
Photograph via snooOG

This is a NON-OFFICIAL community to share creative ideas for Pokémon Duel. Pokémon Duel is a free/gacha mobile strategy board game using Pokémon figures, and inspired by the game franchise.

This is a NON-OFFICIAL community to share creative ideas for Pokémon Duel. Pokémon Duel is a free/gacha mobile strategy board game using Pokémon figures, and inspired by the game franchise.

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19:05 UTC


LA PAROLA D'ORDINE È UNA SOLA! !sub !prime !social

22:19 UTC


Chansey and Blissey get their medical license.

With Kaeru Duel out for public release, I've decided to make 2 new figures to (belatedly) celebrate.

Chansey: http://www.dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=827&name=Chansey

Chansey wheel

Chansey is what you'd expect from the benevolent pink blob that you see in every Pokemon Center. She sits in the sidelines and heals you. If she is somehow attacked, Chansey will put up a decent fight. However, she can't really go far in terms of offense.

  • Scrunch and Light Screen are there for survivability.
  • Healing Wish and the ability support your team, healing status and getting another of your Pokemon back on the field respectively
  • Personally, I'd expand either Scrunch for extra survivability, or Healing Wish to revive one of your Pokemon.

Blissey: http://www.dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=829&name=Blissey

Blissey wheel

After evolving by feeding on the tears of frustrated Pokemon trainers. Blissey has realized her true purpose in life. To be an annoying fat pink b--ch that spreads misery and suffering amongst her victims. In the vein of some German sociopathic doctor who lost his medical license, this Blissey is actually much less of a tank but is far more of a threat when added to a good team.

  • The ability lets you remove a Pokemon with a status condition. Pair with a Scoop Up so you can reuse it without needing to die. Probably would fit into a poison or a burn deck.
  • Blissey is the most consistent Z-move charger in the game (Arceus also has Return but it is both very small and also overshadowed by Extreme Speed).
  • Toxic and Ice Beam explain themselves.
  • I would probably expand Return for more team support, or Double Edge if you really want to kill stuff.
1 Comment
17:58 UTC


Results of the Galar Contest

Dear participants, I have reviewed all of your amazing figures and was amazed by the creativity of some of your creations.

I have the results and will announce the top 5 designs.

In 5th place: Emerald6's Falinks http://dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=561&name=Falinks
I love the synergy this Figure can have with mighty sphere! I can see this being used, especially in the Silver Moon Hall. The reason why it is not quite the winner of the contest, is that team attack can have a consistent 180 attack with 4 fighting types on the field (that is if 2 are in the P.C.) For a rare that is way too powerful. Other than that it is a great figure!

In 4th place: Tarvolds Corviknight http://dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=575&name=Corviknight
I love this ability so much, but I can also see this being abused running multiple Corviknights in one team. Although this ability could use some tweaking, I love the attacks of this figure. Especially the mirror move is well thought-out. That is why this figure comes in number 4 on the list.

In 3rd place: ronltauro44's Orbeetle http://dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=625&name=Orbeetle
Oh boy this brings back memories using the swarm ability of Ledyba and Ledian teams. I just love Magic Room and its ability, Slumbering Fields! I can see this figure being able to manouvre around the board having three of them on the field at the same time. I think the damage is just too low for the figure to be an EX though. I think a damage output between 110 and 140 would be enough to balance this figure in the current meta. 70 is not enough in my opinion, and the attack gives the user wait aswell. Besides that I really enjoyed thinking about how this would work in the actual game.
Thanks for submitting this!

In 2nd place: H2OQueen's Zamazenta http://dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=643&name=Zamazenta

Oh YES how much I love Zamazenta in the original game. This is exactly how I think Zamazenta would look like in Pokemon Duel. However, this figure is not very consistent. RNG plays a big role playing with this figure. The reason this figure comes in at number 2 is because I like the ability and all of its attacks. They fit Zamazenta really well! There is just too much going on, and with too much miss, so that's why it is hard to make this the winner. Thank you for your creativity though!

