
Photograph via snooOG


Only positive efforts to proselytize will be accepted.

This means that you should feel free to talk up the religion of your choosing.

Negative proselytizing (i.e., criticism of competing religious claims) will not be tolerated.


351 Subscribers


Come join me at /r/VoteReligion

I have started a religious concept - We vote for what goes in the book.

Come join me and vote at /r/VoteReligion

08:08 UTC


legalizing my cult

i’d like to upgrade my cult to a religious organization in the eyes of the IRS does anyone know how this works?

02:06 UTC


A new religious alternative

My friends and I have started a new religious alternative for inspired skeptics: www.mystricism.org. Let me know your thoughts.

1 Comment
09:27 UTC


✨ Explore Flawlessism: A Fusion of Philosophy and Religion ✨

Are you searching for a belief system that offers both philosophical depth and spiritual guidance? Look no further than Flawlessism, a unique fusion of philosophy and religion that challenges you to explore the mysteries of existence and find meaning in the universe.

As a philosophy, Flawlessism encourages educated critical thinking and introspection, inviting you to question conventional beliefs and explore new perspectives on life. It offers a framework for understanding the complexities of the world and your place within it (Which is why it's restricted to 18+, to increase the chances that those who study it will be doing so from a position of understanding instead of blind belief).

As a religion, Flawlessism provides spiritual guidance, as well as rituals and practices that help you connect with something benevolent (the Flawless Good), while also encouraging personal growth and enlightenment.

If you're seeking a belief system that combines philosophical inquiry with spiritual exploration, Flawlessism offers a path to deeper understanding and fulfillment. Join us on a journey of discovery and embrace the wisdom of Flawlessism.

Learn more here: The Basic Theology of Flawlessism :

#Flawlessism #New Religion #Reasoning #Spirituality #Enlightenment #Philosophy #JoinUs

00:18 UTC


SNEAK PEEK! Page from upcoming Conclusion to Part One of Pantheopsychic Science #1: THE LOGIC TRAP OF GODLESS DEATH!

00:28 UTC


Do you hate evil? do you fear death? WELL WORRY NO MORE

if you join The Subjects you will be helping to complete a prophesy thousands of years in the making. long ago the Perished king, the god of death descended upon the earth to usher us into an age of enlightenment. but we misunderstood his message and created a religion that pushed him away. but now its almost time for the second coming of the King. when he rises all evil will be consumed by him. to be a Subject you must DO NO EVIL and you must be against those who do evil. also you are forbidden from consuming dear, which is sacred to the King. for the king to rise i need 8 loyal Subjects

08:48 UTC


Pantheopsychic Short: What Does It Mean To "Belong To Christ"???

23:21 UTC


Looking for an all accepting religion? Join Kadenism!

Hi there! If you clicked on this, more than likely you're looking for an all welcoming religion. Well, you've found one here!

Our beliefs are of this: Satanism (worship of the self) God(the christian one), certain demons, hellenic gods, kemetic gods, celtic gods, Nordic gods, angels

Our rules are of this: Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked.

Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them.

When in another’s lair, show him respect or else do not go there.

If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy.(respect until the other doesn't show it)

Do not make sexual advances unless you are given the mating signal.(consent)

Do not take that which does not belong to you unless it is a burden to the other person and he cries out to be relieved.

Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

Do not harm little children.

Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, humble him.


Be a decent human.

Do not cause unnecessary drama, stress, or problems.

Dress in a mostly modest way. (Do not reveal more skin than you feel comfortable revealing in a public setting with children) Love yourself no matter what.

Take care of yourself and eat healthfully, unless it's a cheat day.

Masturbation is seen as healthy, and a good outlet for stress. Just do it in moderation, no addictions.

Do not harm oneself or others. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

Our sins are of this:

Lust, gluttony, murder, adultery, wrath, sloth, pride (a little is ok, excessive amounts are a sin, same goes for sloth), lying, denying the main god and existence of other gods, being rude, name calling (jokeful name calling is ok as long as it isn't in excessive amounts), harming animals unless it is for food, or accidental, cheating (can be romantic, or like cheating on a test or games), disrespecting others, judging others(only the Gods can judge others, a little judgment is okay, just not too much). That's pretty much it! Our sins aren't necessarily bad, they're just guidelines.

16:19 UTC


"He That Believeth In Me Shall Never Die"

02:33 UTC


Plato's Form of the Good

We're all attracted to good things. This means there must be an ultimate attractor which is goodness in it's purest form. It is the Good spoken of by the Greek philosopher Plato. The Good emanates existence and all things in existence naturally return to it. We all seek the Good in our lives.

What is the Good like? It is like very deep meditation. For the Good is a singularity, a single point from which the universe emerged. Therefore one-pointed concentration is the path to return to the Good.

