
Photograph via snooOG

A place to discuss and share experiences related to policing.

A place to discuss all things relating to policing, to share experiences and stories from both civilians and officers.

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Should I major in criminal justice if I only want to be a police officer

I (18M) have always wanted to be a police officer and have always been told you have to have a degree to get anywhere in life because it gives more opportunities for promotions I guess. Long story short will this make me any more money in the future working in the law enforcement field

02:05 UTC


Looking to get rifle plates in my outer carrier. Advice.

Hey brother and sisters, I am looking to get rifle plates in my outer carrier but have zero idea what to look for. I have a safariland outer carrier with 12 by 10 slots on the front and back. Anybody have advice on a good set of plates? Preferably level 4. I found these during my search and like them. Thoughts?


01:03 UTC


If I make a realistic police uniform for Halloween and Halloween only can I wear it at work?

What do I change so people know it is fake?

Work only not the store or a restaurant, etc. Btw it would be a fake rcmp uniform

23:22 UTC


UK officer here there are obviously big differences with how we Police I was honestly wondering what your opinions are on some of them?

  1. The big one we dont routinely carry guns and many officers dont even have a tazer. There are armed units out and about if required.

  2. We cant use a tazer on a suspect if they are fleeing unless we think they are going to immediately cause harm to anoth er i.e. running at someone with a knife

  3. Only certain units can pursue vehicles usually traffic officers. Ontop of that its common place for officers to not get any access to use blue lights until they have been in the job 2 to 3 years.

  4. Not as big as the others but we use rigid handcuffs where from what i have noted you guys only ever seem to use chain link, I would love a reason for this as I just dont see any benefits of the chain linked.

Any other differences that you guys have noticed ill try to defend / explain

22:04 UTC


[USA] How does a forensic examination of a phone work? Police needed my phone to verify some texts... how long does that usually take, if texts are all they need?

What the title says.

I'm the stepmom in a high-conflict custody dispute where the bio-mom made some fake text messages (just paper print outs, mind you--she confiscated the kiddo's phone and refuses to show it to the police) where I am allegedly making threats of violence and saying sexual things to my stepson. It's pretty gross... some nasty sex talk and threats to stab kids at his school, stuff like that. She used these to file reports with the police and CWS. The "texts" are extremely poorly photoshopped, and CWS and the detectives who interviewed us all seemed to understand that (the photoshop job was REALLY bad).

I gladly offered up my phone for a forensic examination and they whisked it away. There's nothing suspicious or incriminating on my phone... just 3,000 pics of my cats, another thousand stupid memes, and the occasional spicy pic sent to my husband that I would certainly prefer nobody else see. Although I am admittedly more upset about losing my 251 day Duolingo streak than the possibility of strangers seeing my nudes.

If all they need to do is check the text message logs between me and my stepson, that's all they'll look at, right? And about how long will it take to get my phone back? I need it for work and Uber and my crippling DoorDash addiction.

Thank you in advance for any insight.

22:04 UTC


Do you have any insight into why most cop body cam vids are from Florida?

#1: Florida

#2: New Mexico

#3: Oklahoma

#4: Every other State combined.

21:36 UTC


What is the role of corporals?

I watch lots of police body cam videos on YouTube. I see unranked officers and deputies. I see sergeants. I never see a corporal.

Bonus question: Deputies... do you mind being called police? We Marines are somewhat offended when we are called, "soldiers". Not that deputies or police or Marines or soldiers are better. It's just a matter of distinction.

21:34 UTC


Why Is This Truck? Like, Why Does Highway Patrol Need This Truck? (Los Angeles, CA / SF Valley)

20:34 UTC


Question about the IAB

Hi everyone. I am the wife of an NYPD officer and I had a question. For privacy - I won't reveal precincts or any identifying information. My husband has been the victim of unfounded allegations of "forcible touching" by a friend of mine. I know it's not true because I was present with him/her all night of "the incident", along with twenty other people who attest to the same. The DA has already conducted the investigation and found the allegations unfounded - which is good. Now the IAB is doing their own investigation and it's taking forever. He's getting very nervous because he's due to retire and he's not able to - it seems. This has never happened before - and he has no sexual allegations in all his 20 years of policing. The whole thing is insane and bizarre - of course I am very worried for him. No wonder cops die so young - it's all the stress. 

The reason I am writing is this - did anyone have similar experiences with the IAB? Maybe even more specifically with these types of unfounded allegations?

[In case you're wondering why my ex-friend made these allegations - I have many theories and your guess is as good as mine - jealousy, money and her unrequited attraction towards him. No idea - I just know 100% it's not true].

20:30 UTC


Examples of entry level positions?

Hi, I'm in high school and I'm considering being a crime analyst as a potential career option.

