Please subscribe to the new subreddit, which reflects the renaming
In the future, everything will go there! Thanks for your feedback and questions over the years :-)
Read some of the blog posts and parts of the website. Seems neat. What I'd really like to see now is a video of some kind. The creator playing around with it, chatting about design choices or future plans, giving a topic based presentation with prepared slides, discussing it with a person asking questions, something, anything.
But as far as I can tell there is not a single recording of anyone talking about oilshell, not even the creator. (the baylisa talk wasn't recorded apparently) If anyone here has seen something, I'd appreciate a pointer. This is a huge missed opportunity (imho) to generate interest and give people more ways to learn about the project and understand it's current state and trajectory.
The blog posts (naturally) have a kind of workbook/jotted notes feel, not authoritative like a reference guide, as much aspirational as instructional. I would absolutely love to see different presentations of oilshell, in particular in a video format. Thanks!
I'm barely aware of all of Bash's features in spite of having used it for a long time. I was recently playing with new shells..
Nushell seemed interesting in first, but I need bash compatibility and one of the things that would make me play with osh every day is ble.sh, I cannot function in the terminal without it.
I have read https://github.com/oilshell/oil/wiki/Running-ble.sh-With-Oil and it's not clear if ble.sh will every completely work? Any user insight here would be appreciated.