Did you see someone call out a totally plausible story as fake? Yep, so did we. No Steve, the story isn't fake, your life is just boring. Go outside more.
The internet is full of cynics and contrarians finding a conspiracy at every corner. Gather 'round and gander at some of them!
Be nice to each other.
Censor all usernames, including your own, to avoid brigading.
Do not brigade, doxx, or encouraging brigading or doxxing.
Your post should include both the original post and the post calling it fake.
Don't link directly to posts/comments.
Don't screenshot posts with very little upvotes because then r/ThatHappened probably also thinks it is plausible
Will probably just send me home again back down the rabbit hole I’m still psychotic & had lorazepam paranoid af but good 🫠 ish
I have seen people be stopped or asked to leave/cover up for wearing costumes/outfits and makeup that could be mistaken for costumes several times this year. I have even seen quite a few people sneak in in/with costumes and makeup, then change or put on the makeup in the bathrooms and try to pretend to be scare actors, which is why the park was stopping people from wearing/dressing like actors.
I have cyclothymia & there’s ahouse alarm going off somewhere ima torch it soon I keep thinking ots 4-6am it’s ficking 00:51 uk time I don’t wanna do that looool
He did some really horrible stuff to a young woman. We are trying to prosecute him. Any I for helps. First name is nick.
Make me famous because I’m never famous
Hope this counts