
Photograph via snooOG

Welcome to the psilocybin therapy subreddit! You will find studies, experiences, and questions pertaining to the use of psilocybin assisted therapy on this sub. Please enjoy reading and feel free to join our community to stay updated!

Submissions should be about your own experience using psilocybin as medicine, scientific studies, etc.

Please keep content directly related to psilocybin mushroom experiences and therapies. Irrelevant content will be removed.

No hate speech, sexism, racism, or harassment. Other users are to be treated with respect and civility regardless of differences in opinions or beliefs.


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Looking for some advice

Hey, I've been dealing with fairly severe depression for the last few years and have tried therapy and medication which hasn't helped at all. I'm from the UK and the mental health services here are useless (they discharged me because they didn't deem me depressed enough). Since I'm feeling desperate, I was wondering if Psilocybin would be of any benefit - problem is, I would like to go about it in a legal way with a therapist there to support me, sadly there's nothing like this in the UK. Are there any places in Europe I could go to for Psilocybin therapy? I've looked into this a little bit but found it hard to get proper information and was worried about getting scammed out of a large amount of money. Anyone have any recommendations or could point me to some resources?

16:25 UTC


Who’s had success finding psilocybin therapy out of state?

I’ve dealt with treatment resistant MDD for over 20 years. I currently take ketamine 2x’s a month which does help but I’ve wanted to try psilocybin for a few years now to see if it works better. I’ve followed the science on it since 2016 and am sick of waiting for FDA approval. I live in Texas so there isn’t an option for me locally.

I’m curious if anyone has had any luck finding an out of state facility that provides psilocybin therapy. I desperately want to try it but I want to find a professional and am not sure how. I have the means to travel, but when I try to research where to go it’s a bit overwhelming.

Has anyone in a similar situation had any luck? Any suggestions or recommendations? Thanks!

22:30 UTC


Treatment or trials in QLD Australia

Hi all I seem to have TRD and am looking for some medical trials that may be able to help.

Or is there someone that is experienced in this?

04:24 UTC


Psilocybin for quitting nicotine

So recently I took about 2-3g of mushrooms with the mindset of trying to get off nicotine which I had been failing to do successfully. After my experience I made it a week before having an urge. I hit a friends vape and remember feeling the affects. I then went another week and had the urge again. This time I bought a vape and hit it. This is where my surpise started. I didn’t feel a thing. I thought I was crazy. I kept hitting it to no avail. No pleasure response from my brain/body. It’s like my brain is denying me the feeling on purpose. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced anything similar with nicotine or other drugs/addictions?

TLDR; I took shrooms and weeks later my vape doesn’t seem to give me any reaction.

01:13 UTC


Advice on using Psilocybin as a therapeutic outlet for my long term depression.

Thought there would be no other place better to ask for advice on this then here.

To introduce myself I'm a 23 yr old male who has struggled with depression for a while, I didn't have major trauma in my childhood but definitely had some trauma that I feel stops me from allowing myself to get better and wanting to get better. I've tried medicine, I've tried therapy and I always reach a peak and then fall right back into a valley. I was looking for alternative methods and saw alot of research about psilocybin and mushrooms being super beneficial for the mind, especially in regards to therapy. I also am an avid joe rogan listener and other podcast enjoyer and there is so much positive talk on what a positive trip can do for you. I was someone who was always against any type of outlet like this, never have smoked or drank a single time in my life and I was always under the assumption that it was useless and just was a sign of weakness (I could handle it myself mindset.) I've since understood that I do need help and maybe there is something for me with mushrooms, I'm a very spiritual person, my mom is a full time medium so I've always been in tune with my spiritual side and the energy of the world so that goes hand in hand with the naturalness of mushrooms and kinda realizing that my mind and my soul/energy are out of line and maybe using something that could connect me with that side and get into my soul possibly could help me solve my issues.

So that leads me here, I wanted to throw this out here and ask for any advice in case this reaches anyone that wants to give some. Please give me honest advice too, if you feel I shouldn't try them or they won't help me, if I am naive to think they will help my problems, if you think I should try them, if you think they can/will help, what kind of dosage?, how to go about it in a safe way, how to avoid a bad trip, do I need a guide/shaman? I would appreciate any info like this or help on this subject.

Hopefully this reaches atleast some people on here!

Much love if you see this and thank you if you give me any advice or guidance!

07:15 UTC



It’s been roughly 15 years since my last experience. That experience was profound and intense enough I didn’t feel a need to pursue it again.