I heard that a good way to get work experience is to be a sworn law enforcement officer. I don't want to do this.

What are some other entry level positions that I can do to get experience for a few years before becoming a crime analyst?

19:28 UTC


Voice Audio lineup?

Has anyone ever had experience or know about having victims/witnesses identifying someone by voice? Are there any specific procedure for this such as in a photo lineup?

18:28 UTC


Want to become an officer, have questions.

Posting from mobile, so apologies for any weird formatting.

As the title states, I want to become a police officer. I've had questions for awhile and never got the chance to sit down and talk to someone or ask for advice, so I'll cut to the chase.

I've been through 2 processes. The first was for a police cadet position. I was dropped after the polygraph, I did pass it, never got any explanation beyond that. Another was for an actual officer position but I failed the physical testing, passed the book portion though. Been training since but still have some uncertainties.

I have no relevant experience to the field, do I stand a chance in the hiring process?

I've only worked retail jobs and as a camp counselor for a summer. Not particularly useful experience beyond just team building and all that.

What would be considered relevant experience?

I've been considering joining the military as an easy in, but I'd rather not take that route since it's a massive commitment that doesn't really accommodate life right now.

I may have one disqualifying factor that I'm not entirely sure is a career killer or not.

When I worked at the summer camp, I was assigned a massive speech to give in front of the entire staff and all the kids. I was not at all good at public speaking at that point and was extremely stressed. One of my coworkers offered me one of their anxiety meds since I was so panicked. Needless to say I made a really stupid decision in the moment. It was about 3 years ago, I was 19. Currently 22.

Additionally I snuck a shot of my roommates vodka when I was like 3 weeks from turning 21. Also really stupid move, less as much as the other one though.

Other than that, my records clean. Never smoked, never did anything else. No juvenile charges, not even a single speeding ticket.

It's worth mentioning, I have a little bit of college under my belt. Was going for a criminal justice associate's, pretty much sped through all of my related classes (Intro to cj, criminology, ethics, etc.) and got burnt out after.

Any advice or straightforward answers would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

18:12 UTC


Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice


I have received my bachelors degree in criminal justice/criminology. I do not want to become a police officer, I do not believe that is what fits me. I am beyond lost of what kind of job I can get in the field with no experience. I have had jobs throughout highschool but nothing pertaining to my degree. I have no experience in the criminal justice field. I am very open to learning new things and love the idea and work of detectives and working undercover or searching online data bases for information on criminals. I’m really open to anything, just as long as it’s not being an officer. Can someone please head me in the right direction?? I want to start my career but I don’t know what to do. I’m from Ohio! PLEASE HELP!!!!

17:43 UTC


Can police tow my vehicle from my driveway? Texas

I got pulled over a traffic violation a couple feet down from my house. I decide to pull into my driveway and I got a citation and cop decided to take me in over an unpaid ticket. They towed my vehicle from my driveway was that allowed?

14:44 UTC


Why do cops love to follow me?

I’m an Ontario plate in a small town in NY.

When I pass them, I don’t do shit. No loud exhaust, no speeding, driving nicely.

They always seem to start following me or take a U turn to follow me for a good while.

I’ve now decided to just take them into a goose chase around plazas and residential streets. They usually give up and just stop.

It’s fucking annoying and want to know what may be some reasons. There are a good amount of other cars on the road, might I add. Any ideas?

05:23 UTC


Active duty or Reserved ?

I wanna be a cop ( some of yall may know me from previous posts ) im 33 yrs old and i only have a diploma. Ill be joining the Air force as soon as im done laser-removal these neck tattoos, i want to do Security Forces ( military police while im in there ) but heres the thing , i kind of wanna go active duty because of better benefits , not just for me but for my spouse and 3 yr old son as well . But i was wondering , would that really be the best route for someone my age who wants to be a police officer ? Some say i should do reserve but in a weird way i feel like that would be taking the easy way out. That means boot-camp for 5-6 months and they send me back home. It just doesnt feel right to me. I DO want to serve and i do want the military background as well. Does anyone here knows someone who is an offficer AND does reserve at the same time ?

04:41 UTC


Alcohol vs marijuana

Alright, I’ve been thinking about this for a while and I want to ask. You guys know, almost every call I go to where an assault occurs or someone is being an asshole, there’s like an 85% chance alcohol is involved. Ive been asked before and I don’t know the answer, but do yall think if we could snap our fingers, legalize marijuana, and completely get rid of alcohol, that we would see a dramatic drop in violent crimes?

Also, to those who work in a jurisdiction where marijuana was legalized (and only marijuana), what kind of downfall did that bring about?

02:55 UTC


near miss

i almost caused an accident today. i acknowledged what i did wrong & felt so bad about it. i wasn’t sure if i was supposed to pull over or what i should’ve done. i kept driving. people were yelling at me when they would pull up next to my car. i proceeded to go home. however this car did indeed trace my car down & parked next to it for a while. would they be able to call the cops on me? what can i expect? this was in nevada.

