
Photograph via snooOG

Discuss development and reverse engineering about PokemonGo

Sister Site & Platfoms: DISCORD - GITHUB

The goal of this sub is to enhance open APIs and discover more about the inner workings of Pokemon Go. Discussions MUST be related to development.

Don't post:

  • Closed source projects (Welcome on Wednesday EST)

  • Support Questions (Welcome on Sunday EST)

  • Non-development related posts (Welcome on Friday EST)

  • Absolutely do not post the following. This will result in an immediate ban:

  • Automatic PTC or Google account generation. This include automated accepting ToS.
  • Selling hacks of any kind.
  • Microtransaction hacks of any kind
  • Automated Bots: If a user can level up without playing the game, it's not allowed.
  • Other exploits that may adversely affect other players. Hypothetical examples: Instant Gym battle wins, server crashing exploits, modification of other user data without their explicit consent.

Weekly Threads

  • Sunday Support: Post general support questions.

  • Wednesday Implementations: Post any closed source projects you are working on.

  • Free Talk Friday: Post anything related to this sub or Pokemon Go.


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CP Formula code

Hello everyone,

I'm learning Python and Pandas by building a CP calculator and eventually a battle simulator similar to pvpoke.com.

The two .csv files I am using are for pokemon main series games stats and the other is for cpm per level.

I've attached both files below:

import pandas as pd
from prompt_toolkit import prompt
from prompt_toolkit.completion import WordCompleter
import numpy as np
raw = pd.read_csv("Pokemon/pokemon.csv", index_col = "Name")
cpm = pd.read_csv("Pokemon/CPM.csv", index_col = "LV")

raw["Speed_Mult"] = ((raw["Speed"] - 75) / 500) + 1
raw["PG_Att"] = round(round(2 * (((7/8) * raw[["Attack", "SP_Attack"]].max(axis=1)) + ((1/8) * raw[["Attack", "SP_Attack"]].min(axis=1)))) * raw["Speed_Mult"])
raw["PG_Def"] = round(round(2 * (((5/8) * raw[["Defense", "SP_Defense"]].max(axis=1)) + ((3/8) * raw[["Defense", "SP_Defense"]].min(axis=1)))) * raw["Speed_Mult"])
raw["PG_HP"] = np.floor((raw["HP"] * 1.75) + 50)

def GO_CP(poke):
     ATT = raw.loc[poke,"PG_Att"]
     DEF = raw.loc[poke,"PG_Def"]
     HP = raw.loc[poke,"PG_HP"]
     SPD = raw.loc[poke,"Speed_Mult"]


     ATT_IV = 15 
     DEF_IV = 15 
     HP_IV = 15 
     LvM = cpm.loc[50,"CPM"]

     GO_ATT = ATT + ATT_IV
     GO_DEF = DEF + DEF_IV
     GO_HP = HP + HP_IV

     CP = np.floor(max((GO_ATT * (GO_DEF ** 0.5) * (GO_HP ** 0.5) * (LvM ** 2)) / 10,10))



I want to add 4 new columns to my DataFrame:

  • "Speed_Mult" - Speed Multiplier
  • "PG_Att" - Adjusted Base Attack (after applying Speed Multiplier)
  • "PG_Def" - Adjusted Base Defense (after applying Speed Multiplier)
  • "PG_HP" - Base HP/Stamina

Here’s the issue I’m running into: For most Pokémon, the calculations seem correct when I round the attack value once before applying the Speed Multiplier and once after. However, when I checked Togekiss, its stats were incorrect, even though other Pokémon, like Blissey, seemed to be fine.

I then tried changing the approach so that I only rounded after applying the Speed Multiplier, and this fixed Togekiss, but now other Pokémon’s stats were slightly off. I’ve noticed the same issue when adjusting the defense values, where rounding differently changes the outcomes, but not always in a consistent way.

Every CP formula online has slight differences or leaves out important key parts like the type of rounding. Is there anyone who knows the 100% accurate formula to every detail?

My other more likely prediction is that I did something wrong in my code, but I’m still learning Python, so if anyone notices any critiques, please let me know!



04:12 UTC


Does any of the old mappers work? Like pgoapi or Monocle?

Just curious. Started PoGo after 6 years, and I see they havent been updated in ages.

1 Comment
23:59 UTC


Dual apps and 2 Pokemon GO Plus+ banable?

Did anybody else ever use 1 account on the same device Twice using the "Dual Apps" feature from Xiao Mi or similar apps/brands? You can spin more stops and catch more mon automatically this way. Its still slower than actively playing and Quick Catching, so my guess is, that it shouldn't be banable, right?!

11:00 UTC


Updated murals

Update pokestop how to I report it? I work by three that are completely different now.

