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This felt like it took forever but I finally got it.
Similar to the knytt franchise or several Sylvie games (incl cat planet and sylvie lime). I've already tried rain world (it was too survival heavy to scratch this specific itch), animal well (very good!), You have to win the game (Great. but it got a bit too hard for me towards the end), and hollow floor (solid. worth it's price). Some combat is fine as long as it's not something you're dealing with for most of the gameplay.
Heya !
I present you PoticoGames (https://www.poticogames.fr)
We released a game on Steam & Itch on Aug 5th and it's called Zebulon : A Lost cat.
It's a short & sweet 2D platformer with metroidvania mechanics in which you play a little cat.
The game will be available on Switch on October 27th
We made the game using Pico8 and it actually runs on a custom emulator called Zepto8. It allowed us to integrate additionnal features on top of Pico8 such as widescreen support, steam input and steam achievements.
You can find the game here : Zebulon : A Lost Cat On Steam or https://nusan.itch.io/zebulon-a-lost-cat
And on Switch ! https://www.nintendo.com/us/store/products/zebulon-a-lost-cat-switch/
I'd like to find some modern games similar to classic Castlevania that have been released in the last 5-10 years. The closest game I've played is "Toziuha Night: Dracula's Revenge". It doesn't have to be an exact Castlevania clone, but I'm looking for something set in a medieval timeline with magic, skeletons, and other fantasy elements.
Is there a modern platformer / linear side-scroller indie game set in a medieval timeline that supports 4-player co-op?
Hey guys!
I have a little demo of a puzzle platformer with an original mechanic if anyone wants to give it a go and post feedback (or not) :)
Hi everyone!
I'm new here and on reddit in general 👋
My dev name's Crazy Barons (tho I generally also respond to Mattia), and I've just started out posting as an indie dev.
Today I wanted to share something about a project I've been working on for some time (almost 2 years at this point 😅)
We should be coming up with a demo pretty soon, so if you like 2D action platformers, feel free to check us out here (btw, if you like graphic adventures, you might wanna keep an eye on us as well 😏):
All of this being said, what do you think of the video's contents?
(Edit - Forgot to attach the video, goes to show how green I am with this stuff 😅)