A reddit for the world's most misunderstood breed.
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I was just so happy I some how managed to snap a pic that does her beauty justice so I thought if I could gush anyone - it’s yall. This is my sweet Stella, Stellie, our Estelle. <3
Is my boy too big now?
Hello all we just got a pit bull mix and I was wondering what I could give her to help with dry skin. We live in Vermont and it’s extremely cold and snowy recently and she’s super itchy. Thank you all in advance. Also any tips on how to help her bad biting habit is also appreciated!
Update. We are on day 4 of her diet….😂😂
Hi all! I adopted a pit puppy today! I’ve had puppies before- mostly lab mixes. I’m a good dog owner and know how to train a dog. I have a 3 year old and 7 year old. I just need someone to tell me that pits are great family dogs bc as I’ve been researching more and everything seems so negative about pits and kids. Any and all advice and encouragement welcome!
Came down this morning to these two just snuggling in the cutest way.
I've gotten both from a shelter but the dark brown one is a pit / terrier but the light brown they said pit and staffy but don't have any paperwork on him saying other wise and he has HORRIBLE breathing problems. Help me !!
Hey everyone I first and foremost want to say thank you for sharing your beautiful pups!
I have a question for anyone here who lives in California.
My neighbor has a poorly behaved dog, I’m getting a pit mix soon, neither of us have fences.
The dog I’m bringing home is super well behaved but I’m wanting to plan in advance in case of an emergency.
My question is, if my neighbors dog comes onto my property and my dog bites their dog, am I at fault?
I’m assuming not because it should be everyone’s responsibility to keep their dog on their property, but I wanted to ask y’all in case you have experience with this.
I’ve looked online and results are mixed. Thank you so much for the help!
Hey all! Needing some advice here. We adopted a pittie a few months ago, and absolutely adore him. He is the sweetest and gets along with everyone. He is even a cat lover. He does not like other dogs however. I have a hard time calling him “reactive” because I feel like that implies he is aggressive, but he is not. When he sees other dogs he barks, growls, lunges, drools, everything. But he will not bite or attack them from what we have experienced. -Example: took him to the dog park while one other person was there who had a very calm senior dog who didn’t mind him. He ran around and played but after a while just got too amped up and we couldn’t tell if he was playing or fighting. Again, no biting but very outward aggression signs nonetheless.
We had to move into an apartment very suddenly after getting him (we were unaware of this when adopting him otherwise we would not have). We really need ideas on getting him out of the house. I can take him basically wherever but I am so afraid of how he acts. He isn’t super interested in puzzles or enrichment activities, though we still do them just to keep him busy. Please recommend anything I can do with him either to get him to chill out or ideas to take him to run around.
Note to add- he is not fixed currently which I do believe is a huge part of the issue so we are working in that direction. i mainly need suggestions for the meantime.
For some reason, Rocco hates to be dried off after his baths.