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    Worm CYOA v5 Gimel Edition Mod - Update 2

    Hey guys!

    A few days have passed since the last update and since then I have an idea for some interesting additions and also noticed some bugs that I had missed before. So I decided to publish this update! Here's what this update will contain:

    - 3 new Perks: Full Potential, Special Snowflake and Dead Warrior

    - 1 new Flaw: Social Anxiety

    - Power: Strongarm has been moved from the Striker power list to the Breaker power list and replaced Power: Gigantification

    - The place left by Power: Strongarm was taken by a new Power: Sense Disabling

    - Power: Thermal Vision has been replaced with Power: Peak Reflexes

    - 4 new Vigilante Equipment: Gun, Assault Rifle, Bulletproof Vest and Man's Best Friend

    - 4 new Endbringer Powers: Postcognition, Space, Probability and Biokinesis

    - Bug Fixes

    Well, that's all folks!

    Here's the link to CYOA: https://sleepingsleeper.neocities.org/

    Hope you enjoy!

    17:38 UTC


    Best Undersiders quotes

    Actually, I don't think there is anything to write about here at all.

    17:11 UTC


    Can’t Taylor control babies?

    Hear me out.

    Her power is to control small and simple minded life forms right? And we’ve seen it doesn’t only extend to bugs since she could get crabs and those heart worm things in a dog.

    So if she were to get in range of a freshly born baby, should its brain not be simple enough at the time for her to hijack control? And if not a newborn maybe if the kid is still in the womb when it’s still developing.

    This is a valid thought in my opinion

    23:27 UTC


    [Fan Music] The Slaughterhouse Nine

    15:46 UTC


    How would a sentient biotinker creation would be treated?


    15:28 UTC


    Lfp for a post apocalyptic alternative timeline campaign [Weekly Thursdays 11am est [Worm Spoilers ofc]

    WD: Rust (Thursdays 11am est | weekly)

    2nd try at this as another player can’t make it anymore :,(( Hi, I'm Ronja and I’ve recently started a 5-player Weaverdice campaign set in an alternative timeline after Gold Morning, but had to let a player go due to lack of attendance and now I’m trying to fill up the slot. We are already 9 sessions into the campaign, but are going for a long-term one, so you should be good :3.

    Worm Spoilers! About the Game This campaign takes place in an alternative timeline, immediately after Scion's death, where instead of the events that take place in Ward, people were forced to remain in the remnants of earth Bet. The US government has fallen with the total annihilation of Washington and the Prt seems to have been unable to reform. The current game takes place in Boston, where since Scion has passed, people have been fighting for power in the aftermath of GM, with old players like the Butcher or Teacher making a comeback and new factions such as the anarchist Undercurrent or Democratic Boston Reconstruction Force emerging from the ashes. All the while there seem to be reports of breaches from quarantine zones due to Scion attacks and lack of Prt support. This is ofc all just for fun, I am surprisingly not as good a worldbuilder as Wildbow, and cannot remember every detail but I try :)). The party is a mixed bunch of recent and more experienced parahumans (1 former prt heroine, 1 former villainess, 1 former independent heroine, 1 former civilian), that has decided to bond together to survive. We use Owlbear Rodeo as a vtt and play on Discord, therefore a computer and decent mic are required. All the players are queer so don’t be a bigot.

    Applications: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ahvXRhINfvxCuKTX57Pimi00FuMo5ysaFEIp8IYjqMQ/edit#responses

    Applications will be open until Wednesday. If there are any immediate question feel free to just dm me!

    12:55 UTC


    Ward podcast alternative?

    I liked we've got ward, but years on I want something a bit more condensed for a listen. Anything that does a whole arc in an episode would be perfect.

    20:48 UTC


    Skitter's Trap (Interlude 20.y)

    And Accord realized Skitter’s contingency plan in the next instant. Silk wasn’t just attached to Valefor, to him, even. She’d connected silk to the furniture. The table. She could drag the table with the silk lines, each laid out to fit in the gaps between tiles, nearly invisible. In doing so, she’d sandwich any one group between the table and a wall, or leave them clinging for a grip, almost falling. How would she drag it? Another mutant dog? Some counterweight? Regardless of the answer, Accord felt oddly pleased with himself. The danger posed by this trap didn’t even concern him.

    Why wasn't Accord concerned? The text can be read as if he was so pleased with himself that the danger didn't affect his emotional state, but also that it presented no danger he couldn't deal with.