00:26 UTC


Written Payment Agreement- File Stolen Item?

A friend owes me money for an item they have their possession. I have a text message from the friend that states they will pay, I have proof of small payments via Venmo. They still owe me money and refuse to pay me the full amount.

Question: Can I file a stolen police report?


22:52 UTC


current officers, how did you get hired ?

i want to be an officer , corrections officer or probation but i don’t know how you get into the academy

20:54 UTC


Members of tactical units, what would you suggest to an aspiring candidate

Hello, I'm thinking of joining police, fulfilling the minimum general duty period and then applying to join the tactical team.

Can you you guys suggest what should I focus on, what should I expect from the job, what makes the candidate to stand out in the selection process and what makes him a great operator?

I understand this would vary from department to department and from country to country but there should be some things that overlap.

Thank you

20:32 UTC


Undiscovered crime during police application process.

When I was 17 in 2022 I scammed two people out of 50 dollars on a dating app using online pay service like PayPal, Venmo, cashapp and wired it to my bank(dumb). I regret those past mistakes. Now l'm trying to become a Law enforcement officer. Obviously I got ridiculed on another subreddit for this post but I want a genuine answer to my question. On my bank statement it just list's my transaction as 50 dollars deposited and the pay service used. I'm wondering if a police agency can subpoena that information during the application process and see if it was malicious. I never got in trouble on the app and my bank allowed the deposit without any issue. (Not sure if I even got reported for fraud) No issues to my knowledge from that past event. Am I in the clear or will it be discovered? I have 3.5 years of transaction history and it's the only 50 dollar transaction I know is fraudulent. What’s the chances this is even brought up? It’s the only time I deposited money from an online payment service. Obviously lying is a DQ but do they investigate this deep? I’m just puzzled on how to go forward from this.

Some people are calling me the greatest criminal alive

Others don’t see an issue and see it as a blip in my life.

The rest of my record is clean, no drugs, no tickets, 3.5+ gpa.

18:41 UTC


911 services down in Connecticut

17:19 UTC


Will a ticket go on work vehicle record even if I get it waived? (US)

Recently got my first ever speeding ticket and I was unfortunately in a work vehicle. The vehicle is DOT but as far as I know it is not speed tracked. I am planning to take an online class to get the ticket waived from my record, but I am debating letting my work know that I got a ticket. I don’t want to be dishonest, but I also don’t want to unnecessarily jeopardize my job if the record is going to be wiped anyways. Is anybody aware of this process and if my work will be made aware a ticket on record for the vehicle. Any advice is appreciated!

16:25 UTC


Can police require you to let them search containers in your car because they “look like weed containers”?

I live in Washington State in the USA

Last night, my partner was pulled over. When the police came to his window, they took his license and registration. However, they also asked him to show them inside the containers of two items on his dashboard: a tin of thinking putty and a container of hair gel. They said this was because they, in his words, “look like weed containers.”

My partner was not high nor was he suspected of being high by this officer.

My research tells me that officers CAN search your car with probable cause, but would it have been within his rights to dent this request due to lack of probable cause?

15:25 UTC


I need help!


2 days ago i woke up with some messages of somebody threatning me... And their info is hidden on iphone messages... i went to the police and they discarded me cuz there was "no actual danger". I wanted to know if somebody know how to reveal the info, because with that i will be able to al least know who it is, and get somekind of notion of how toi deal with this...

Im sorry for my english its not my primary language.. if somebody would be able to help me i would appreciate it very much

08:29 UTC


question for police officers that work in hot climates

i am posting this for my boyfriend who is a police officer -

my boyfriend is currently an officer in illinois and is going to be moving to southwest florida soon. obviously the weather climates in illinois and florida differ greatly (especially during the summer). for those officers who have worked in hot and humid climates all year round, what equipment (if any) do you recommend for staying cool and surviving a shift in the heat? what type of boots do you recommend?

03:38 UTC


Would police take this seriously?

Someone messaged me on an anonymous dating application and said he knew where I lived and to watch my back and that he would show up when I least expect it. I honestly think he was just mad because I didn’t answer his first message. I basically responded that I would pull out my 12 gauge if he tried anything. I don’t even have a gun, but I wanted to deter him from doing anything. Could I get in trouble if he goes to the police?

03:27 UTC


RCMP - How long does it take to process applications?

I'm pretty much set on becoming an RCMP officer after I attend college for one year. How long does it take them to process applications? I'm hoping to line things up where I can apply within my last months of college so I have my interview and such right after I finish my certificate. Thanks in advance.

02:49 UTC


Hello i search the siren name please

01:27 UTC

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