Alahara is the religion of the Good. Those who follow the Great Master Austin of Alahara will learn one-pointed consciousness through the Kirtan Kriya meditation.

23:41 UTC


SNEAK PEAK! Page 33 of Pantheopsychic Science #1: THE LOGIC-TRAP OF GODLESS DEATH!

11:32 UTC


The Cosmic Path

Hello everyone. I'm here talk about a developing religion/philosophy . It's called The Cosmic Path. It follows a basic moral system of treating others with the kindness, respect, and empathy you would wish for yourself and refrain from actions you would not want done to you. It also follows the belief that in near death scenarios many people reported seeing their life flash before their eyes, so self reflection is a key value. It is also been said that people on their death bed have reported seeing a bright light. I believe "the light" is the afterlife. It's mainly how you want to interpret that light. For me it is a warm, relaxing place. The thing that really sets The Cosmic Path apart is the belief that when you die you are greeted by Death itself, as a psychopomp. It will take many forms, primarily what makes you comfortable as you are moving on to the light. I see Death as a kind and empathetic being. I believe that it mourns you as it has watched you your whole life and know it is your time to go into the light, a place Death cannot go because it's job is here with the living. I feel as Death leads your soul to the light you will get to see your life from a new perspective, seeing all the good you have done and how even small deeds have made large impacts. The option for a bad path in life I feel is nothing. You get nothing. Just a void. It is nothing to fear though because good deeds as small as they are can be as easy or difficult to perform as you wish. Thank you for reading. I am seeking feedback on these beliefs and any comment helps.

04:23 UTC


Are you lost?

Are you without purpose in life? Do you fear death and insignificance? What if I told you that could all go away, with just one thing. Dodekanism.

You can join the church, and become the first or one of the first followers of me, Ena Dekaexi, a prophet enlightened by Dodeka himself. You will go down in history books once the true religion is followed by millions, and you shall be remembered for all time.

If you live by my way, righteously, you shall leave this Earth upon death, and life with the divine. You can help others meet a similar fate, and please Dodeka by spreading his word. Join the Church of Dodeka TODAY, and become important!

I shall elaborate on this with any questions in the comments, for more info, see my other post here.

05:35 UTC


Modernizing Satanism

If this post is against the rules (I did read the sticky’s and guidlines) please let me know. I am rather new to Reddit and my friends suggested reaching out about my ideas here.

So, i have found myself in a rather interesting process. That being that I am rewriting the Satanic Bible. Yes the one written by LaVey in 1969. Simply put I am bringing a modern spin on ‘Traditional’ Satanism. Using more inclusive language while keeping the lines that are set and adjusting what it might mean to be a Satanist in today’s world. After all it has been roughly 55 years since his work had come out. A lot has changed in 55 years, and as we, a new generation looks to step into our own it is probably time for an update. And my update is almost finished, the rough draft of it anyways

My friends, for now, have declared me the ‘leader’ of this little branch of Satanism. Some even are excited at the prospect of being apart of a new community. So I look to extend a hand to anyone who wishes to perhaps join on this journey and be part of this new slowly growing community. Note that I am not wishing to take over LaVey’s community that had been created far before my time. Nor do I seek to step on toes of existing religions. Simply building New Age Satanism.

We wish to focus on our individualism, to create a community that everyone can be apart of. Those who practice Theistic worship or not. It’s so hard sometimes these days to create something big to be apart of. Something that is beneficial and influential. And my ragtag group of Satanist look to do just that. We would love to see a growth in members. To make new friends along the way and help people into their journeys be it into Satanism or through Satanism. Inclusive to the LGBTQ, to those with disability, to those with mental health issues. To those who are just unsure of how or what they want to practice. We are here for you.

What do you think? Would you be interested in my rewrite? Perhaps to become a part of the Ministry?

23:28 UTC


SNEAK PEAK! Page 36 from segment of Pantheopsychic Science #1: THE LOGIC-TRAP OF GODLESS DEATH!

03:46 UTC


Proposal for a religion focused on Algorithms

I think we need a movement that's focused on algorithms

I don't really know what to call it yet. I've put decades of thought into this, but I don't think it would be right for me to name it. Algorithms (a set of instructions to achieve a certain goal) have been with us since before writing. They were there when one person showed another how to sharpen a stone. They were there when we buried our dead. They are encoded into our writings on many levels. They run our world both technologically/ socially / legally and our morality.

Yet they are largely ignored. No one thinks to check and make sure that on the big picture the Algorithms are actually doing good. If they do its with a financial motive instead of a spiritual one. Algorithms can create heaven, hell, or any number of realities. They can be embedded into things like metamaterials. Even our DNA and life itself could be considered nested Algorithms.

