Appreciating the art, music, culture, and influence of Odd Future. Also fuck Bill O'Reilly
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We have a zero tolerance policy for individuals that break the rules of reddit. This includes blog spam, vote manipulation through outside sites and the posting of links to illegal downloads. Blog spam is defined as a user whose posts are >10% to a personal website or particular site.
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To anyone who has ever sneaked in give me some advice please. I sneaked in last year but I fucked up one thing and got caught thank you ❤️👨❤️💋👨 (the CFG subreddit was a lil rude to me so I hope yall are nicer🥹👨❤️💋👨)
Hopefully it's enjoyable to someone on here
https://youtu.be/m4qlk8uodMU?si=390tvyfcJ_TQqdev Totally randomly came up on my fyp and it has no name
I think this is a silly question but I never really say his name out loud. In “Lone” Tyler says it like “dah-mo” but he often pronounces words with comedic effect Is it like “dah-mo” or “doe-mo”
I ordered something earlier today but kinda regret my decision, idk my order number but ive sent an email to the contact support, but it would be good to know if i can cancel my order and hopefully get ky money back
too broke for the real thing, saw an old post saying they bought one for 15, but i can’t find one under 40
hi! my friend is selling her two tickets for alchemist + friends show this friday at the novo! $50 for each, right now GA is going for 100+
Except the obvious taco jasper and Lionel because he is constantly with them and rarely anybody else?
I just watched loiter squad and now I’m wondering what happened to Lionel cuz I haven’t heard anything about him at all recently
imo Doms is Jasper except he can rap on beat....idk man...
Just really need the full redux album like how it came on the vinyl/cd. Re-did my computer and lost it unfortunately… I’m sure every one would appreciate a working link for a few days as well lol