Catch-all community for NSFW public content, such as flashing, public sex acts, etc. Any public content is accepted, both amateur and professional.
Must be in public
Due high amounts to spam, any content that doesn't involve public content will result in an immediate ban. If the post has been a mistake and you were banned, drop us a modmail.
2. No spamming, flooding or advertising.
Do not spam, flood or advertise.
3. No off topic content
Stay on topic please. Meta content allowed within reason.
4. Bad or dead links
No dodgy or inactive links, please.
Recent reposts
Content reposted that was originally posted a short amount of time ago will be removed as spam. Content that hasn't been posted for a long while and many not have been seen by many is acceptable.
6. No child pornography/ ages 18+ only.
7. No Solo Males in Public No straight up just naked guys in public, unless sexually involved with a female. For males in public, see r/publicboys
With my sexy friend u/yogicathh