don’t think I would have gotten as far as I did without you all 🫶.

21:29 UTC


Guidance Request

I am a journalist, quitting the industry due to disappointment in the state of affairs.

Considering my experience and education, I am constantly hearing recommendations for publishing. However, I don't know a thing about publishing.

Which publishing roles will I be eligible for? How can I train myself?

I have always been an avid reader of novels, if that is relevant.

14:00 UTC


What does it mean when you calculate your Self Publishing royalties and it shows how much the other stores will be paying. What are these Other stores?

07:42 UTC


Book Shipping Early

(cross posted in r/authors) Hey y'all! I am a first-time author (getting traditionally published) with a release date of May 7th. I received my author copies early last week, which was super exciting! Less exciting was learning that many of my friends and family were receiving their copies as well. They all preordered months ago, but we all assumed they'd get their copies on or slightly before the 7th. It's the weekend, so I haven't been able to get into contact with my publisher or agent, but I am honestly freaking out a bit. I haven't seen anything online about books getting delivered almost a full month before pub date, and I'm stressed this is also going to mess with first week sales and bestseller list potential.

Any and all insights would be much appreciated! Is this normal? Is this a little bad? Is this very bad? TIA!

- A very stressed author

20:05 UTC


Why hasn't self-publishing done more to displace NYC as the engine of literature?

19:22 UTC


Help Needed in Finding Online Lawyer for Self-Publishing Contract Review

I'm self-publishing a book and have enlisted a talented illustrator from South Korea. Since she's contributing numerous illustrations and receiving royalties, I want to ensure we have a solid contract in place. While l've drafted a contract that adheres to US laws, the illustrator has requested an official review by a lawyer, which I agree with to ensure thoroughness. Where can I find a lawyer online who specializes in copyright law and contract reviews? I initially considered the Author's Guild, but since this is my first book, l'm ineligible for their legal services. Any guidance on locating a lawyer with relevant expertise would be greatly appreciated.

1 Comment
17:14 UTC


attached fantasy maps, how do you feel about them?

Most fantasy novels include a map or several, but some do not.

In theory, the audience should be able to understand the connection without a visual aid, and in some cases like Gor, the fans were able to use the information to make a schematic map.

So, the inclusion a map might not be necessary, and might even deprive the reader of imagining their own version of it. Then again, if you have hundreds of places, not including one might be too much information to keep track of and lead to confusion.

14:36 UTC


LARB publishing workshop

Hi folks! I was recently accepted into LARB’s Publishing Workshop for 2024.

I’ve been looking into transitioning into a career in publishing for a while; I have 2 lit degrees from great schools and some relevant experience, but I graduated during the pandemic and picked up a corporate role as that was all that was available! Being 26 now, stacking unpaid internships is not an ideal option and this seems like it might offer me some connections and a sense of the industry landscape.

I was wondering if anyone has thoughts on these workshops, particularly whether there is practical benefit to them/ if they have a decent reputation. It’s quite a time commitment and I’m not sure if I’d be better off just continuing to apply for jobs and internships on my own. If anyone has actually taken the workshop and has thoughts I would love that too!

NB, I would be 80% funded so the $ is not really a consideration.

11:53 UTC


PRHUK - video interview for assistant role

I got accepted for a video interview! Does anyone have any advice? I’ve done video interviews in the pass and I haven’t done too well on them so any advice is deeply appreciated! (Also I’m a massive introvert and hate talking to a camera)

1 Comment
16:34 UTC


Can I illustrate my novel?

I very rarely see illustrations in novels -- the only examples I can think of are the Moomins and Vonnegut's Breakfast of Champions. Do publishers not like them? Are they more likely to reject a novel with illustrations?

Also, when I draw I tend to use pencil or biro and do very smooth shading, would this be no good for printing on normal novel paper? Would I have to develop a cross hatching fine line style so the images are just black and white with no greyscale?

Also do publishers ever let you provide your own design for the cover?

I'm in the UK if that makes any difference

Thank you! :)

15:09 UTC

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