The winner of the contest: reddit's Coalossal http://www.dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=653&name=Coalossal

This is awesome. This figure can be used on its own, or in a fire/banish deck. This figure is not too overpowered. High damaging gold attacks can take it out, and it can die pretty well to z moves. It can have movement, but you need to play around it to make it work. And I think this can work. This figure doesn't have a lot of attacks, so spending some carmonite in it can make sure you land what you want most of the time. Pokemon Duel does not have many good Fire-types, this might be a nice addition to the game.

For the winner:
Contact me on discord on reddit DM with a proof that you are the creator of the figure. (that is an image/screenshot of being at the edit page of the figure) After that I will ask for your password. If you have proof that you made the winning design, you will be sent 10 dollars/euros to your PayPal account so you can have 2 free months of Kaeru Duel!

Thanks everyone. Happy New Year!

1 Comment
14:59 UTC


3 days left

Reminder: There are 3 days left for the Galar Creation Contest

19:42 UTC


Cleafairy and Cleafable as Walls



I hope you will you like my concept. I tried to balance the meta without powercreep...

I tried to implement the mechanic from ptcg.

18:40 UTC


About contest entries

Hey everyone!

I am seeing a lot of awesome galar designs!

Keep in mind that if you want to submit a contest entry, it needs to be posted on this subreddit (with the contest entry flair)

Thanks everyone!

06:59 UTC


Notice regarding wrong wheel links


Dear creators, I deleted a script that caused the id's of the figure to change after the deletion of other wheels. This will not happen anymore since I deleted the script.

What does this mean?

This means that links that are shared somewhere are outdated since the id is off.
This doesn't mean that all figures don't work anymore. If you click on a figure on the homepage, it will still bring you to the right figure, but with a different link

What to do for existing figures with wrong links?

Search for your figure on the home page by scrolling or search for the figure name or your username in the search bar, and go to the edit page of that figure.

There the new link (which will now stay the same) will be there ready to paste.

I apologize for this mess-up. I am still learning to code in college, so I am not a master at it (yet), but I am trying my absolute best for all of you guys!

08:37 UTC


Bug Fix Report for www.dueldb.nl - 24-11-2020

Bug that were fixed at 24-11-2020:

General fixes:

  • Making a new figure was not working with certain internet speeds, this has now been fixed.

If you find a bug or something else should take a look at, feel free to let me know!

1 Comment
07:44 UTC


Falinks marches into battle!


Falinks is a really interesting-looking Pokemon. Their concept is a combination of the Greek military formation (the phalinx), Roman legionnaires, and army ants. I envision Falinks as a Pokemon that relies on sheer numbers to overpower the enemy. In the games, this concept is unused, pushing Falinks to mediocrity. Therefore, I am attempting to create a figure that rewards you for having a full field:

  • Team Attack is the main reason to use Falinks. The base 60 damage looks bad but that can improve. You get +30 damage for each Fighting type including yourself, for a total of +120 damage (if you have 4 Fighting types on the field + 2 in PC) when it's your turn.
  • No Retreat essentially gives you +20 more damage but with a huge price should you get unlucky
  • Reduce the size of Headbutt when you use your Carmonite on this figure, it is outclassed by Team Attack

Strategy pointers

  • Early game, kill Celebi. This is your window to use Team Attack before they knock you out with your own damage buffs
  • When the goal music starts playing, prioritize getting all your Fighting types on the field to power up Falinks/defend the goal.
  • Use Falinks to attack non-Celebi like figures who are threatening your other Fighting types to preserve the power buff.
  • Do not use Falinks to push the goal offensively or if they're the only heavy-hitter left on the field, unless you are absolutely sure you will win or have reinforcements. If you fail to knock out the opponent, they can retaliate by killing Falinks as their Team Attack is not powered up on their turn.
  • If necessary, use your other figures to block the enemy from reaching Falinks, because above.
  • Against mirror matchups, make sure enemy Falinkses are always in the PC.

Team options

  • Obviously, Fighting types work best with this figure. Auto-includes would be Marshadow, Virizion, Keldeo, and Lucario.
  • Mighty Sphere for the brainless synergy
  • X Speed can be considered to ensure that Purples can't wall Falinks.
  • Additionally, stuff like Arceus, Ultra Necrozma, Blaziken, or Rayquaza can be used to dispose of Purples. Arceus can even change into a Fighting type to allow Falinks to get the damage buff.