    The trap looked pretty dangerous, and there were all the other people there to consider in case of a commotion (Undersiders, Fallen and Butcher).

    He had Citrine and Othello with him. But, beyond both's capabilities, his own powers and even other subordinates who were not there, I don't picture what he could do if Skitter decided to trap or defenestrate him.

    19:20 UTC


    Whats the most stressful chapter of Worm?

    I'm on my nth reread of Worm and just got to 16.12. Skitter trying to get to her party when fake-skitter is with them, and when they go on the offensive against her assuming she's betrayed them, is probably the most stressful moment for me despite knowing it will resolve OK. I often skip 5.4 on re-reads, so maybe that beats it, but I feel like thats more because the bully stuff pisses me off while 16.12 makes me pace nervously while reading. Anyone else have a chapter that stresses them out to the same extent?

    18:45 UTC


    Ballistic's ambush freakout...

    I was thinking back to when the joint Undersiders-Travelers group ambushed the Nine, and Ballistic's job was to snipe Jack Slash. He started freaking out when he was supposed to execute his job, and Cherish sensed it, warned the Nine and the plan was partially ruined. Was Cherish passively causing him to freak out, or was Jack's secondary causing Ballistic to second guess and panic? Or am I misremembering the scenario?

    16:13 UTC


    Calling it right now...

    Mia didn't kidnap Tyr. Carson did. Then he went to Mia to help them disappear, she figured out what the deal was, and that's how they got together.

    00:05 UTC


    Taylor's power

    I thought Taylor whole deal was being able to control bugs but now she mentions taking control of crabs and heart worms... So, can someone explain to me what's her power really is (I'm still reading sentinel).

    23:35 UTC


    Was this Ward character redeemable if it wasnt for the final arcs?

    Im talking about Chris. I really liked him as a character and i thought he could get a redemption arc but sadly he got Simurghed

    Do you think he could actually become a better person if he wasnt influenced by Ziz herself?

    19:25 UTC


    Most dissimilar powers that share a classification?

    I'm looking for the powers that, while technically sharing a PRT threat classification, wildly differ in how they function and how they should be countered, not just raw power difference.

    I feel like Trumps are gonna steal the show here, it's the vaguest classification, including power copiers, gifters, thieves, and more. Othala and Hatchet Face are a good example for this, one is a backline support that lends powers, the other is a tank that nullifies them. Even Trumps that share two classifications like Glaisting Uaine and Teacher have almost nothing in common.

    17:37 UTC



    Do hobgoblins ever come up in Pact/Pale lore? I've been searching the wikis for a mention of them, but haven't found anything.

    If they do exist, what distinguishes them from other goblins?

    And if they haven't been mentioned, what do you think their nature/abilities should be?

    15:13 UTC


    Taylor bullies - any realistic chance of redemption?

    Whenever I read the trio redemption fics (or separate Sophia, Emma or Madison redemption arcs), they are usually pretty unrealistic. For example, "Sophia falls in love with Skitter and then finds out she's Taylor" or "Emma gets powers and doesn't need to put Taylor down anymore" etc.

    I'm not counting any fics where the bullies are mastered (by Taylor or anybody else), since it doesn't count as a real redemption. Possibly someone with Contessa's powers could achieve something like that with just a couple of words/actions, but I'm not sure.

    From canon, as far as I understand, Sophia is a complete sociopath and doesn't care about anyone, Emma is deeply traumatized, possibly psychotic, Madison is just weak/selfish. So possibly, Madison can get a realistic redemption arc, thought I'm not sure how it would work. Sophia is most likely beyond redemption, I don't see her even trying to work with any therapy that would contradict her world view. Emma could have been mentally healed potentially, but she clearly needed hospitalization, possibly medication.

    Anyway, what do you think?

    07:54 UTC


    Who were the five major groups Dinah mentioned?

    In 18.1 Dinah mentions something about Gold Morning having 5 major groups in it, what were they? From the top of my head I can imagine Khepri, CUI, and Protectorate/Cauldron , so what are the other 2 groups?

    04:35 UTC


    Minor Characters From Twig You Would Want To See More Of?

    I'm rereading Twig and got to the part where Jamie and Sy meet one of Percy's ghosts who has partnered with Dog and Catcher. The ghosts were made during Percy's campaign of child murdering, and are a direct byproduct of that. I think it's incredibly interesting that this particular ghost went on her own path, became a mercenary, and developed a soft spot for children. She also apparently grew attached to Catcher fairly quickly due to him giving her a method of communicating through sign language. There's so much complexity to a very minor character, and there are a lot more like her throughout Twig. What are some that you would be interested in learning more about?

