
Photograph via snooOG

Maintain a good posture is an essential part of our life. You will get helpful posture tips, guide, research, and information.

Maintain a good posture is an essential part of our life. You will get helpful posture tips, guide, research, and information.


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I need serious help

Am i cooked how do i fix it

20:13 UTC



my posture is making me so depressed, ive been follow stretches/exercises from yt videos for the past few months but i don’t notice any difference. how do i fix this?

20:20 UTC


Does my posture need to improve

I’m standing up as straight as I can, I usually have lower back pain and am wondering if it’s due to posture

15:36 UTC


Knees rotating outward when sitting

I sit down in my office chair, but every time I do my knees rotate in outward directions. I have knee pain after sitting for a while and I think this might be the cause. Has anyone had experience with this issue, and if so how did you fix it?

16:45 UTC


Shoulder misalignment

How can I fix this shoulder misalignment? I've been struggling a lot on rowing (ergometer and boat). I'm currently seeing a PT but after a month things are not resolving as much as I need...

15:57 UTC


Sitting posture check

Hey everyone, obese guy working on fitness over the past 4-5 months. Have multiple postural faults related to sedentary lifestyle.

Wanted to check if the sitting posture is acceptable or too rounded at the upper back. I believe the ears should be in line with the shoulders but are a little ahead right now. As of now, this is the most upright I can sit.

1 Comment
10:06 UTC


How do I keep my shoulder away from my ears 😭

I just always go back to that same posture and obviously my necks bd shoulders are suffering

20:11 UTC


Do butterfly braces work?

I’ve been using one but I saw they might hurt me in the long run.

I sit a lot for my job so I’ll usually wear it for 6-10 hrs 5 days a week.

03:23 UTC


It’s impossible for me to pull my left shoulder blade down. I’ve done physical therapy for 12 weeks and haven’t seen much improvement.

21:47 UTC


Muscle Imbalances

So, for the past year now I have been dealing with a left pec and lat imbalance and its been driving me nuts and making me self conscious. I have done everything from stretches (which I still do everyday), only training one side, and also adding extra reps and sets to the bad side. But more recently I thought that this can all stem from bad posture, I think that my right shoulder is more internally rotated then my left and this is causing the muscle to contract more in a relaxed state. I also noticed that my left shoulder/ arm is much more flexible then the right side, for example if I were to bring both my arms back behind my back the left side can go much further back then the right side. So, I think I have bad internal rotation in the right arm, I also think I may have scapula winging in both of my scapulas but am not certain. I just hope someone will be able to help me out and give me some advice, because do you know how embarrassed I feel when I put a shirt on and my right pec and lat are so much more noticeable then the left side not only that but much tighter. I will post a video and photo of my situation.

Video of my back and photo of pecs ( you have to scroll down for the pecs): https://imgur.com/a/icEkPi7

21:29 UTC


What’s wrong with my neck help please

Hello, last Dezember I had an necessary surgery and got abused, they layed me down in a hospital bed with 2 pillows and lifted the part were my head was laying while I still was unconscious, also there was gas that had to escape my body and was pushing against my shoulder musculature. One of those is why I have forward head posture(never had these problems)be it that my unconscious adopted the position, I have lymph nodes everywhere and my neck muscles are cramped up or infected. Also my face changed, I can’t concentrate very well, I have nerve issues(damage), get head aches more often than I used too, have hearing and tmj problems, I don’t feel good. Nothing I do seems to loosen the musculature, for 5 months I’ve tried Physio Therapy, stretches etc, orthopedic therapy, accupuncture, last week going to sauna. The only thing where I kinda noticed change is when I took the muscle relaxants, I got fever and my neck started aching and I got really bad cough. I still have neck aches, it’s been 2 Weeks since I took them. The musculature however also did not let loose. Is there an infection happening? My doctor gave me cervical syndrom as diagnosis but what could he really do to help other then muscle relaxants? I heard people inject Botox in the sc‘ms to relax them but I won’t do that and I don’t see any other option rn

08:26 UTC


Need help with foot posture.

