No shit posts, no memes, no covers please.
For elephant 6 info check out: elephant6
Currently listening to In the aeroplane over the sea on vinyl and can't help but note the style of singing is extremely Irish folk sounding.
Was that a choice? I don't much about the band to be honest.
What the helll.
I know this is a NMH reddit, but the OTC reddit looks abandoned and i figured this is E6 adjacent but yeah, the first episode of A Man on the Inside features OTC for the closing credits! Pretty cool
I love Two Headed Boy pt. 2 a lot, but those sounds at the start of it really put me off. It kinda creeps me out. What instrument did those sounds come from? What was their purpose? Were they meant to freak me out?
The lyrics just evoke more emotion to me. Both are incredible, but there’s something special about Joe’s
Jeff is thanked in the description
a lot nmh song only used 2-3 chords, but the melody is luxuriant and beautiful. jeff doesn't need all the complicate chords to express himself.
It was scenes of the Spanish film Espiritu de la Colmena set to King of Carrot Flowers pt. 1. I can't seem to find it again no matter what search terms I use. First saw it on this subreddit. Anyone got a link?