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Hi everyone,
I have just written a piece on Mark Knopfler (Dire Straights) investigating the Caledonian Blues. I uncover how the album 'Sailing to Philadelphia' ties into history, Scottish identity, the blending of music genres and most intriguingly...The American Civil War.
I hope you enjoy, any feedback is appreciated.
The Caledonian Blues of Mark Knopfler – Why not wonder? (wordpress.com)
Would love some good reviews!!
NYC is a depressing place. It seems to be getting worse...but maybe that's me... getting too familiar with it.
I've come to see people don't see beauty in reality anymore...and I'm not sure if they ever did.
I see now that I've lived my life around people who are so insecure about themselves that they don't see the beauty around.
We can try to enlighten, but that doesn't work on people who are addicted to the feeling of egocentrism.
We can not get peace without love, but egocentrism destroys love.
All the language people use engages only the ego.
Try to notice the difference in the volume of words you see that engage the ego, compared to the volume of words you see that engage pro-social emotions: compassion, mercy, altruism, humility, etc..
Our actions are a direct consequence of our beliefs.
A culture of extreme systemic violence is culture of violent thinking.
It took a lot of time to notice the problem with words and language.
We won't get love if we teach it ....using the word very often.
We must speak the emotions we want to see in the world.
#Preach Love with Every Breath
The world needs us to do that.