Fast forward a decade and a half and I’m a completely different person and have grown immensely. I was finally ready to pull the veil back and embrace the chaos.

Put together a lemon TEK of MELMAK. 2 grams which I thought would be a borderline therapeutic experience. I was fasting and I was so wrong. It was a full fledged melt your face, buckle up, and just let go ride.

The first few hours were extremely intense. I was able to work through so many emotions and issues I’ve been dealing with and let them go. The feeling of was completely emotional, spiritual, and healing.

I was able to truly connect with the universe, this human experience, and was blessed with a warm sense of gratitude. I cried tears of joy, danced, moved, and appreciated everything this temple of a body has given me.

Truly appreciating this gift, this moment, this miracle of existence. I was able to share this love with so many family members and friends. It was amazing how well the kind and truthful words were received.

It’s so easy to just assume the ones around you know how much you love them. It was amazing to love recklessly without fear of reciprocity. To build and connect on a kindred level.

I’m forever changed. I’m proud of myself for honoring the sacred medicine and it taught me so much. I’m eternally grateful and wish you all nothing but happiness, love, and healing.


04:04 UTC


I think I transcended and saw heaven. Anyone else have this experience?

I just left an abusive toxic relationship and really needed to let go and realign. I went camping and ate some mushrooms. About an hour or so in after the peak, I decided to turn on some lofi beats and meditate laying down.

I have aphantasia (I don't see pictures or hear audio in my head ever)

As I was meditating I slipped into a transcendent state. It is somewhere I have never been. My eyes were closed and I started to see a light shining. The light kept getting brighter and my body was overtaken by the most relaxed and warm calming feeling. I started to see feathers and eyes in the most beautiful patterns. I didn't hear anything, but I spent the rest of my journey with this majestic being until I eventually drifted off to sleep.

It was the most magical and indescribable feeling I have ever experienced. It was everything the Bible talks about heaven being.

I am 30 years old and I have spent a great deal of my life questioning faith and religion. I stopped going to church when I was 13 bc i didnt agree with what was being preached, but I have always felt a spiritual connection to a higher power.

Does anyone have any experience with this? I would love to hear your stories.

20:56 UTC


treating Opioid Addiction with Psilocybin

Looking for anyone with insight- what the protocols are in the current studies. Suggestions if someone wanted to try it home. Even better if someone has first hand experience kicking their opioid habit with Psilocybin. Please share!

09:58 UTC


Brisbane australia

Hi all Is anyone from Brisbane australia?

I’m trying to find someone that guide on a hero dose for trauma release

10:50 UTC


Took an eighth of APE a year after a bad trip

I’m a 21 year old male and I’ve been using shrooms for a while now. But a little over a year ago I had a trip that scared me away from them and the thought of ever tripping again made my heart race. I thought I was going to die and I kept having thoughts about death and going permanently insane but I came down and was okay aside from the scary memories that lasted a while after the trip. I’m not sure if it gave me mild ptsd or something but I just know that the thought of tripping scared me until a couple days ago when I decided to give them another shot.

So I was laying in my bed at around midnight playing the new MW3 multiplayer and I decided to smoke a joint and take a couple shots to chill for the night when all of a sudden a random urge to trip came across my mind and I realized I had an eighth of APE so I said fuck it. I downed them and within like 30 minutes I was like oh shit I’m feeling the effects coming on and panicked so I ran to the bathroom and stuck my finger in the back of my throat a few times but nothing happened. But all of a sudden I just felt really relaxed and giddy.

I said you know what it’ll be okay I accept whatever happens to me. So I went back to my room and layed there in the dark with only my tv on while I stared at the MW3 home screen on PlayStation where it’s just mountains in a desert and felt like everything on my tv was shifting and forming these aztec / mayan temple designs. Like I was seeing everything become more bold and formulaic and the mountains were beginning to form ancient imagery and the outline of faces appearing and disappearing. I was fascinated and just couldn’t stop looking at them until everything on my screen started swirling and shifting into each other. But for some reason it looked more real than how I viewed things sober like there was this overwhelming sense of my mind expanding and being transported somewhere else.

I got this urge to lay back and close my eyes because it was getting intense. So I layed down and before I did I looked at my ceiling and it was slowly coming up and down while it waved around like water in the ocean. I was seeing the patterns in my ceiling swirling around in the same exact motion that water does all while it was slowly lowering down and pulling back up. I closed my eyes and saw geometry and swirling patterns as well as faces everywhere and the faces would shift between smiling and looking angry. I started hearing both male and female voices in my head repeating things like “don’t worry we’re here to help” and “I’ll protect you” and “you’re here with us now”. I was constantly being reassured that I was okay and it was like I was being welcomed into this other realm.

