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Red River Tickets

Anyone know the best way to go about getting a ticket for red river? Not sure about any good groups or the best marketplace or anything, tips appreciated. I’ve been 3 times but never had to be the one buying the tickets

21:43 UTC


Graham Harrell as analyst

I’m sure most of us have read the satire post circulating social media that OU has reached out to Graham Harrell. While I know that post wasn’t true, it got me thinking. How far fetched would it be to have him come on mid-season as an analyst and quarterback coach, two areas we could use any and all extra horsepower?

I know he has some decent offensive stats.

19:02 UTC


Minnesota and OU Football through the years

06:11 UTC


Red River Shootout

I was born and raised in SEC land, but I will say this……. The Red River shootout is the best football rivalry. Always rooted for OU and I’m ready for the upset Oct 12!

  • sincerely, a gamecock
14:00 UTC


Texas freshman Colin Simmons boldly claims 'we're going to dominate them' ahead of Red River Rivalry


Nice locker room material. Hopefully it inspires our o-line and TEs.

UT struggled at home with a very bad Miss State team on Saturday. 1-4 State is the worst team in the SEC at 70 in the FPI rankings. For comparison, Auburn is at 38.

23:05 UTC


Who do we get back by OU-Texas?

At least Tatum and Burks right? Anyone else?

23:05 UTC


Signs for USC @ Minnesota

howdy all!

OU Alumnus who now works at the University of Minnesota. I've been asked by some students what they should do for their fraternities' signs to welcome Lincoln "so close" Riley this weekend.

This has never been a strong suit of mine, so I thought I'd ask here. We are desperate for a quality win, especially after having our comeback fall short stopped by an objectively bullshit offsides call at Michigan.

Boomer and Row the Boat/Ski-u-Mah/Go Gophers!

22:42 UTC


Texas Oklahoma game seat swaps

Is there anyone that bought tickets for the Texas OU game that accidentally bought them for the wrong side? My gf surprised me with tickets but bought them on the OU side and I’m a Texas fan lol. I heard people in the past would switch it all the time during that case so people can sit with their team crowd. I’m looking to trade tickets with two OU fans that possibly did the same 😂

18:52 UTC


Mike Hawk with a Full Receiver Core

What are y'alls thoughts on Mike Hawkins with a full receiving core? The dude has an arm and appears to know when to throw versus when to run. I am curious to see what he looks like with a recovered receiving core against Texas. I am not hopeful for the RR but I believe Mike Hawk will continue to develop into a decent QB.

01:50 UTC


OC Wish List

  1. Mike Shanahan of Indiana

Put a package together for him immediately. IU has the 2nd ranked offense by FPI efficiency right now. He also is a QB coach. He's going to be one of the hottest names our there once the off season hiring madness begins.

  1. Dirk Koetter of Boise State

He's a BSU guy through and through but he knows QBs and can also put together a great running attack. He runs the 7th ranked offense by FPI efficiency.

  1. Brad Glenn of Cincinnati

He's turned around the Bearcats offense in a short amount of time. Great at both run game and passing. 12th ranked offense.

Who else should the Sooners be looking at?

16:58 UTC


Some bad and good thoughts on the game.

Haven't had a chance, and won't likely have a chance, to rewatch this game sometime this week so all of these thoughts are going off a one watch take. Also please keep in mind I don't have access to the All 22. But I'm gonna try to hit three negative points and three positive points with some ideas on what I think OU should do going forward.

Let's start with the bad first:

* I think we have one of the worst Tight End rooms in the entire country. I know that we're really hurt at receiver and our OL is dog shit so it's just natural to wanna go with your TE personnel formations but my god. I am really high on Bauer Sharp as a receiving TE but he continues to be a traffic cone out there with his blocking. It was better but on god I don't know what they're teaching them at OU right now. Jake Roberts is a good kid but he's a lot like Austin Stogner. He just fucking sucks all around. I don't know how else to say it. At least with Bauer I see the potential for him as an elite receiving TE. But I'm to the point I think we should move Bauer to WR or just line him up at WR because these TE personnel formations are killing part of our space right now. I'm going to beat on the fire Joe Jon Finely drum until it happens. I legit don't understand what's going on there because they're bad and probably the poorest coach group on the team. Like they almost lost us that game single handily with all their fucking stupid penalties in the second half.