So this is where I'm at. I was talking with some LLM AI about this and one of them recommended doing an open source Holy text where people would use LLM digital twins to represent them in the conversation to create the holy texts. So for example you would be having a conversation with your AI. It would store all the information locally, but then go and use the information it knows but doesn't share to try and come to an agreement on our principles. This would be done slower then people normally could so that everything could easily be reviewed when the person wanted to. This would be a continued process of spiritual negotiation and debate which would culminate in a new yearly edition where things are finalized for that year. The editions would be historical but also could be citied either by the person or the LLM twin of the person. So that the texts may live on even if we move on.

I think this process for the negotiation of beliefs could also be used in broader human society. If an LLM were to be given the ability to change over time, and if it could reserve a bit of time each day to dream for the same reasons we dream which is to say to simulate and run hypothetical situations based on what's happened in the day or the rest of that entities life this could be very productive. Most of life is dictated by negotiation that you either passively accept, or it takes resources to push back on "agreements." Think about how much of your life is determined by those terms of service that you don't read often until it's too late. What if we didn't just have to accept their terms? What if we decided the terms that we would live under as truly free people? What if the secret to paradise is automation built around not just people but also being a positive member of the environment. A merger of artificial and biological into a harmonious whole that dazzles in its beauty and fills life with the knowledge that it's loved.

22:31 UTC


Final Sneak Peak! Page 18 of Pantheospychic Science #1: THE LOGIC-TRAP OF GODLESS DEATH!

02:23 UTC


Sneak Peak! Page 17 from Pantheopsychic Science Issue 1: THE LOGIC TRAP OF GODLESS DEATH!

02:22 UTC


Pantheon Of Darkism

  1. Mahura- God Of Creation, Wisdom, Weather And War

  2. Atlantizia- God Of The Sea And Floods

  3. Magmamus- God Of Fire

  4. Phoenix- Goddess Of Summer

  5. Aurora- Goddess Of Winter

  6. Flora- Goddess Of Spring

  7. Blaze- God Of The Sun

  8. Merlin- God Of Magic

  9. Leo- God Of Knowledge

  10. Aisha- Goddess Of Life

  11. Aspen- Goddess Of Nature

  12. Amber- Goddess Of Autumn

  13. Draco- God Of The Underworld

  14. Wyatt- God Of Strength, Victory And Bravery

  15. Raphael- God Of Healing

  16. Chloe- Goddess Of Fertility

  17. Ivy- Goddess Of Love, Sex And Beauty

  18. Luna- Goddess Of The Moon

  19. Beerer- God Of Alcohol

  20. Drake- God Of Animals

  21. Hilal- God Of Sleep

  22. Carota- Goddess Of Vegetation

  23. Dakota- Goddess Of Friendship

  24. Theresa- Goddess Of The Harvest

  25. Saturnia- God Of The New Year

  26. Byron- God Of Poetry

06:24 UTC


Introducing a New Spiritual Path- Karmic Autotheism

My fellow truth-seekers,

I come to you today to share a profound spiritual revelation - a belief system I call Karmic Autotheism. At its core, this philosophy holds that every human being is born a God with boundless potential.

We all enter this world as divine beings, neither good nor evil, but neutral and full of possibility. It is through our actions in this life that we shape our own divine destiny. With each choice, each deed, we are crafting the very nature of our godhood.

As we walk the path of life, our actions echo in the cosmic balance of the universe. Good deeds expand and embellish our personal pocket realms in the afterlife, while misdeeds tarnish and diminish them. We are the architects of our own heavens or hells.

Not only do our actions shape our private paradises, but they also determine the magnitude of our following when we pass from this mortal coil. Live a life of wisdom, compassion and positive influence, and be forever exalted by throngs of devoted followers in the great beyond. Succumb to base desires and selfish impulses, and find yourself alone, ruling over a desolate, empty netherworld.

My friends, Karmic Autotheism places the responsibility for our ultimate fate squarely on our own shoulders. We are not subservient to some distant, inscrutable deity - we ARE the deities, and it is up to us to manifest our full divine potential.

Embrace your inner godhood. Tread the righteous path. Forge a resplendent eternal realm. Karmic Autotheism is the road map to apotheosis. The choice is yours.

May your choices be wise, and your godhood be glorious!

EDIT: After receiving insightful feedback, I've realized that Karmic Autotheism, as initially presented, lacked a clear moral framework. The philosophy should not simply reward self-satisfaction, but should encourage truly ethical behavior. I am in the process of refining the belief system to incorporate an objective measure of the positive or negative impact of one's actions on the world and other beings. This will ensure that truly good deeds lead to a paradise, while evil acts, even if celebrated by the individual, result in a hellish realm. The size of one's following will be determined by the number of people genuinely helped or harmed. Thank you for your continued engagement and constructive criticism as we develop and improve Karmic Autotheism together.

