A place where you can share and learn about the skills you need to stay safe and enjoy yourself outdoors.
A place where you can share and learn about the skills you will need to have a safe and enjoyable trip in the outdoors.
As I've gotten older, the frequency at which I sprain my ankles on hikes is increasing. I've had some seriously bad sprains to the point where I'm actually scared to hike sometimes. Do ya'll have any tips on footwear, products, exercises, etc. to help protect my ankles?
I created an education-orientated website for outdoor questions (general, fishing, hunting, camping, and hiking) that are not so often asked and discussed. The name is ~RarelyAskedOutdoorQuestions~ and the articles provide detailed breakdowns of questions with science-backed answers from respected Journals, as well as first-hand experience or experience from close friends. I also try to include a lot of interactive elements, such as quizzes, calculators, etc. If anyone has time, would you take a look at the website and give me feedback. Thanks :)