    01:55 UTC


    I want to read Claw, but I'm dyslexic. TL;DR: Is there an audiobook project for Claw already?

    Reading time for me with a neurodivergent brain plus the routine of life and work routine makes me super anxious and late to catch up on weekly releases. And I really want to have the experience week by week.

    It took me 5 years to read Worm. This delay is horrible because when I'm in a long arc, it takes 3 months to read, and then I've already forgotten about the previous arc.

    I started Ward in 2021. And I had to stop at 8.7, because I hadn't read it for months since 2023 and when I came back I didn't remember anything else. And I'm currently listening to Worm Audiobook and having a much clearer experience.

    Anyway, is there an audiobook project for Claw already? I looked for reading programs, but they are paid and very expensive.

    i needed an audiobook, so I could follow the weekly releases

    20:31 UTC


    Worm CYOA v5 Gimel Edition Mod - Update 1

    I recently published a modified version of Worm CYOA v5 Gimel on the internet, and this is the first update.

    Update contains:

    • 2 new Civilian Identities: Police Officer and Night Guard
    • 3 new Skills: Sleight Of Hand, Acting and Multilingualism
    • Power: Run has been replaced with Power: Wallcrawling
    • Power: Bioluminescence has been replaced with Power: Phantom Limbs
    • Power: Menacing Stare has been replaced with Power: King's Engine
    • Bug Fixes

    Here's link to CYOA: https://sleepingsleeper.neocities.org/

    Hope you enjoy!

    18:15 UTC


    Can someone help me find the quote?

    So you know Bakuda? And how she is taken by Glastig after her death.

    I have a distinct memory of Glastig using her during Golden Morning, but I cant find the quote.

    Worm Wiki also states

    She saw the light of day again and created multiple tinker bombs to use against targets.

    But it doesnt give a citation.

    So can anyone help?

    17:42 UTC


    Need power suggestions for a Trio of related triggers

    I had an idea for a trio of trigger events all catalyzed by the same event (but not necessarily a cluster trigger). Three siblings, all with a mix of chronic anxiety, depression, and ADHD, all have their lives turned upside down when the father and eldest brother are in a car accident. I'm working on coming up with powers for them, but wondered what kind of powers you guys think they'd get.


    Bernadette was a lonely, isolated girl for much of her life. Heavily introverted, heavily depressed, and frequently holding in anxiety and a temper, she was desperate for human interaction but simultaneously hated/feared interaction and drove people away with her reactionary anger. Every attempt seemed doomed to fail from the start, either because she couldn't take the first step herself or she drove away the people who approached her. Even her family, the people she should've been closest with, walked on eggshells around her to avoid her irrational, easily-provoked anger. She utterly hated it.

    Then her father and oldest brother were in a car accident. They lived, but the circumstances around it caused them to fight and, through no malice or conscious intent, their fighting caused them to ignore Bernadette even more. She knows they barely have the patience to deal with each other, nevermind her. And their anger at each other? It only reminded Bernadette of her own failings, like looking at a twisted funhouse mirror of her worst self. Meanwhile, her mother and other brother were working themselves to death to deal with the sudden, astronomical medical bills her family faced.

    Stewing alone in a noxious miasma of rage, depression, and loneliness, all of which feels so irrational in the face of her family's much more real problems, Bernadette triggers.


    Mike was a failure. Was. Most of his life issues had been caused by intense ADHD, and with medication, he was doing alright. He had a job (shitty, but stable), he was FINALLY graduating from college in a few months (after taking longer than expected), and he had a kind girlfriend (miles above his crazy ex). Things weren't perfect by any stretch of the imagination.

    Then his father and older brother got into an accident. An accident that Mike's father accused his brother of causing deliberately as some sort of homicide-suicide plot. It wasn't. Mike knew his brother. But his brother HAD unsuccessfully attempted suicide a year before, so he could see where the accusations came from.

    Unable to deal with the chaos of his family imploding, but unwilling to not help them out with the sudden crisis, Mike picked up some extra hours from work to make money to help them out. But in doing so, he started neglecting his health. Not eating well, not sleeping well, and now frequently forgetting his ADHD medication, his school grades began to suffer. His girlfriend helped him out in the beginning, until she suddenly stopped. He quickly learned that his ex-girlfriend was back in town and was harrassing his current girlfriend, and now Mike had to fend off that bit of drama too. And through all of this, he had no time for his friends or anything fun.