  • Aggressively target Falinks during your turn, as its attacks aren't powered up then.
  • Use Purple heavy figures to wall Falinks.
  • Target Falinks and attack with mid-damaging runners like Tapu Koko, Marshadow, or Silvally to cut through defensive formations and dispose of Falinks when it's your turn.
  • As an emergency measure, you can use figures like Chikorita, Celebi, Scrafty, or Zoroark to wall Falinks too.
05:11 UTC


Here are my ideas!! Enjoy!!

I will probably be editing this post to add in the new figures i design along the way. Feel free to give me your input to make them better, remember, this is OUR game!

Grimsnarl Ex:


Dragapult Ex:


Glastrier Ux:


Spectrier Ux:


03:42 UTC


December Contest: Galar Contest

Hello everyone, Divani here!

I am very honoured to see that my site has brought a lot of your creativity to work to create the most balanced, strongest or interesting figures the world has ever seen!

That being said, let's introduce this next month's contest


So, the Galar region is pretty beautiful, with many exciting Pokémon to be found. Sadly this new region was made availible after the shutdown of Pokémon Duel.

This means that it is up to you to figure out how your favourite Galar Pokémon would function in Pokemon Duel!

General rules:

While there are no rules to your creativity, I will keep track of the following points when ranking your submissions:

  • Designs should be balanced to the level of their rarity, and not too overpowered. Keep in mind that whatever you design would be thrown into the meta (at the state of 31-10-2019).
  • Designs should only be featuring pokémon introduced with Pokémon Sword or Shield and are listed in the Galar Dex.
  • Designs must be created after 22-11-2020.
  • Designs must be submitted with the username of your reddit account (this can be changed on the edit page). We need to know that it's you ; )


To enter, please create the concept(s) using dueldb.nl, then post the sharing link for any/all figures together in a single post here, and add the Contest Entry flair to it. Entries may be submitted up through December 28th (19:00 PM CEST).


1st place will receive 2 months of Kaeru Duel Alpha/Beta (10 dollars PayPal)

Ready? Set... Create!

19:13 UTC


Bug Fix Report for www.dueldb.nl - 22-11-2020

Bugs that were fixed at 22-11-2020:

General fixes:

  • Sometimes when you delete a figure at the edit page, this was not processed the way it should. This is fixed, on mobile and pc.
  • After creating a new figure, the page will now refresh so your newly created figure will show up. This confused many users, thinking that they failed to create a figure and as a result, accidentily created a figure and because of the bug i mentioned above this one, also unable to delete the copy.

Fixes on mobile devices/tablet:

  • HARD FIX on changing figure info on mobile devices. Changing information about the figure would sometimes only work after a refresh. I added a timeout of 500ms. Turns out there is too much going on to handle in less then 500ms. Now on mobile and tablets you should be able to adjust anything wqithout any issues.

Everything mentioned above has been touched and to my experience, fixed.

Let me know if any of these bugs is still not correctly fixed, and if you find anything else I should take a look at.

18:24 UTC


Some type of buff to Heatran


Back in 2017 my first ever EX was Heatran. I loved him and used him in total 1471 duels. And I was always wait to good buff to him,but he only got damage buff once.

So there is what I made to buff it:

•160 damage Iron Head. Just an damaging attack.

•2★ Magma Slide. His old unique purple,useful one as I think.

•140 damage Lava Storm. Its a new white attack: This Pokemon and all Pokemon adjacent to it are now burned. Its can be useful with changed ability.

•There is also two dodges instead of miss.

•Ability is same but I added this to it: •Surprise Strike: If there is an opponent's Pokemon on your entry point, and this Pokemon is on the bench, at the beginning of your turn, this Pokemon can move next to that Pokemon and battle. After the battle, if this Pokemon is not knocked out, move it to your bench. If this Pokemon is burned, all this Pokemon's White Attacks become Gold Attacks. Maybe its a situational one,but he can make it like standalone.