Hey, I know this is a posture subreddit, but I thought that foot posture would be included.

Currently, I am a flat footer and its not looking good for me because I keep on getting injured and my ankles are not so strong. What can I do to help me get stronger ankles, higher arch and overall better foot posture?

03:47 UTC


How have you developed your core strength?

I’m interested.

19:02 UTC


Upper back causing neck pain?

Sorry if my post is long but i really want you guys to guide me. I'm in my mid 20s, healthy weight.

I've been having neck stiffness for years. 2 years ago I went to the doctor, he requested x-rays for my neck. Nothing abnormal showed up. So he thought it was just tensed up muscles and gave me muscle relaxants, but those didn't help.

I would describe my condition as one that flares up sometimes. It's mostly stiffness and not pain. But when it flares up, a bad a degree of pain will be associated with it (due to the tightness).

When the muscles are tight, I have the following symptoms: Discomfort, pain and cracking noises when turning my head to left/right or upwards. The degree of pain depends on how tight my neck is. I do have tightness in my upper back, I feel the pain when I do thoracic rotation, it's intensity depends on how tight that I am. It also affects the thoracic rotation mobility. But I think I have a good range of motion/mobility when I'm not stiff.

3 months ago I went to an orthopedic when my condition flared up, he saw the same x-ray, gave me corticosteroid injections for 5 days (it really helped) and 5 weeks of physical therapy, painkillers, NSAID and muscle relaxants. But the flare up came back once the effects of corticosteroid started wearing off. NSAIDs did help but weren't that effective.

As for physical therapy it was neck strengthening exercises most of the time which make my symptoms worse?!! I hated it. Imagine your neck is so tensed up and instead of getting the muscles to relax they make you do these intense exercises.

After weeks I found out that although the upper back might not feel as stiff as my neck, but it might be the contributing cause.

I discovered trigger points. As shown in the pictures. The two in my neck, when pressed or massaged, they relieve the stiffness instantly and after that my neck won't even make cracking noises when I turn my head.

What's more surprising is that the trigger points in my rhomboid (or near it, I don't know) also relieve my neck stiffness and are as effective as the neck trigger points if not more. So pretty much I don't even need to touch my neck to relieve it's stiffness.

The area in blue are where I feel tender and massaging them feel really good. I think that's just rhomboid but I don't know why it goes below the scapula? I don't think the rhomboid is that long.

Over time I discovered that bent over rows with dumbells (or even without) would also cause a relief. First repetitions would be so intense (like the kind of pain that feels good, even sometimes i could hear cracking noise near my scapula (barely, it's not loud and only me could hear it). After the few repetitions I would feel like totally treated, mobility restored in my neck, no tightness in my upper back (rhomboid/scapula region). But of course I wouldn't be writing this if the relief wasn't temporary.

I get the same relief with wall angel exercise. I'd say the exercise is more intense (in the upper back region) but as effective as the previous.

Same thing with running.

My flare up is gone but there's tightness still occuring but its much less annoying. I just want a way to get rid of this problem once and for all.

Oh yeah I also discovered that my posture matters. Whenever I ask my someone about my posture they say "I don't see a problem with it". Well yeah I don't think too but I feel like there's a room for improvement. I feel like positions that put my head in a forward position will result in the stiffness.

While I don't think I have a forward head posture, or rounded shoulders. I obviously have a anterior pelvic tilt. I realized that if I become conscious of maintaining a correct pelvic posture, my shoulder posture and my head. It becomes less likely for me to get stiffness in my neck.

But what I'm sure of is that my posture affects my condition, when I used to work as a system administrator, repairing devices forces me into a hunched over position and that results in my symptoms.

So I'm writing here because I'm not sure why my condition is persistent? Which muscles are the problem? Is if even themuscless? I don't feel pain radiating to my arms or anything.

It's hard for me to find out what triggers it exactly. How can it be my posture when my posture does look fine.

By the way in went to another orthopedic and he told me to not worry and it's just tight muscles possibly due to anxiety, (I do have anxiety but I don't think its severe).