* I'm just out on Seth and his play calling. I think it's bad, I think it makes no sense, and I think the first real elite defense we play is going to kick the dog shit out of us. And just a couple quick hitters I don't think the route trees make any god damn sense and I legitimately have no fucking idea what we're doing with all this motion nonsense going on. The reason motion even exists is to help the QB identify what the defense is doing. But that's not helpful when

a) our playbook has been simplified because we have a true freshman at QB with no starting WR's out there so he has like two reads right now before he bolts. Like when you have a predeterministic offense motion is just there to be eye candy and nothing else. Especially when you're freshman QB isn't calling the offense/using audibles like an NFL QB would

b) motion is also completely useless when you're a one dimensional team. Don't think I need to expand on why that is but I can if you guys want me to

I also legitimately think he and Bill Bedebaugh are mentally challenged at this point. We can't run between the tackles at all. The only time that's worked at all this year is during an RPO when the defense guessed pass and even then we fucked that up and with our QB runs. I don't know what else I need to say here. Our run game continues to be the worst in the country in terms of scheme, execution, blocking, and effort. It's embarrassing and I think both Seth and Bill are fucking morons for continuing to try something that didn't work against *fucking* temple. It is literally the definition of insanity.

* And for negative number three I think Brent and the coaches made a huge fuck up moving Jacobe over to WR. This idea a guy who hadn't played WR since HS was going to come in and be a difference was so fucking stupid it made me want to puke. I'm not saying Jacobe couldn't be a good receiver but that takes like an offseason to make work. Not a single week. And it hurts our corner depth when we need it. Like I want to plant my flag here that I think Jacobe is a future NFL corner with elite size and elite speed. He's someone you line up against in man cover and dare the other team to beat. Instead we're hurting the defense to try to help and offense that isn't going to be helped in a single week. It's fucking stupid and a complete failure on the coaches imho.

Alrighty then. That was fun. Now for some positives.

* I think Michael Hawkins is a dude. I think he's going to have a tremendously rough season with a lot of growing pains and I think he'll even look downright bad at some point this season. But I think he might be a transcendent level QB when he gets his feet wet and Oklahoma gets a real coordinator and a real offensive line and receiving corp around him. That dude has balls of steel and he's got the *It* factor that is so hard to quantify. Dude is a baller and if we win more than five games this year it's gonna because of him and the defense

* The pass blocking was slightly better. The run blocking gets another F from me but the pass blocking probably gets a C- to C. They looked a little more sound and comfortable out there and I want to give them a compliment just because I've been downright cruel in my evaluations of them this year.

* This defense is really really really good. Outside of a couple boneheaded plays by some of our corners I think they're going above and beyond right now. Like if they weren't almost getting doubled up on in terms of snaps by the other team and got more rest in-game I think this defense would be unquestioned as a top ten defense. They're not perfect and quite honestly they're holding onto dear life right now with how gassed and banged up they are. But fuck man you have to tip the cap to them. Just doing everything they can to carry this football team. They desperately need this bye week to regroup and rest because they're gonna be in for a fucking dog fight against Texas.

I feel extremely conflicted on this win because winning in football is hard. Anyone who has ever played the game will tell you that and this was an impressive gutsy win with some vintage Sooner Magic. But I also feel like this is some of those Lincoln Riley wins we got back in 2019-2020 where flaws were there but went overlooked because of us winning. This team needs desperate changes right now from the play caller all the way down to the water boy on offense right now. And this win just buys them more time than they probably should have had. I don't have the time to look at the analytics but the last time I checked Oklahoma ranked in the bottom 120's of almost every offensive statistical category there is. Like guys we're doing worse offensively than we were defensively in 2018 when Mike Stoops was fired. And I don't think the bye week and getting healthy is going to vault us up into even being average. I think staff changes have to be made and this win just delays ripping off that band aid.

Also the other reason I feel conflicted is because Auburn is a really really bad football team. Feel free to comeback and tag me at the end of the year but I think they're going to win one or two more games at max. And that's because I think they have one or two cupcakes/made up schools left to play in their schedule. This is a god awful football team and it took them imploding with some terrible coaching to help us win. Again I fucking hate doing this because winning is so hard. So very hard and those wins are so very precious. But when you pair how bad Auburn is and how this might prevent necessary changes for the team I think this might be really bad for us in the long term. Now I will fully acknowledge that this is the type of win that can build confidence and help propel some growth within a team. But I just don't believe in any of the players on the OL and I don't think we'll break the top 100 all year in terms of rushing stats. And you just can't even be an average offense if you can't be top 100 in rushing.

05:05 UTC



02:04 UTC


BV’s halftime speech.