What do you think? Its not very bad or op?

1 Comment
13:44 UTC


Dragapult EX figure

Ok, so I tried using dueldb, but I nevercould get it to work so I’ll just type it here and you guys can judge the figure.

Dragapult Rarity: EX MP: 2 Ability: Cursed body Description: This pokemon may MP move through other figures on the battlefield. If this figure js hit by a purple move, that move is disabled until your next turn.

Wheel: Dragon Darts: 48 gold segment: 140 damage: If any opposing pokemon (excluding the battle opponent) are adjacent to this pokemon, this attack does half damage, but if this attack knocks out the battle opponent, also knock out any adjacent opposing pokemon.

Shadow Ball: 20 purple segment: ** : The battle opponent or one opposing Pokémon adjacent to the battle opponent spins. If that Pokémon spins a Purple Attack or Miss, it moves to its P.C. and gains Wait.

Phantom Force: 24 blue segment: This Pokémon jumps over the battle opponent and lands on a surrounding point. After moving, this Pokémon may attack an opposing Pokemon within 2 spaces, but just once.

Miss: 4 red segment

1 Comment
03:24 UTC


Buff for typhlosion


Well,typhlosion never had a place in meta, and he is worst johto starter in game.

So there is what I made to buff it:

•100 damage Fire Blast. Can get +40 damage from ability and maybe +10 with clvls. So there is maximum 150 damage, and its for 3MP figure.

•1★ Hot Air. Just like old one,burn all adjecent Pokemons.

•2★ Volcano Eruption. Comletely new attack: If the battle opponent is burned,temporarely exclude it from the duel and move it to their P.C. after 7 turns. This Pokemon and all adjacent Pokemon now burned. Well,maybe its broken,idk.

•Ability is same just slightly buffed: •Flame Acceleration: This Pokemon gains +1 MP and +20 damage for each Pokemon in your P.C.

What do you think? Its not very bad or op?

00:22 UTC


[EX] Sableye


I know that sableye is not a bad figure,but I always think that we will see EX one as well.

So there is what I made on it:

•140 damage Gold Attack. Maybe 140 damage is many for gold,I don't quite know.

•3★ Confuse Ray. Just like on Rare sableye,confusing.

•1★ Curse,can spread curse marker,if you spin it..

•1★ Will-O-Wisp. Just burning.

•Ability look like this: •Prankster: This Pokemon on the field can pass through other Pokemon when it MP Moves. If the battle opponent spin a Gold Attack or Purple Attack with more stars than you, and you spin a Purple Attack, then your Purple Attack work like your opponent spin White Attack. I think it maybe written better but I trying my best.. And its wheel look like rare one,i'm not creative person -_-

What do you think? Its not very bad or OP?

23:33 UTC


Just buffed a Yveltal, dark type deck is good?


Made a buffed Yveltal like a hard counter to Lunala/Dawn Wings Necrozma. And maybe Ghost and Psychic decks.

So there is what I made for it:

•151 damage Oblivion Wing. I not try to buff this attack,just one of White Attacks.

•3★ Purple Attack, Draining Wind. Its work like old one,but now attach -2MP marker on opponent.

•2★ Purple Attack, Dark Mist. Now its +20 damage instead of +10 damage.

•And there is two small dodges instead of misses,but added one miss,you need to see wheel to understand.

•Ability now looks like this: While this Pokemon is on the field, opposing Ghost and Psychic type Pokemon cannot use the effect of an Ability to pass through your Dark type Pokemon. While this Pokemon is on the field, your Dark type Pokemon are not knocked out by Attacks of Psychic type opposing Pokemon,and your Dark type Pokemon cannot be moved by Attacks of opposing Psychic and Ghost type Pokemon. This Pokemon on the field can go over non flying type Pokemon.

What do you think about it? I personally think it can make dark type deck is great counter to ghosts and psychic.

15:44 UTC


EX Lapras! Make water decks great once again.


Back in 2018, I first started using water decks. And I was used them to the very end. They always lack on something,but with Z-Moves added they got worse as many of the water figures had blue attacks.