00:45 UTC


Why can I use 2 phones and 1 account (yes you read it right)

My fiancé and I have 3 phones in total. 2 personal phones and the PoGO phone (which she uses to play the game because it drains too much battery) but I played with her account for fun while she was playing as well and we could both spin stops and also catch pokemon. Is this intended? Can I use my to GO+ to catch pokemon faster this way? is it banable?

15:05 UTC


Go plus plus mod

Does anyone know if the auto catch ultra ball still work. I saw a tutorial on how to remove the vibration. And there was something in there that modded it to auto catch with ultra balls. They added a switch on the plus for some reason. Not sure what that was for. Cant we just wire the vibration motor straight to the button. Thx.

17:46 UTC


Need pogo Plus Blobs/keys

Hi. I'm trying to build a pogo plus but need the Mac and keys from either pogo plus, or even a gotcha. Is there anyone who's willing to share theirs please?

21:43 UTC


Trying Map-a-Droid

Hi all. I am trying to make MapADroid work and I succesfully finished installing the pc stuff .

Now the hardest part for now is rooting one of the old devices I have at home ...

Does this still work?

IS there a different method? I know It can be done but I also read that android 10 is not compatible (I dont know if further android versions do work fine)

So if you have any suggestions i would be pleasured to received them 😉


15:32 UTC


Successful Pokeball Plus Battery Replacement

Here's the battery I used: https://www.ebay.com/itm/126247403311?var=427271149130. The important thing is that it's a "502020". 20mm x 20mm x 5.0mm and has a 3-pin JST connector with a 1mm spacing. The size is a little unusual, but there should be other ways to source one.

There was one catch: the battery polarity was reversed in the connector. You can see in the second picture that they are backwards. I had to use a hobby knife to pry up the clips holding the (very) tiny pins into the connector and switch the black and red wires. But, after that, it works great!




22:37 UTC


Maybe you guys here can help me figure this glitch out

When I log into my pokemon app, I am able to log in with my Facebook account and password like normal. But when it comes to the pop up “stay aware of your surroundings”, my screen becomes unclickable. Completely freezes. For the last month I regularly delete app, delete Facebook, install x1000, updated both apps, updated iOS, used iPad and iPhone, literally every step known to man I have done.

Pokémon support has been less than helpful. At this point it’s just bots responding to me about the above steps that I have already done. And have ignored me the last week.

I have asked if I should delete the app from my Facebook and then redownload , if that will make me lose all my pokemon. They respond to “swap out your pokemon buddy” WTF??

I don’t want to lose my shinies, my postcards saved from multiple countries, nor the 4 years I’ve been working on it.

So all in all, do you guys think that maybe it’s on the app, because of Facebook or because of iOS? I am lost lol. Like should I try to get into my phones coding and see if something is messed up? (I haven’t done anything weird setting wise to my phone). I’m just so frustrated and disappointed with the lack of support from a game that collects a great amount of money from its users.

01:52 UTC


How safe is it to use knockoff Pokemon go plus (not plus+, but the "OG" PGP)

I've found out that some people were cloning their PGP-s and creating DIY versions using ESP32 dev boards etc. as you can't DIY a PGP without having an original one because you need to clone the original MAC address from the PGP. Perhaps buying a clone from aliexpress is the best budget friendly option?
My main question is are Chinese PGP knockoffs reliable in a way that I won't be banned for using one because there is thousands of knockoffs sold by that seller and those could have the same MAC address or some kind of ID.
Are all clones using the same MAC address / ID or are those actually legit?

01:35 UTC


Pokémon GO Mapping with MuMuPlayer on Windows Server? With RDM or MAD?

Would it be possible to map my local are on a Windows Server with MuMuPlayer? I have 2 servers, 1 Windows Server and 1 Linux Server (they are both VPS servers). Would it be possible to map on them? And if how?

I looked at a couple of websites, but it is soo hard to find a good turtorial / guide on how to map. Does anyone have a guide with just commands to copy and paste?

If it is impossible to do it on MuMu, then how do I do it on a ATV and what are the cheapest ATV's where it is possible on and how do I root an ATV?

Or potentially a Raspberry PI?

13:20 UTC


Hatch days need a rework

Hatch day is the biggest money grab, which is why I avoid playing them as a moderately free to play player. I appreciate Niantic on something like a raid day giving 5 free raid passes, allowing for everyone to have a chance to play. For hatch days its the complete opposite, even the paid tickets only provide one super incubator. If you want to play with lets just say 3 incubators with 3 uses, you would have to quickly hatch the eggs in your inventory using some of those incubators, wait to spin a stop and not open any gifts until the event starts, cause you cant delete eggs. Once the event starts its not even guaranteed to get a 2km egg any way. Cleffa doesn't feel like a miss out luckily, but for something like riolu its obvious Niantic wants some cash. 3 free incubators and adding deleting eggs or have a special new egg inventory just for the event + a paid ticket with 5-10 incubators would be a quick fix allowing people to finally enjoy these events. any ideas?