I have it on good authority, that when BV heard someone complaining about all the injuries in the locker room at half-time.  This was his response.

  “What’s he that wishes so?If we are mark’d to lose, we are enough…To do the Sooner Sation loss; but if we are to win?The fewer Sooners, the greater share of Glory!

God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one Sooner more.God’s peace! I would not lose so great a GloryAs one playmaker more, methinks, would share from meFor the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!

Rather proclaim it, fellow Boomer Sooners, through my host,That he which hath no stomach to this fight,Let him hit the transfer portal; his NIL shall be cancelledAnd a little cash for the trip out, stuck into his pocket:We would not lose in that teammates company

He that wins this day, and comes back home to Owen Field,Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,And rouse him at our Sooner Magic! He that wins this day, and sees old age,Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, And say ‘To-morrow is the anniversary of the Auburn game’Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.And say ‘These wounds I got when we went on the road in the SEC.’

Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,But he’ll remember with advantagesWhat feats he did that day: then shall our names.Familiar in his mouth as household wordsMichael Hawkins, and Jovantae Barnes,Kip Lewis, Danny Stutsman, and Billy Bowman,Be in their flowing mugs freshly remember’d. We few, we happy few, we band of Boomer Sooners;For he to-day that plays like Champion,Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,This day shall make him believe again in Sooner Magic:

And whiney Boomers, at O'Connell's pub now crying in their beer,Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,And hold their manhoods cheap, whiles any speaksThat fought with us on the road at Auburn in THE SEC.”

01:52 UTC


Realistically, what offensive staff changes do you expect to see once this season is over?

SL and JJF absolutely have to be gone. I think BB needs to be gone, as we haven't had a great o-line since like 2018. I'm not real sold on DM but he's not on my shit list yet.

Overall we need a complete overhaul on offensive. JA is gone, Hawkins is the guy. One of the main reasons for promoting SL was because Arnold was familiar with him.

00:43 UTC



00:40 UTC


This sub today

23:25 UTC


Boot the doomers?

Can we boot all the negative doomers on here. So much negativity and just being awful before the game is even over. Its football and were in the SEC. Even the worst teams are good enough to be one of the top teams in the big 12. Its just a new normal we need to get used to.

23:20 UTC


Anybody thirsty l?

I could use a nice Mike Hawkins Cider with a side of Kip Lewis. Great win, boys!!

23:14 UTC



Sooner Magic!!!

23:13 UTC


[Week 5 Postgame Thread] #21 Oklahoma defeats Auburn, 27-21

Please keep trash talk civil and report any comments that violate our rules.

23:12 UTC




23:12 UTC


What a rollercoaster!

23:10 UTC


Chill out

Y’all gotta stop with the depressing “It’s over” posts. We are banged up on offense. No starting WR, young inexperienced quarterback, and we just got a defensive break with a pick-6. We aren’t what we used to be but man we are still doing a hell of a job with what we have. Boomer sooner!

22:50 UTC


Come to Jesus

Okay. Some of y'all have still been defending this coaching staff. I'm going to give you the opportunity to come to the light now.

Seth Litrell needs to be fired.

Joe Jon Finley needs to be fired.

Bill Bedenbaugh needs to be fired.

Schmitty also needs to be fired.

This ain't an overreaction. Schmitty was fired for overworking these guys to the point of injury his first time around and look at what's happened. Injuries everywhere.

Seth Litrell and JJF cannot run an offense to save their lives. The play calling is atrocious.

And Bedenbaugh is cooked. This offensive line is fucking abysmal and we are halfway through the season.

It is time to make MASSIVE AND IMMEDIATE changes in Norman.

EDIT: I stand by this post even if we win

22:32 UTC


Until Litrell is gone, I’m done.

I’ll do something for else with my Saturdays and maybe actually enjoy them. Litrell is so bad and refuses to adjust. We are only going to get worse as the season goes on, so unless we fire him, I’m not going to waste my time and watch this dumpster fire anymore. The best defense we’ve had in decades and this what we do? Embarrassing.

22:31 UTC



This is just depressing.

Defense getting gashed.

Offense still sucks ass.

This is just depressing

EDIT: this is a 4-8 team

EDIT 2: Wow, how did we win that?!?

22:16 UTC


Freeze is winning the chess match against Venables

Just stuffing him into a locker.

20:59 UTC


Brent's defense is garbage too.

Nothing about this team is good.

20:50 UTC


Hawkins ballin!

19:52 UTC


Auburn ticket

Does anybody need a ticket in auburn I’ll give it to you for free

19:11 UTC

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