With Donald Trump out of the White House (for the time being), this subreddit is now a monument to our errors in allowing his presidency.
With Donald Trump out of the White House (for the time being), this subreddit is now a monument to our errors in allowing his presidency. His constant lies, his tarnished character, and his attempt to steal a legitimate election pose grave threats to the security of our democracy and to the conservative movement. We aim to hold Trump accountable, ensuring that conservatism and the American way of life are not tainted by policies that do not put our country first.
This sub is not affiliated with any group, PAC, campaign, or candidate. We are an independent group of people that run this sub on a volunteer basis.
Those of left-wing and centrist persuasion are more than welcome amongst our effort, for Trump affects everyone. Be advised, however, that this sub does have a strong conservative bent and a preference for substantial, policy-based discussion; SJW mentalities will need a thick skin.
Be respectful. Personal attacks, baiting, violence or doxxing (or approval thereof), or hate speech of any kind or degree will not be tolerated.
No excessive vulgarity. Limited swearing won't be moderated.
No brigading or subreddit drama. This includes posts intended to criticize pro-Trump subreddits. Such posts serve only to invite brigading and lower quality.
Non-conservative content and sources. Moderators reserve the right to remove non-conservative content and sources, and after multiple warnings the ones who keep posting them, depending on the tone and spirit in which they are offered. A civil and friendly tone, and a visible desire for sincere discourse, will make you a friend of the sub no matter what your persuasion.
No misinformation or misleading link titles. Mods reserve the right to merely label misinformation posts or comments instead of remove them, so they can be used to educate. But posters who make it a habit will be shown the door. Keep speculations or opinions to the comments, and make sure that your title represents the article's contents accurately. (Best way to do this? Just use the article title.)
No posts unrelated or barely related to Trump. The mods will be the sole judge of this. Trump appointees and surrogates are fair game.
Limit five posts per day. This helps others posters feel confident that their content will be seen.
No image or video posts for the time being.
Moderators discretion. We reserve the right to enforce these rules as well as anything not covered here as we see fit. If you believe you have been unfairly treated by a member of the mod team, politely use the modmail function to message the entire team; however, remember to be courteous and thoughtful in your post. Profanities and other extreme disrespect towards the mod team will just get you muted.
Put some thought into your posts. Show that this movement carries real information, depth, and substance. Don't make it a gripefest; instead ask yourself, "What do people need to know about Trump?"
Check if your link has already been posted in the last couple days (or a link to a different site but carrying the same story). Folks' first glance at the front page should present a wide variety of angles. Duplicate posts are subject to removal without explanation, for the sake of keeping the first page as clean and informative as possible.
Appreciate truth. This is a sub for holding our president accountable, not for lying about him or fabricating accusations (which happens with every president). If you post something that can be falsified, be prepared for people to contradict you even if it means defending Trump (and for the mod team to allow and support it). Remember - this sub is about accountability, not attacking at any cost.