We had some rubber potato stress balls once but never a potato looking high fashion top. O brave new world, etc
Ok, I am creating a standing rib roast for family i haven't seen in years. We used to gather every Christmas time at my grandmother's and she would prepare a standing rib roast - everytime.
This is where this sub reddit comes in.
I am not a chef, a cook, I hate all things kitchen related, but I love food.
Number 1 veg? You guessed it. It has everything to do with the following.....
Help me re-create the potato.
I'm sur÷, well hope really, you can identify this potato creation.
They were always served with the roast, cooked in the juices maybe?
They were white, round balls, crispy on side, and here is most important part.....
They had this like leathery / tough / kinda chewy outside. Not so chewy it would make your teeth hurt, but you could take a fork and just press on these potatoes and the soft inside wood just burst out, leaving the crispy, chewy skin / outside to savor. The contrasting textures to me were heaven.
I wanna be clear. Maybe grandma didn't know how to cook. Maybe she cooked these spuds too long, maybe what your reading screams "Ewwwww".
I don't care. I have been obsessing over these potatoes long enough, and I want them for the dinner this weekend.
How are they created.....what potatoes....what's the prep.....
Please.....if you guys can't help....I'm doomed to reminese about a childhood I can never revisit
Please help.
Thanks in advance.
Please can those who are experienced in growing their own potatoes tell us in detail their watering schedules and fertilizing routines? Take into consideration rainy damper regions.
Can someone explain what’s happened here?
that's all I want to knwo. thasnk for your time
Are these too Green to safely consume? Roasted or boiled?
Turn your audio on for the crunch Recipe in comments
I hope so, cuz I’m gonna ask one. Harvested these today and am wondering if this is the beginning of rot, or is it just staining?
Can i collect both from the same plant? My foliage is starting to yellow but the fruit is still green and not dried yet. Thanks
I put them in about 3 maybee 3 and a half hours ago at 400, I set an alarm for 1 hour and they weren’t ready then, and then I forgot about them I read somewhere that it isn’t safe to eat overcooked potatoes can someone give me advice on this? 😅 Sorry if this is a weird question I don’t know where to ask LMAO
Only Popeyes and I care that it's National Potato Day. 🥔
I took the liberty of trying to find most of the Potato related holidays once, and today, today is one. Ask anyone who knows me personally they'll associate my main food item with Potatoes. If I died, I'd probably sprout spuds when buried.
Well, Five Guys fries feel like the right way to celebrate potato day. And if there was a potato god like the Spaghetti Monster, well... we know how this story ends
Potato 🥔
Potato 🥔 🍠
Potato 🥔 🍠 🥔 🍠
What's your favorite potato dish?