Then I started feeling like my body was ascending. I layed there with my eyes closed and I felt like my body was being pulled towards the ceiling or like my soul was leaving my body. I felt this constant feeling of being pulled upwards all while I was completely at peace. I just felt so cozy and happy to be there and like my soul was ascending somewhere else. I realized that shrooms don’t want to hurt us and that they only want the best for us. It made me realize that I need to stop worrying so much and being scared of the shrooms because they want to heal us. I layed there and occasionally would randomly giggle for a few seconds then go silent for like 10-15 minutes then I’d giggle again and this went on for like an hour after I peaked. I felt so blissful like a full body orgasm and I was constantly out of breath just trying to regain my composure.

It felt so sensual in a way like my body was being massaged all over and I was constantly being filled with this overwhelming sensation of excitement and peace that I haven’t felt in a long time. All while my eyes were closed and I was being encompassed in geometry and faces shifting all around me. There were these weird snake designs that covered my vision and were constantly moving around like a conveyor belt. It felt like I was being absorbed in fractals and like I was being “healed” mentally in this other dimension like I was meant to be there all this time and I’m finally home. It genuinely felt like I was reconnecting with family that just wanted the best for me and wanted to make sure I felt happy.

Once the peak passed and I was past the most intense parts, I opened my eyes and felt so at peace. My head felt so quiet but everything was shifting and colors looked so vibrant. I was so proud of myself for overcoming my fear of taking shrooms again so I started a match of MW3 and played favela which is a really colorful map in this new game. I remember seeing all the details on the map shifting and twisting and the textures in the game were constantly slithering away like a snake and my vision couldn’t focus on one thing at a time. It was just like seeing everything twist around like a water color painting like that starry night painting. Things looked swirly and cartoonish but also colors looked more “real” and “bolder” in a way. For some reason I was destroying everyone on the game and I was doing better than normal. The remainder of the trip I played some COD and eventually passed out but it was such a good trip. I’m planning on doing 5g’s soon which I’ve done in the past but it’s been a minute. I’ve been after glowing for days and I feel the most at peace I have in a long time. I’ve been dealing with anxiety and depression symptoms for a while and now they’re basically nonexistent. I really feel blessed and just happy to be alive now. This stuff really is medicine when you do it correctly and this trip made me realize that all the time I wasted being scared of shrooms was pointless since the shrooms only want what’s best for you. Anyways love all you humans and I hope your future trips go as well as mine did. I do understand that I was smoking weed and drinking on top of it so that might’ve made a difference in my effects, but I still feel it benefited me and like my brain is working better than it ever has. But regardless good luck tripping everyone and stay safe out there.

04:53 UTC


Antidepressants and Psilocybin?

I've been looking into the effects of taking ssri's and Psilocybin. After finding information about the safety aspect and feeling safe to go forward, I'm curious has anyone here started microdosing whilst taking ssri's?

Ive been on Celexa for 21 years and it just isn't working anymore. Hasn't in a long time but I was afraid to go off them and definitely not into starting a new one. I can't just stop taking it overnight as I don't want the awful withdrawal symptoms so I'm going to slowly wean off. (I tapered down from 40 to 20 a couple of years ago.) I want to start microdosing and have heard I need to take maybe 30-40% more psilocybin than I would if I weren't on an ssri. Does anyone have any experience with this?

00:46 UTC


Do all "magic mushrooms" have psilocybin?

Hello. Do all magic mushrooms have psilocybin? I'm new to this area so not sure if all magic mushrooms have this ingredient or some are used just for "fun" and don't have this ingredient. Wanting purely for therapeutic benefits for microdosing.

23:53 UTC


Question about losing potency over time

I have some powered/dried mushrooms which I have injested infrequently over the last couple of years. I have been careful to keep them in a jar in a cool, dry, dark place. Does anyone have any comments about their experience with loss potency over the long term?

23:54 UTC


playlist structure

There have been quite a few posts here linking to established playlists for healing sessions/journeys, but can anyone recommend an overall structure for building one's own playlist, to complement the rhythm of the journey itself? eg, should be about X hours long, for the first third try to use this sort of song, for the second third try to use this sort of song, avoid music with lyrics in languages you're familiar with, etc. TIA

12:54 UTC


First Journey

Hey all, just looking for some advice. I'm planning to take my first mushroom journey in a few weeks (only a small 1g dose of Costa Rican Cubensis) but reading up online I'm starting to question the safety of mushrooms. Not sure if I'm buying into bad tales and talking myself out of it but I'd like your opinion.

