A NSFW sub for self-posted nude amateur images and gifs.
For verification, please see this thread:
Welcome to r/nudes! Enjoy your stay
Every image must be a nude image: As we are r/Nudes, each image should therefore include some form of nudity. This means showing - at a minimum - breasts or private parts. If nudity is not your style, then there are other subs out there that are more suitable if you aren't fully nude, such as /r/lingerie.
No Self Promotion or Spam Allowed: Please do not ask for upvotes, post the same image in a short period of time, or promote your social media accounts (this includes Onlyfans). These rules includes watermarks (anything more than your reddit username isn't allowed), as well as captions, and comments.
All Submissions Should Be Photos or GIF's. Videos aren't allowed.
Keep it civil in the comments. That means don't be an asshole or rude about any content posted, or other commenters. Also don't start debates about politics or religion or whatever. Just don't start.
No illegal content! This should go without saying! Violation of this rule will lead to a lifetime ban. Illegal content includes anything that isn't of yourself (couples excluded), anyone under 18, and so on.
Quality content only! No only dick/pussy pics that are of one body part. Show off more of your body with your genitalia.
A reminder that new accounts or those will low karma will be restricted in being able to post and comment (unless you verify with us.)
This subreddit uses a modified version of the Homespun theme