For fanservicey art from manga, anime, VNs, JRPGs, etc.
A home for cute anime girls who need longer skirts.
Manga, anime, VN, etc fanservice art is welcome. Visible pantsu in the pic are not required. Really sexy or porny art would be more at home in /r/sukebei or /r/ecchi.
Suggestive or explicit loli content is prohibited under Reddit's Content Guidelines. Posting loli art is strictly forbidden.
Please include the name of the source anime in your title. If you forget, add it in link flair. Label characters not from an established franchise as [Original].
Link to the artist's (human! no AI) official portfolio page in a comment, or if there is none available, at least mention their name.
IQDB Firefox / Chrome addons and SauceNao addons are great for finding the franchise title and artist.
No reposts within four months or from /top. Please check /new every time before posting. RepostSleuth can be used to further search for reposts.
No more than four posts per 24-hour period, and no more than twelve pictures per album. Use albums instead of making multiple similar posts
Please read the Good Posting Guide.
Looking for the full banner images? Here's an album of them~
For spoilers, use >! and !<, like this: >!spoiler here!<
This will show up as spoiler here
Submitter hasn't named the source? Try iqdb. (Firefox / Chrome add-ons)
Browsing /new makes catgirls purr.
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