I also want to add that during my last flare up that lasted 2 months (never had it for this long) despite being on medications it was bad enough, I would say my pain, stiffness and discomfort was at 6-7/10.

But for the last 3 weeks I improved without the help of medications and I would say I'm at 2/10. Some days 3/10. Some days 1/10. And I'm still not on medications. But I'm thankful for this improvement, the stiffness is still somehow there but a stretch will relieve me and I don't need to go as far as doing the exercises I mentioned although I still do them anyway. In fact I'm not sure if the flare up went away because I was consistent with exercises and practicing sports or it was gonna go away either way.

I wanted to make my post detailed in order to avoid any confusion. And overall my questions are the following: What do you think is causing all of this? Why do my muscles tighten up? Is it caused by muscle weakness/imbalances? Or something else? The thought of having to deal with this problem for the rest of my life scares me. Could this be something serious? I feel like doctor never take this seriously and just tell me I'm fine. Heck, I never got a proper physical examination. I can't financially afford going to more doctors because I know if there is a cure to this it's not gonna be medications. But rather exercises. Hence why I'm here. Honestly I'm not mentally prepared to go to physical therapist/doctor due to the health anxiety I developed. I'd rather have someone to advice me and tell me to stick to certain exercises.

Please help me and tell me what should I do. I also hope my discoveries and the improvements i saw could help others here who might have similar symptoms.

11:42 UTC


numbness and burning in the thigh after sitting

Hi guys. So, the week before last I started sitting on the chair in a relaxed/stretched way, where due to the height of the chair, my feet don't touch the floor. Furthermore, I started sleeping on my back. I spent a few hours sitting in this slouched position, putting pressure on my coccyx to the point where the area went numb. The problem is that now, if I stay in that same position, I start to feel numb and after a while of numbness, I start to feel a burning sensation in the upper part of my left thigh. When I sleep on my back too. Could my position have caused compression on a nerve?

21:06 UTC


Core and umbilical hernia

I've had a history of several umbilical hernias over years. As goofy as this is, I was never told to go see a PT to help correct anything. They just patched me up and sent me out the door! I just didn't know any better.

But now I'm wanting to correct this.

There's no way that the umbilical hernias hasn't damaged my core in some fashion.

It feels like the rectus abdominis is overactive and pulling me into a massive crunch like state.

My hips are not the greatest either because of all this as well.

I've always had an extremely difficult time trying to figure out the core whenever I would try to look things up

The rectus would just take over and dominate everything.

I've been practicing the dead bug and I believe I'm starting to feel other core muscles.

My goal is to do this every single day so that I can strengthen those areas while hopefully not feeling the Rectus.

Anyone have any other advice?

20:16 UTC


Is it acceptable to schedule an appointment with a physical therapist for postural issues but having no pain

I have a really terrible posture (forward neck, anterior/lateral pelvic tilt, rounded shoulders. Neck/shoulders/pelvis are both laterally tilting opposite to each other).

My only functional issue (that I know of) is that I am unable to touch my hands behind my back on one side.

I’ve been trying to deal with all this problems by doing chin tucks, lateral raises, rows, reverse chest flys, glute bridges and noticed some success.

My only problem is that my neck/shoulders/pelvis are still tilting inwardly and I’m worried I’m reinforcing that behavior by working out and building muscle.

(I was screened and was not diagnosed but borderline scoliosis. I 100 percent believe my tilting is from muscle imbalances)

Idk if a PT is the right place to fix those issues. I asked my friend about it and she said that was dumb as bricks.

How many people come in to help with posture? Is it acceptable?

(I’m only asking here bc I have slight social anxiety LOL, and my area is a little racist. I imagine most PT goers are sports related or fixing old health issues. I’ll still end up calling them to see if it’s chill)

20:23 UTC


How do i fix my terrible posture

Does anyone have a at home bodyweight and dumbell only workout to fix all of my posture problems and how long would it take to fix it. ive been having serious upper back and neck pain while working register.

23:54 UTC

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