So there is what I made for it:

•140 damage Ice Beam. Its what it is,White Attack with chance to freeze if it knocked out.

•Blue Attack, Ice Barrier. Its work like Darkrai's "Dark Void" but with purples and it is freeze opponent. And there is opponent gains Wait 2.

•2★ Purple Attack, Aurora Beam. This attack is freeze one opponent in 2 steps. Maybe this pokemon already have many moves with freeze?

•And there is small dodge. This just for status conditions.

•Ability works like ability of Stakataka,but only for Blue Attack part. While Lapras is on the field and not affected by special status effects, your water type pokemons not lose Blue Attacks. Looks slightly op? But this is what water decks need,especially Milotic.

What do you think about it? I think it can make my favorite type deck is strong again!

14:31 UTC


[EX] Calyrex, the royal manipulator


Calyrex is a merciful Pokémon, capable of providing healing and blessings. It reigned over the Galar region in times of yore.

Calyrex is known in legend as a king that ruled over Galar in ancient times. It has the power to cause hearts to mend and plants to spring forth.


2 MP

Ability: Vast Mind

This Figure takes 20 less damage from Psychic- and Grass-type opponent attacks. If the opponent is both Psychic- and Grass-type, this Figure cannot be knocked out by damage-based attacks.

Vast Mind is a useful counter for Celebi, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, and other Calyrex. Even if your opponent doesn't have any of those Figures in their Deck, Psychic- and Grass-types still have something to worry about.

Psychic (White, 90)

A fairly standard White attack. Calyrex isn't strong on its own, but it isn't too weak either.

King's Orders (Purple, ★★★)

Any figure within 3 steps of this Pokémon may be moved within its MP range.

Now, here's the real kicker! While Calyrex is a frail Legendary, its psychic powers more than make up for its feeble body. In this case, King's Orders can force any Figure within three steps to move anyplace within its current MP range. Even opposing Figures can be controlled by King's Orders! The only downside to this attack? It can be easily countered by Gold attacks.

Any thoughts or opinions on [EX] Calyrex are welcome! Suggestions for improvement work, too!

02:16 UTC


Here we go,my first figure back in 2017


Back in 2017, my first figure was exactly R Flygon. So I always want to get EX one as well. Maybe my desire will come true? Who knows.

There is what I made on it:

•140 damage white attack,can get +50 damage from Dragon Dance.

•3★ Jump Flight. Basically its Fly,but its work more like keldeo's water jump.

•1★ Draco Meteor,can help against white attackers.

•And well,Dragon Dance. This just more damage.

•Ability looks like ability of R flygon,but I improved it. Now while flygon on the field and not affected by special condition,no one opponent figure can pass through your figures.

What you think? Maybe he is bad? Or its slightly op?

02:56 UTC


Today I maked EX Butterfree


I think its pretty funny figure to use.

•150 damage white attack,can get +20 damage from Quiver Dance,and +10 from clvls.

•3★ Quiver Dance attack,can help with +1★ or +20 damage.

•2★ Startling Powder attack,can paralyze,poison or make opponent asleep just like old one.

•Ability allow butterfree to go over not rock type Pokemon on the field. And make you and your adjacent Pokemon to not able spin Miss.

Maybe he bad? Or its op? What do you think?

16:15 UTC


Just maked a fakemon for fun

Its slightly look like aegislash but it is ultra beast and he is cosmic ghost lol http://www.dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=169&name=Xenon%20737

13:34 UTC


Buffed Blastoise, make water decks a bit better.


So I remaked my buffed Blastoise again. Now I think it will be better in water decks. Maybe it looks like old Blastoise,maybe you think its op,I don't want to change in this anything.

•Hydro Pump is 160 damage now. Well,with clvl it will be 170 damage + you can get +30 damage with manaphy,it is maximum 200 damage. Its many damage but I like it.

•Mirror Coat now have 4★. + this attack now make opponent gains Wait 2,so its more useful.

•Instead of Withdraw I added Turtle Missile. Its only 8 segments but rarely maybe useful.