    Work, school, family, relationships, friends... it was all rapidly becoming too much. And with his bottle of ADHD medication still sitting empty, his ability to handle it all is slipping.

    Mike triggers upon noticing his cat looking sick and finding its food bowl empty, realizing he's been so busy he can't remember when he last fed the cat or ate a proper meal himself.


    Jack was caught in a catch-22 of his own making. Almost two years ago, he'd had a surprisingly well-paying job, but the stress of it had been slowly killing him for years. So he quit, figuring he could find a different job that he could handle even if it paid less. He had enough savings to take his time while recovering his physical and mental health. But he didn't get better. If anything, his body and mind declined further. He put on weight and sank into a mess of anxiety and depression, which made looking for a job even harder. But without a job, his savings were dwindling rapidly, so he was running out of time. But the stress and anxiety of that looming deadline drove him to stress-eat, worsening his phsyical health even more. He didn't want to return to his parents - especially not his father - for help, because that would mean admitting to them he'd lied for nearly a year about still having a job, and money was tight for them anyway without their failure of a son freeloading.

    Near his breaking point, Jack started plotting his own suicide. But the day before he would've done it, the day before the shard watching him would've intervened with tinker powers, his mother figured out his plan - suicide by intentional car wreck - and stopped him.

    She figured out his lies, but forgave him. She forced him to move back home and forced him to go to therapy. And despite his father's attitude and repeated comments about his disappointment, Jack DID get better. Somewhat. At least well enough to start looking for jobs again. And to his surprise, he found one relatively quickly. It didn't pay more than minimum wage, but he could do it. It was what he'd hoped for. The depression and anxiety that had haunted him for years didn't vanish, but for the first time in years, Jack thought he could finally face the world.

    Then one day, while out on a drive with his father, Jack allowed himself to be distracted for a moment and then lost control of the car. They went off the road and hit a tree. His father was badly injured all over, while Jack lost the use of his legs because of how the car crumpled in. Jack didn't trigger then.

    No, he triggered in the hospital, looking at the stumps where his feet used to be, realizing that he wouldn't be able to work and that every bit of progress he'd made since his failed suicide had just gone up in smoke becuase of his recklessness. He triggered with his father's hateful words still rining in his ears - "If you wanted to kill yourself, you should've left me out of it!" He triggered, heart torn between finally finishing the job and burning his life away, or sucking it up and living through the years of hell that was still to come.

    14:30 UTC


    Otherverse fanfiction becomes just as popular and prevalent as Worm fanfic. What tropes, cliches, and fanon appear?

    Worm fanfiction is surprisingly popular and frequent, despite the Worm fandom's relatively small size. And of course, it also has it's own fair share of fanon and fanonized characters within it, like:

    • "Cyborg-Armsmaster with absolutely no social skills at all."
    • "The big three gangs are the Empire, ABB, and the Merchants."
    • "Dragon controls the entire PHO as Tin_Mother."
    • "Piggot the Cape Bigot."
    • "Kiddo/Little Owl."
    • Aura Theory

    And common story tropes and cliches frequently used, like:

    • Purity (and sometimes Rune) redemption
    • Coil has a new-young-Cape-kidnapping addiction
    • Endbringer-Slaying
    • Danny is the Dockworker's Union leader and is super influential in the Brockton politics
    • Queen of Escalation
    • Every female character is gay or bi
    • Taylor the Harem-Master

    In an alternative universe, Otherverse fanfiction of Pact and/or Pale becomes just as prevalent and popular to write in as Worm fanfiction. What pieces of fanon, tropes, and cliches does the Otherverse fic starts popping up everywhere?

    13:23 UTC


    Power for a name #74 Gods

    Provide as many or as few details about a cape as you like- their name, some costume details, maybe a bit of backstory. Someone else will come up with the rest. Previous thread here.

    Gods, one above all, the end all to end all. Whether that be in the form of an all or nothing power. Or in an element they control or just in name only. Taking this the other way how about a false god. Someone who claims to have divine authority but are just pretending. People like Pastor or Goddess comes to mind.

    Four names today

    Moly and Circe ran with Lustrum, both of their powers had to be used together otherwise it would turn deadly.

    Wheel normal name for the Mover version of the Sting shard.

    During the time Amy was in the Birdcage, Asclepius took the job. He was better personality wise, healing not so much.

    Zeus took the name as a joke and to mask her weak power, now as a second triggered she is on her to becoming the strongest cape in her hometown.

    13:16 UTC

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