Here are my concerns.
Firstly my cousin has schizophrenia, I've read online that means there is a 2% chance I could develop it. Should I avoid mushrooms for this reason?

Secondly, around four years ago I developed daily panic attacks and found myself suffering at times with derealisation. I've since completely got over this and never suffer anything of that nature. I have control over my mind and if I ever feel I'm getting slightly anxious I have no issue nipping it in the bud. Should I be concerned about mushrooms taking me back to this place?

I got through my anxious period by meditating and reading books like the 'power of now'. Also living healthy of course. Ram Das was a big influence for me and he is one of the reasons I'd like to try mushrooms and experience nature under their guise. I hope that it will deepen my connection with nature and even offer me some clearer insight on life decisions such as choosing to reside in Australia, which isnt my home country, something I'm often conflicted about.

Please let me know your thoughts, constructive and considered advise only please.

Thanks, Nick

06:36 UTC


Therapeutic benefits without the therapy?

How does one get the therapeutic benefits, for example relief from ocd, adhd, depression, anxiety, ptsd, addiction, etc., if one cannot either afford therapy, or find someone who does psilocybin assisted therapy near where they live. How does one maximize the benefits of the therapeutic possibilities if they are taking psilocybin on their own, beyond a simple "set and setting" response?

21:58 UTC


ISO underground guides that are willing to share best practices

As title explains, I’m (35m) hoping to network with experienced guides that have sat with patients that are using psilocybin to deal either with depression, anxiety, or PTSD.

While I’m not credentialed as a LSCW or anything like that, I’ve been very influenced by the studies of John Hopkins and the lasting impact of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy and would love to learn best practices in order to help my family and close friends dealing with these ailments.

Any insights, intros, or even resources is very much appreciated!

12:31 UTC


cPTSD survivors who have tried psilocybin and MDMA, what is the difference?

If you have had experiences with both substances, how did they impact you? What helped more?

04:21 UTC



First, I want to start off by thanking each and everyone of you beautiful people who have taken the time to post their experiences and share their knowledge with the community, I literally wouldn’t be here without it/them.

Secondly, 2.5 grams of APEs saved my marriage, saved my relationships with my children, saved me from walking away from the career I love and more than likely my life. I don’t mean to sound dramatic but it’s absolutely 100% true.

  Here’s my story… Im the father of 2 young boys and a husband for 13 years. I have been a full time firefighter/ paramedic in very busy urban fire department for 15 years. My station in particular covers nearly 20 miles of major highway. I worked EMS prior to being hired so all in total 20 years. I have been in since I was a kid, it’s the only thing I have ever done. I’m not saying this for clout, I just want to convey the type of experience I have. 

 Obviously this line of work comes with a unique opportunity to help and make a big difference in someone’s life in one shape or another but it also subjects you to a tremendous amount of stress and trauma. We intervene ourselves into people’s absolute worst days and then go have lunch like it’s a normal thing…. It’s not normal at all. Back when I got hired  discussing your mental health or talking about a therapist carried a large stigma and would more than likely earn you a label. This culture luckily has turned around and is now actively perusing mental health outlets and resources for its members as a whole, which has saved lives. Most people don’t know this but we continue to lose more firefighters to suicide than we do in the line of duty every year.

  Personally, the past two years we lost two fireman, one in the line of duty and one off duty.  I have been an absolute mess. my wife and I were fighting every day, I was beyond angry and had a hair trigger. My kids were starting to resent me and didn’t want to be around me because I was always mad. Heartbreaking. On top of that I hated my job basically hated the world and hated myself. Therapy wasn’t working, I couldn’t find any relief with traditional methods. Started doing some research and here we are. 

Anyway… 2.5 grams of APEs fine ground and steeped in bag of lemon ginger tea and a dash of honey for 20 mins.

30 min onset, I won’t lie the come up was not any fun at all. Riddled with anxiety and I couldn’t stop yawning?

Hour or so in I felt amazing. The deep focus playlist on Spotify is perfect imo. At this point I laughed and laughed and laughed, cried a bit, laughed some more apparently got real quiet and wouldn’t come out of my hood and then I just remember feeling light. Like a giant weight had been lifted off my soul.

