/r/Oddware is a place to share unique hardware that has a fun story!
This is a place to post any strange forgotten tech that has a unique function. It can be anything from an old mouse with a cool design feature to a piece of specialized software.
This subreddit was set up as a tribute to the oddware series from Lazy Game Reviews(LGR) on YouTube.
Rule 1. All posts MUST have some context provided in the comments or the linked page.
Rule 2. No soliciting. This includes asking for us to link to your subreddit, forum, bulletin board, newsgroup, Facebook page, whatever.
Rule 3. Blog spam, link spam, referral spam, joke responses, memes, novelty accounts, trolling, unethical behavior, and personal insults will not be tolerated. Use common sense.
Rule 4. Have fun :)
Rule 33. It never hurts to suck up to the boss.