19:48 UTC


What could cause this ?

I’m not very familiar with the whole android environment so I’m kinda lost. A friend of mine gave me his old phone on a custom ROM (crdroid). I m using magisk to hide whatever internet says I have to hide but when trying to connect using Pokémon trainer club, I can enter my login/passwd but then I get this pop up and thus can’t play. Also when clicking the Google button I get the same pop up. Any idea what is causing that and how to fix ?

13:06 UTC


Are RNG variables unique to every user like IVs from raids, shiny, etc. determined server-side or client-side?

I am presuming it should be server side since otherwise, users who use modified APKs will have a completed hundo & shiny pokedex faster than it took to write me this sentence.

Just curious if someone actually looked into this from disassembled code?

I am an embedded software programmer, but don't have much experience reverse engineering APKs, or Java/Kotlin for that matter.

Edit: I was being hyperbolic, I know certain shinies have not been released.

02:52 UTC


Kinancity query

So I’m looking to try this method for quick ptc acc creation and getting free raid passes. Are there any recent tutorials?

15:52 UTC


Auto catcher

There are Several third party Auto catcher on Market which look like the mi band. Is it possible to flash the current firmware on a mi band 6?

10:27 UTC


Raid Pass Service

Anyone that has any guidance on botting for the raid pass service please DM me! I’d be happy to pay for any help on this

04:21 UTC


Are custom servers still a thing. And if so can I make it so that every Pokémon is shiny?

If not, is there any app that can change the textures of the Pokémon to make them appear shiny, even if they aren’t?

14:19 UTC


How can I get a list of pokemon in my storage with their stats?

Also is there some software that allows for deletion of pokemon from the storage? My goal is to be able to quickly erase hundreds of pokemon based on some custom criteria.

00:31 UTC



Is there any currently working c# or python api to make a working bot for pokémon go? If not, could I make one myself?

1 Comment
18:40 UTC


Pokemon GO Plus using ESP32 with GUI

Hi all, I just published my fork of Yohanes "Pokemon GO Plus emulator using ESP32". It runs on a TTGO T-Display ESP32 board with an external battery in a 3D printed case. I use this device almost daily when I go for a walk and thought I would like to share it. Maybe someone find it useful or can improve it even further. Let me know what you think and enjoy!

Sulpog on Github

14:36 UTC


Important Question Regarding the Fake GPS location App on Android 12 (and all modern Android devices) Note: I am not condoning any kind of cheating.

I posted about this in other Pokemon related reddit forums, but want more opinions.

When I first made an account on Pokemon GO, I didn't know spoofing was against the rules.

I read an article that condoned it and recommended to use the Fake GPS location app to spoof the location of the game.

I had the app running, and it didn't seem to work. But it said that it was active, even though the area in Pokemon GO seemed to be where I was in real life. I immediately got rid of the app and never used it again. I wish I never did this.

My question: is it likely that I was flagged by Niantic or anything of that nature?

I think I read that it is impossible to spoof your GPS location with a non-rooted modern Android phone with any apps in the FAQ on this reddit. Is this true? If it doesn't work, then I should have nothing to worry about?

1 Comment
00:01 UTC


Scanner in the Los Angeles area?

02:07 UTC


Automated trading

Would an application that automates trades for you violate terms of service? It gives you no in game advantage but would free up a lot of time in the long run.

22:15 UTC


How long will PoGo be around?

I'm a daily player since 2016, but I've never watched an episode or followed any of the cannon. How many Pokemon haven't been released in Pokemon GO? How many generations are there? I guess the underlying question is, how long is the game going to be sustainable with new content? I understand that Niantic will probably destroy the game first, but if they don't what's a good guess?

05:12 UTC


Banned in Pokemon Go

Yesterday I opened up the game to a permanent ban(account termination) . I never spoofed in my life. I never even used a gotcha. The reason they said was cause of software or glitches or whatever. I tried to appeal like 10 times and keep getting denied. Please tell me there is hope. Maybe someone at Niantic I can talk to personally?

18:41 UTC


RDM or Mad which to use with really old devices for IV scanning?

I have some old android phones (Motorola G 2015, S5, G5, J3 Prime)

Right now I have it setup using RDM and Atlas but I've read that RDM has a higher rate of ban. It would be nice if I didn't have to keep creating accounts for these scanning devices once they get banned.

Is MAD really that good at not getting you banned? Also how much slower is it compared to RDM? I worry that the Moto G wouldn't be able to be used with MAD since its such a low spec phone.

Thanks for any insight!

01:41 UTC

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