Peaked and I remember sitting on the floor watching the grain of the wood and had some great fractals on the subway tile. I felt like my brain was a giant old school telephone board and there was something unplugging lines and plugging them in different parts of the board. Then there’s this weird lapse of time that I have no recollection of. My wife said I looked at her held her hand and simply said everything is going to be ok now. She said she started to cry and held my head in her lap while we sat on the floor together for about 45 mins.

Went to bed slept like a rock. Woke up feeling a bit foggy but I woke up a different person like a light switch had been flipped. I felt like I processed years and years of trauma. My soul was no longer tired. I was HAPPY again. I can smell better? Odd I know.. oh and this was all a month ago and I still feel exactly the same way!

I don’t know if anyone will get anything out of this but I’m posting it because I had a profound experience and would absolutely be a hypocrite for taking everything I learned from here without sharing my own experience. I want so badly for more people in my line of work to find relief and I whole heartedly believe that Psilocybin is real medicine and could make a serious impact on the health and well being of first responders and the general public.

TLDR: I was in a bad way and suffering found this place did the research, dropped 2.5 g of apes and it changed my entire life and I’m so so grateful.

22:55 UTC


lexapro and psychedelics

hey guys so i just started taking Lexapro and i can't help but notice the similarities between how i feel when taking lower doses of magic mushrooms? I get the same weird tight feeling in my throat and jaw (not like an allergic reaction lol) and kinda feel wired, i was wondering if anyone had any similar experiences!!

1 Comment
19:57 UTC


will prozac seriously impede my psilocybin experience?

My pdoc switched me from escitalopram to fluoxetine and I've read both impare, but does anybody have accounts by chance? I'm thinking of just doing it and gauging for myself, but if it'll seriously disable the experience regardless of dosage, then... well, that would stink and I'll have to work on weaning off

02:58 UTC


Delay niacin administration in Stamets stack?

23:58 UTC


Micro-dosing vs prescription medication?

Just wondering, and would love to hear of people who have actually taken (or even know of someone that has taken) prescription meds for anxiety and/or depression and found microdosing to be more effective?? Thanks & Peace

1 Comment
18:56 UTC


Does micro-dosing work like antidepressants taking weeks?

Hello, I was wondering does micro-dosing psilocybin work like taking ssri antidepressants in that it takes 4-8 weeks before fully working or is it right away? TY & Peace

1 Comment
17:48 UTC


What does microdose-ing feel like? When should I notice benefits?

I'm on lamictal and wellbutrin for depression. From what I've heard, you have to take more psilocybin to feel the affects when you're on mood stabilizing drugs, so I'm not sure how much to take.

Should I notice a happy feeling right away when I take microdoses? Or do I need to take it once every three days for weeks before I notice a difference?

17:12 UTC


Different strains?

Are there different strains of Psilocybin to think about when considering microdosing? For instance are there statins that focus more on clarity and others that focus more on body?

Edited for clarification.

15:44 UTC


Neo or Not

When I was younger I took psychedelics and had a good time for a while until I began struggling to discern between reality and dreams. I grew up watching the matrix with my dad and am finally watching the new one as I type this and I feel myself having panic set in over and over again. I recently started taking microdoses although I haven’t taken anything in a couple days. I can’t tell if I broke my brain and I need to just keep blue pilling stay sober get on meds and stop worrying about this or if I’m on to something. The paranoia that sets in when I start chaining synchronicities feels like I’m about to die. I guess my searching Reddit now to find out if I’ve lost my marbles or if I might be on to something. Considering DMT to break through but fear if I’m not peaking behind a veil my brain will just break further

05:05 UTC


psilocybin therapy music recommendation?

I like a weird amount of music, like the outro to adventure Time "come along with me" and I enjoy Lofi stuff and like be puppy cats original soundtrack is pretty cool I like Video Game stuff Video gave me music like from Sega like sonic music in the Waterworld and stuff… And I feel that's what I wouldn't want to be listening to while on a does; can anybody give me any other ideas to make it a bit more fruity?

05:38 UTC


Ego Dissolution: What Did You Do to Achieve It?

16:52 UTC


Psilocybin Clinical Trial dose

Hi all,

I am looking into participating in a clinical trial for psilocybin, and they have told me the dose is 25mg. I only know about dosing for dried mushrooms and have only found mixed answers about what a 25mg dose would be in comparison to a dried mushroom dose. Does anyone know what the dose would be in comparison? I've heard anywhere from 2.5-5grams. I've also heard anecdotally from two different people that they felt it was light and slightly euphoric,.... and the other person said it was highly "psychedelic" so it's hard to know what to expect! I know drugs affect people differently, just hoping for some clarification.

1 Comment
12:46 UTC

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