This is the place for the dankest of memes banned by the UCI or the anglocentric evil mods at r/peloton.
This is the place for the dankest of memes banned by the UCI or the anglocentric evil mods at r/peloton.
The rules are simple: Keep it related to pro cycling, don't steal memes (without credit), and standard reddit rules apply.
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as big old fans of cycling and having just finished the last ep of the season, we bring to you the most epic cross over you have ever experienced, or some thing that could not be less relevant to your life. if you know you know hehe....
hot takes, beef cakes, doping 'allegations', creepy crab space Twink, war crime nepotism baby undoing mamas work, the furries of the peloton aka campy and rogi ovi, who's behind tadejs enormous wattage who's feeding that boy shimmer??? hummmmhhh maybe doc singe... brothers rivals lovers WVA & MVDP race against each other in every universe, one does not exist without the other, they are bound by magik.....
were stuk, who's the top pick for jinx and vi? and all the other characters we missed
literaalY CANNONT wait to hear, pleaseeeeee give ur thoughts I beg
And I still don't exactly get why is Singapore crit called this, I honestly thought someone misspelled Presidential
I’ve been riding pretty hard recently
My Riders on the Storm edit, kinda works, I think……… #DemiVollering
@MontVentoux23 on X
This is a real thing btw