•New ability,Turtle's shell. Ability based on how water types resist fire,steel,water and ice type attacks. •Turtle's shell: If the battle opponent is steel,fire,water or ice type Pokemon, this Pokemon and your water type Pokemon adjacent to this Pokemon are not knocked out by Gold Attacks from their battle opponent. This Pokemon and your Pokemon adjacent to this Pokemon can't be affected by special condition other than paralyzed.

04:10 UTC


Hawlucha buff


Let’s face facts, Hawlucha was, is, and never will be a good figure. Despite the really good ability, that horrible wheel holds it back. Even if you have the proper setup, Hawlucha will just keep wasting turns at best, as it can’t kill anything except for those Commons you throw away in the first hour or so. With this limitation, my new Hawlucha buff keeps this thing a Common. I don’t want to reinvent a card nor make an EX version, so not many drastic changes were made.

  • Press is now 80 damage. Umm, that’s still kinda bad, as that doesn’t even kill Zoroark. It still kills Celebi and Koko, has a chance to kill Marshadow, and when it’s a Z-move it can kill up to Arceus E-speed (or I could C Level it and it will always kill)

  • Tackle is just...terrible. Bland 20 damage White attack that takes up half the wheel. So I chucked that and replaced it with the 20 damage Gold Feint. It’s still really low but at least now I have a consistent-ish Gold attack?

...okay, wtf are you trying to do, Em? Of course Hawlucha is still bad. But at least it’s less bad.

02:53 UTC


Just maked a buffed version of one of my favorite figures.

Thats buffed blastoise. Maybe he is a bit OP but he deserve this buff :) http://www.dueldb.nl/wheels.php?set_id=178&name=Blastoise

01:22 UTC


Starting from scratch

I'm thinking about the remakes of this game and I kind of feel like it's not necessarily a good idea to just "copy/paste" what the devs have left us with. Their business model was to use power creep to make the player base want to use the newest figures, which meant obsoleting older figures for no reason other than "business strategy".

I think, in a remake that is meant for the players, not for a business, that it might be better to just start over rather than try to build off the busted meta they have left us with, where tons of figures are in the game, but are practically unusable.

My idea is to start slowly, and then add figures (that are BALANCED) from there.

I've come up with 42 figures to start with, organized into 3 different decks (sticking to the Pokemon theme of starters and whatnot) that try to "mirror" each other.

Here are the decks I've decided to try (some figures were in duel, but I think their wheels need to be updated - and some figures are brand new, so I'd like to come up with some good/balanced wheels for them).

I'm also fiddling with the idea of type advantages (see my other post), so I tried to make the figure choices balanced as well. Each deck is "dual-type", and those dual-types are strong AND weak against each other (I'll explain).

The three decks are: Water/Ground, Fire/Flying, Grass/Electric.

So, while Water>Fire>Grass>Water... you also can go in reverse: Electric>Flying>Ground>Electric. So... if you play Fire/Flying vs Grass/Electric, sure Fire beats Grass... but Electric beats Flying, so it's a "fair fight".

Now, obviously these figures can be mixed and matched too... you don't have to go with the default themes, but I thought it'd be a nice way to introduce them (kind of like a suggestion for brand new players to try, but then obviously go off and build your own thing once you know what to do).

--Water/Ground Deck--

Squirtle/Wartortle/Blastoise - ability: Torrent (this figure hits for more damage if your PC is full [idea is to make it easier to evolve - all starters will have a similar ability])

Tympole/Palpitoad/Seismitoad - pre-evos ability: Water Absorb (cannot be KOed by water type attacks); Seismitoad ability: Poison Touch (same as PoDu - gives poison to figures it battles)

Seel/Dewgong - wanted to put some kind of ice type that also fit water deck theme, picked this honestly because Seel was the first 100% IV pokemon I ever caught in Pokemon Go lol, sorry Cloyster fans. ability: Thick Fat (takes half damage from fire and ice attacks)

