Post game links and PYX discussions to share with other redditors! PYX is an online Cards Against Humanity Clone.
The place to discuss Pretend You're Xyzzy, an online Cards Against Humanity clone, and set up PYX games.
Don't be shy! Schedule a game for you and your friends!
Memes are discouraged.
Games of physical Cards Against Humanity belong on /r/cardsagainsthumanity.
We strongly encourage you to set passwords for your games.
Have fun!
User Flairs:
You are encouraged to post your usual PYX username!
Our Friends:
Names Punkin, and this is my game link. https://pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz/zy/game.jsp#game=35
So this might be obvious, and I might be dumb so sorry about that, but could someone help me through how to set up a game? I just kinda found this so I really don't know anything. I'm playing on my phone as well if that makes a differnce. If you could give screenshots that would be really nice but if not I'll take anything provided. Or if anyone already has a tutorial I'll also take that.
Thank you!
Someone wanted to play xyzzy with me, but when they opened it and I started it, the game didn't start for them. How do I let them play?
This has only begun happening recently, but I can no longer get onto the pyx-1.pretendyoure.xyz website, with the end result being a 502 bad gateway error every single time. This only happens on this specific website and nowhere else that I visit. Can I fix this or is the website down permanently?
Is there any possible way of adding a Custom Desk without CardCast?
I found one a while ago, but I think it disappeared... I need one me and some friends can play privately on with decks we keep updating so we don't have to keep waiting on mod approval. Could someone point me in the right direction?
I worked on a Turkish deck for a couple years on CardCast but I never saved the code. The name of the deck was "İnsanlığa Karşı Kartlar". I was only able to recover these links from when I was building after a deep dive in my Google history. Is there a way to recover my deck?
do they still have the code for those packs? i miss some of them
Ther's an italian deck?
Is there any possible way to get my deck back from card cast? I still can't find it anywhere and I really want it for personal use to mix in with official decks. The code was GP3GH.
Looking to play a game, but the app seems kinda dead
Hey does anybody want to start a group that plays semi-frequently?
in-game name is HunterIsSussy, on the website pretendyoure.xyz
and the discord i have is CoreyW#8067
okay wtf is going on with the website? is it shut down? T_T
I tried to find the link on google but i cannot find it, can someone give me the link
It seems like the only custom decks Massive Decks accepts are the ones submitted to Many Decks. Is there a way to make your deck private, so that it doesn't appear on the list of decks for everyone to see?
And when you submit a deck to Many Decks, do you have to wait first to go through a review process and be approved before you can use the deck in your games?
Does anyone know if it's still possible to add custom decks to Xyzzy? I'm planning on making a deck for private games with my friends but I'm not sure if any programs can do it anymore.
I successfully installed docker with
but how can i connect with my phone app?
i dont see an option to put an ip address and my server (on the same wireless ) is not being detected.
I don't have any active friends on discord anymore and all my servers are inactive so I decided to do a random room but I can't set it up without needing to enter a room password. Only played it with invited links where others made rooms so I don't know how to set up stuff on my own.
Thanks in advance.
im making a (new) deck on CrCast and every time i click on "save draft" or "save and publish" it just endlessly loads and never saves at all. ive remade the same deck like 3 times