The PlayStation 2 (PS2) is Sony's second game console. Released in 2000, it officially replaced the PlayStation 1 in Sony's lineup, offering backwards compatibility with the PS1.
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All posts and comments must be related to PS2 and link directly to the source. any posts that don't will be removed.
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Is there a generally well known and verified site where I can order a PS2, accessories and games, where they sell tested stuff that works? Doesn’t have to be mint condition or anything, as long as it works properly. I don’t really know market prices but have been really wanting to get another one lately but just not sure of reputable sites and don’t want to get scammed or buy something broken.(Also GameCube stuff too if they’ve got it)
lol peep my dusty ps3 in the back
I was thinking of possibly putting it on an emulator and then just hooking up my steering wheel for. I'm saying emulator because it's leagues easier to map my steering wheel on my PC and obviously because it's not anything that you can get in a Walmart. I'd have to get lucky at a store to find the physical DVD.
Decided to stop by my local GameStop after the gym. Found these two, nothing crazy but it has all the inserts and registration cards. Disc are clean af and so is everything else. I guess some dude had hella stuff in the attic he forgot about and traded them in
Im Bad at deciding so I need help the ps2 Slim or the ps3 super Slim
I have a pretty sweet bvm ikegami monitor. I’m using s-video right now for my ps2. This monitor doesn’t do 480i. Would it be worth it getting a RGB cable? Or is s-video enough?
Hello all! I have got my ps2 out and cleaned up, and have been enjoying some classic games, except 1 "star trek encounters" always gives a disc read error, every other game works doesn't matter if they are normal or blue disc.
I thought it was the disc but after finding another totally clean disc it gives the same error. Anyone got any ideas?
When I used an optical drive on the PS2 Slim, the games on DVD discs appeared black after the word Konami. Some games changed screens for several seconds, loading took a long time.
What kind of problem is this?
What is better for OPL play, minirouter, mx4sio, usb hdd 2.5" + case, usb flash drive for play games in ps2 slim
cooler spins, optical unit and motors work, wireless joystick adapter LED lights up, I've tried other AV cables and it didn't work but my PS Slim 70000 with external source stays on a black screen and without sound when turning on, before it worked normally, I tested with a multimeter diode scale the PS03 ps13 ps8 ps4 ps15 ps02 and they are all ok in the continuity test with value 005, what could it be?
Jak series Sly Cooper series
And I mean: The INSOMNIAC-era Ratchet.. Anything including and after Size Matters was just horrible!
I was told to look into Crash Bandicoot (meh) and Destroy All Humans (also meh), but for me Jak Precursor Legacy was closest thing. Looking for a platformer (with cool worlds like R&C) but also with badass weapons. Can be "kid friendly" like Ratchet. TIA!
I typically remove the sticker as carefully as possible but idk I think in like 40 years I can be like ‘yeah I got this for 5 bucks, and now it’s like a zillion dollars’ but on the other hand I want to remove them so it looks good.
What do yall think ?
What's the "other" one (not "mass:/") for?
So I’m considering selling my late model ps3 for a ps2 because I realized most of the games I own are just ps2 collections and there are so many gems on the ps2 I want to play and also the ps2 can play ps1 games. From what I understand, the original fat PS2 have a PS1 chip built in but later models moved to emulation so what model of PS2 is better for playing PS1 hardware.
When I bought my PS2 off of a fellow DEFCON group member, he also had this with it (along with 1 controller, 2 wireless controllers, 3 memory cards and FFXII still on the tray) all for $60. Not a bad deal.
After selling my collection many years ago, I've decided to start it again with intentions of playing and keeping forever. This is currently where I am... Also, currently in the middle of playing TIH: UD... Having an absolute blast all over again.
Heard most 9xxxx models don't work, let me know if mine is one of them, and if it doesn't work, what can I do to mod my PS2 that doesn't involve a cd because my reader doesn't work.
So unfortunately I’ve reached a point with my current console that indicates it’s on it last legs, some games read without issue and some games don’t. An example is I recently tried playing Dark Alliance and it just wouldn’t load past a certain point, I thought it was the condition of my disc so I found another copy and had similar issues (albeit at different stages).
I’ve been looking at consoles from CEX and although they’re quite expensive they have quite a reasonable returns policy.
Does anyone have any experience with CEX or can recommend reliable sellers of refurbished consoles?
Many thanks in advance