Larvitar/Pupitar/Tyranitar - I tried to only use "real abilities", so I wound up having to give all three of these different ones. Larvitar: Guts (deals more damage if it has a status condition), Pupitar: Shed Skin (pretty much same as Dragonair in PoDu, get rid of status condition; I was thinking maybe to make it cause evolution too?), Tyranitar: Sand Stream (Boosts pokemon that have Sand Rush and Sand Force abilities while it is on the field - although I didn't end up using Sand Force yet [was going to be Hippopotas/Hippowdon ability, but I ended up not using those figures and picked Seel/Dewgong instead to match other decks])

Sandshrew/Sandslash - ability: Sand Rush (+1 MP if another figure has Sand Stream; as discussed above, Sand Force will increase damage thanks to Sand Stream)

Articuno - figured I should start with the gen 1 birds, so this is another ice type to go with Dewgong. Ability: Pressure (this pokemon can move over other pokemon that don't have pressure; if it is knocked out, the opponent gains wait 3 or 5 [not sure which would be more balanced yet])

Summary: Articuno makes this a deck a little stretched on typing, but it's the only one he fits in. Counting just the "evo lines", overall you have 3 Water types, 3 Ground types, and 2 Ice types along with Flying, Rock, and Dark represented as well.

--Fire/Flying Deck--

Charmander/Charmeleon/Charizard - ability: Blaze (same as Torrent; boosts attack damage if 2 figures are in PC [to again make it slightly easier to evolve])

Fletchling/Fletchinder/Talonflame - pre-evos ability: Gale Wings (flying attacks become gold in first battle on field); Talonflame ability: Flame Body (Seismitoad's counterpart, except gives opponent burn after battle instead of poison)

Slugma/Magcargo - ability: Magma Armor (this pokemon cannot be frozen)

Pidgey/Pidgeotto/Pidgeot - phoenix has been waiting, let's just start with this. Ability: Tangled Feet (when this pokemon is confused, the battle opponent has one attack become a miss [stacks with burn/paralysis creating 2 miss total])

Murkrow/Honchkrow - ability: Insomnia (this pokemon cannot fall asleep)

Moltres - ability: Pressure (same as Articuno; can move over figures that don't have pressure, gives wait if KOed)

Summary: The fact that there are so many dual Fire/Flying types makes this easy to spotlight both. Overall you have 4 Fire types and 5 Flying types featured, as well as representation from Normal, Dark, and Rock.

--Grass/Electric Deck--

Bulbasaur/Ivysaur/Venusaur - ability: Overgrow (you get the drift, same as other starters; increased damage when PC is full)

Seedot/Nuzleaf/Shiftry - ability: Chlorophyll (gains +1 MP if starting turn next to fire type - or within 2 spaces of fire type? not sure what would be balanced yet)

Shroomish/Breloom - ability: Effect Spore (if battle opponent remains on field, it spins; purple=poisoned, gold=paralyzed, blue=asleep)

Mareep/Flaafy/Ampharos - pre-evos ability: Plus (was the only option! ugh - increase damage if another figure on the field has Plus OR Minus); Ampharos ability: Static (automatically gives paralysis after battle; I made this to match Seismitoad and Talonflame so that only the final evo had the "instant status" ability in each deck)

Pikachu/Raichu - bleh, I figure it's the most popular, so I guess I'll include it. Ability: Lightning Rod (cannot be KOed by Electric attacks)

Zapdos - ability: Pressure (you guessed it, same as other legendary birds; can move over figures that don't have pressure; gives wait when KOed)

Summary: There are no shared Grass/Electric types like the other decks have (sorry, no Mow Rotom yet), so it's evenly split at 3 Grass and 3 Electric, with Poison, Dark, Fighting, and Flying also represented.

Now, some of these abilities are pretty similar to what we're used to (Seismitoad is same, gen 1 birds are essentially the same except I picked an ability they actually have and themed it to make sense), while others are quite different, but IMO they still fit and are easy to understand.

As mentioned, I tried to make the decks all "mirror" each other. As you can see each deck has 1 of the gen 1 starter lines, 1 gen 1 bird, and then a 3-stage evo and 2-stage evo of the two themed types. I'm going to leave out mega evolutions for now, but each deck also has 2 possible megas (Blastoise/Tyranitar, Charizard/Pidgeot, Venusaur/Ampharos) AND the abilities are also spread out evenly as the Grass and Water decks have KO resistance (Lightning Rod and Water Absorb), Fire deck has 2 abilities that resist status (freeze and sleep), and all three have one figure that automatically gives a status.