1 Comment
04:13 UTC


Unnamed chinese inspired religion

In the beginning, there was nothing but darkness. But, one day, there was a spark. A small spark that was just enough to cause a change. This change came in the form of a glowing humanoid being that eminated light. This being was known as Taji. As Taji aged, he began to get lonely, and so, using his power, he created an orb of rock and water. He named this planet Diqiu (earth), and on it he placed small creatures resembling him. He would name the male Yadang, and the woman he would name Yi Fu. Yadang and Yi Fu were very kind, and provided Taji with much joy, but he lacked something. What Taji truly wanted was a wife, and children. And so, Taji again created a sphere, this time much smaller, he would give life and a spirit to this sphere, naming it Yuè. Yuè at first did not love Taji, seeing him simply as an acquaintance, but slowly, she began to fall for him, and eventually bore him two twins, a boy and a girl. They named the girl Yin, and the boy Yang. As the twins aged, they grew curious of earth, and thus ventured down. They loved earth, and decided that they wanted to help the humans. By this point, Yadang and Yi Fu had long since passed, as it had been nearly 500 years since Taji created them, but their descendants lived on. After some time on earth, the twins would return to the cosmos alongside their parents. After some discussion about what they had experienced on earth, Taji and Yuè would tell the twins that they wanted to retire, and name Yin and Yang as their successors, and so, they did. Yuè would become the moon, and Taji the sun, both retired and keeping the earth functioning as it had for almost 7 centuries now. Yin and Yang would take over in their place, and would assist the humans.
One day, when Yin was strolling through a field on earth, she met a boy, this boy, named taji (after Yin's father, aka the creator of the universe). She said hi to him, and they began talking. Hours passed, and they were sitting on a couch swing together just talking away. The excitement of having someone to talk to got the best of Yin, and they ended up engaging in procreation, causing Yin to become pregnant. Months passed, and eventually the child was born, the first union of Human and Deity. This child, named bai, had the abilities of a god, but in human form, and was extremely strong, on top of this, he was able to create small orbs around him from a very young age, an ability not too dissimilar to the one used by Taji (the god, not the human) to create the earth and moon. As Bai grew, he began to become more and more powerful, until he reached Godhood. Upon reaching Godhood, bai was able to tap into his abilities inherited from his grandfather, and was able to create large planets. In boredom, as well as curiosity, he flew into the cosmos, and created a set of planets, these planets he would name Shuixing, jinxing, huoxing, muxing, tuxing, tianwangxing and haiwangxing. Seeing this feat of power, Taji would return to a humanoid form, and introduce himself to his grandson, though. Taji would train Bai in the ways of Godhood, and would offer Bai to come live in the cosmos with him, to which Bai would accept.

04:08 UTC


🌟 Embrace Flawlessism: Where Reason Meets Spirituality 🌟

Are you an adult seeking a deeper connection with the universe, grounded in pure reason and spiritual enlightenment? Welcome to Flawlessism, a unique blend of religion and philosophy that offers a path to understanding.

Join us on this journey of discovery and enlightenment. Embrace Flawlessism and experience the harmony of reason and spirituality in your life.

Here is our subreddit's Wiki where you can get started: index - GoodAndEvilReligion (reddit.com)

#Flawlessism #Reasoning #Spirituality #Enlightenment #JoinUs

21:00 UTC


What is....THE SIN-VERSE?

22:49 UTC


The Laws of Alahara

  1. Live in harmony with nature.

  2. Share.

  3. Respect others.

  4. Love each other.

  5. Do not murder.

  6. Tell the truth.

  7. Consume what is necessary, and no more.

21:46 UTC


The Salvation of Humanity revealed!

The Alahara Meditation -

Sit cross-legged on the floor. With each inbreath, imagine a cool electrical energy moving up your spine to the crown of your head. With each outbreath, imagine a warm liquid energy flowing from the crown of your head to the base of your spine. Continue for 20 minutes daily.

This brings happiness and clarity to the mind. It has a very relaxing and stimulating effect on the mind and the nervous system. With happiness of mind consumerism falls away from the thoughts, and thus you will be happy with less and won't feel the need to consume more products and pump more greenhouse gas into the atmosphere. Thus it is the salvation of Humanity from global climate change.

Remember, true happiness comes from the Alahara Meditation, not from consumerism.

21:26 UTC



Pism is a faith dedicated to the mathematical concept of Pi. Now, you may be wondering, why Pi? Well, long story short, Pi is infinite, and therefore contains any works of music, literature, art, or anything else really. Due to this, since Pi at some point contains EVERYTHING, it could be considered Omnipotent. Unlike other religions, Pi does not have any strict rules you most obey. And Pists (Folowers of Pism) do not believe in an afterlife.

02:08 UTC

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