I still need to come up with the wheels, but I think this is a good start and already seems like it could be more balanced than what they gave us initially. I think a pretty fun game could be created from this start.

Any thoughts/suggestions/comments?

03:59 UTC


Implementing Type Advantage

One thing missing from PoDu was type advantage. As people are talking about re-creating the game, I was wondering if maybe each attack should have a type, and then if that type is "super effective" against another figure, it deals +10 or +20 damage, but if it's "not very effective" against another figure, it deals -10 or -20 damage. Maybe also impact purple moves too, add a star or remove one (can't go below 1 though) based on SE or NVE.

For example, Zapdos has Thunder and Steel Wing, so obvious these would be Electric and Steel type. Let's just say they have the base values of 100 and 70 (I know these aren't right, but for the purpose of the example).

So let's say Zapdos attacks Snover. Snover is Grass/Ice, which resists Electric but is weak to Steel. So in this case, Zapdos' Thunder would only deal 80 damage (100-20), but Steel Wing would deal 90 damage (70+20). It'd be better to hit Steel Wing.

However, if Zapdos attacked Blastoise (pure water, so weak to electric but resists steel), then the damage would be 120 for Thunder (100+20) and only 50 for Steel Wing (70-20).

I think having type effectiveness could allow for more consistent damage tiers because those tiers can be altered based on matchups. So, you could set a lot of figures to hit for like 100, expecting that range to be around 80-120 depending on what they face.

As for purple, for example maybe Blaziken's Cyclone Kick is a Fighting type move, so as a base 3-star move, if you use it against Zoroark (Dark type, weak to Fighting), it becomes 4 star. But if you use it against MewTwo (Psychic, resists Fighting), it drops to 2 star. I think this would allow more purple attacks to just be 2-star and then take into account type effectiveness to determine how to use them against other figures, instead of having some brokenly powerful moves LIKE Cyclone Kick which is only 3 stars to ensure that it beats Deo-D's 2 star (and then that messes up the entire meta just because of that one matchup - so, if you really want to create a specific counter, you can do it based on typing, which makes sense, instead of what they actually did in this case... so in this example, if Deo-D has an annoying 2 star move and you really want to hard counter it, you create a 2 star Ghost/Dark/Bug move that will turn into 3 stars against Deo-D, but remains 2-star against pretty much everyone else).

Do you guys think that would actually make the game more strategic? Or would it just be too complicated, as it'd be difficult to remember how each attack is going to change against EVERY other figure?

And is +/- 10 or 20 reasonable enough? Should the values actually double/halve like they do in the actual game? That might really make a big difference in matchups, as you could have lots more counters to some of the top hitters. For example, an 80 fairy attack would be capable of beating Rayquaza's 140 if it does Super Effective 160, etc. but then of course, those 80 attacks will lose to most other Pokemon that they aren't SE against (like above, Zapdos' Thunder would beat an 80 fairy attack easily, but Zapdos loses to Rayquaza whereas this hypothetical fairy figure doesn't).

15:12 UTC


Pidgeot and mega pidgeot



ability: keen eye (If this pokemon is on the field, when your flying type pokemon are knocked out they move to the bench)

Mega pidgeot


ability: no gaurd spectral (If this pokemon or its battle opponent spins a blue attack, shift the spin to an attack next to it. If this pokemon is on the field, when your pokemon are knocked out they move to the bench. Your normal type pokemon deal +10 damage. Your flying type pokemon deal +10 damage)

Feather dance: attaches a feather marker to the battle opponent. The attack damage of pokemon with that marker is cut in half

Sky attack: the battle opponent gains wait unless it is a psychic type*

Both with 2mp

10:26 UTC


DuelDB status

Guys, I had to take down the website, and it will be down for now.

I do not have time to develop it more now, as I said already, this isn't my job.

Let's hear each other in August, and if there's some interest, I will pass the torch to someone here to run the website.

Have a great summer!!

17:26 UTC

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