For the modern Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, Heathen, or other seeker of the great truths of the Universe.
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Dear self,
Just as there is a dance style and dance partners, that you simply intuitively click and flow with, so to is there a way of living and life partners with whom you will intuitively click and flow with.
You may need to learn a little about the dance style but mostly it will be so intuitive that it will flow with the greatest of ease. The life you are meant to be living is one of beautiful organic aligned flow.
Of course there is a dance style and dance partner in existence that fits you. Just because your dance partners are awkward now, doesn’t mean they will always be. Just finish out the song and choose a new partner, it will be ok.
Hello good people of Reddit! I am currently in the works of a wiccan iceberg video and I am wondering if anyone can give me some help in the form of obscure or lesser known facts about this beautiful religion? I have about 5 tiers out of 6 done but I am willing to accept any information given to me. Please and thank you!
Tips? Rituals? Prayers? Experiences ? Tell me everything you know on this topic pls!
I opened my third a few year back but for some reason it’s blocked and it kinda hurts a little like think of the feeling of an eyelash in your eye that you can’t get out but bigger anyone know how to fix this issue I’ve been trying to seek help but different people are pointing me in different directions some said it was a Trauma block, some say someone is blocking it on purpose etc. I just want a straight forward answer that actually helps me clear it.
Hello friends! I’m fairly new to neopaganism and I was wondering if anyone could help me identify if a deity is reaching out to me.
Recently, I’ve been feeling drawn to the Triple Goddess, and I did some tarot to discern. I only used the major arcana because I thought it would be easier, but I’m drawing blanks.
My pulls were: The Empress, The World, The Lovers, The Star, The Chariot, and finally The Moon.
Any guidance/resources would be super helpful!!
I had this item come into my shop recently. The photographer seems to think it’s Green Man, but Green Man doesn’t have horns. I found the same finial online and that listing said it was the Sun God Ra, but I’m convinced. There does appear to be a sun around the figure, but this doesn’t even look Egyptian and Ra doesn’t have horns (and is a bird). So my only guess is that this is perhaps a Neopagan or Wiccan deity. Anyone have any guesses?
Has anyone here worked with Itzpapalotl? She has been with me from the start of my journey but i have no idea how to communicate with her
Hello everyone, before asking the question I want to give you guys smth of and introduction to myself, Im a 22 year old from Portugal, born and raised in a Christian family although they didnt really force that on me, I didnt really know what i believed exactly, only that i felt a really strong spiritual connection with and while in nature, I never talked about it a lot since i thought people would find it silly, i basically believe all life is conected through some kind of bond part of something bigger than ourselves. Recently i discovered neo-paganism and its variants. And found some stuff I can relate with, I dont really know with which neo-pagan variant Im more inclined towards to, Im definitely not polytheist, and as I said i always feel that deep conection with nature itself, from which I began thinking about it almost as a person or deity not even a year ago. I was wondering if you guys have any advice for me to which variant i might relate to more and also any good books on it? If you want to help me and want more info on what i feel just ask on the comments! Thank you!
The easisest way for me is to carve a sigil on the candle and then , in a place without wind, ask the sigil's spirit to answer yes/ no questions by the direction or shape of the flame. Has anyone tried this method ?
My ways:
- Count breaths backward from 100 to 0
- Have sex ( also alone, perhaps that is the best)
- Listen to Music ( especially shamanic drums)
- Make music (especially rythmic percussions, could also be two sticks one against other)
- Forest bathing
- Dance
- CBD tea
-Fasting is usually helpful , also darkness is.
Your personal methods?
Any suggestions? I look for a simple Ritual involving Gods/ Goddesses .
Generally I just lay my hands on water imagining Light energizing it . Sometimes i add some pink salt. That is all. But if you can suggest something a bit more elaborated , WELCOME .
So there are different kinds of neopagens right? And even though you may practice similar things it's not like the same thing?
What are all of the symbols? Some of them I want to know more of but I'm struggling with finding anything about the.
There are texts in different languages right? From what I know there aren't that much but I would live to understand which languages.
Neopaganism in some places I read is used as a blanket term, so is it just used to describe things like wica and heathens? [Sorry if I spelt those wrong]
Religion is something I have struggled with for a long time as my family is Christian but I didn't believe in christianity. I still believe in religion I just dont know which one.
Here are some more personal questions that if possible I would really appreciate if you had insight on.
I have firmly believed in reincarnation, multiple gods, and have had a strange fascination with Egyptian gods and Iceland. Idk why. I've tried to learn icelandic and am trying to pick it up again. And with Egypt I honestly dont know either, but their gods always fascinated me. Same with other stories or tales of gods/goddesses. Same with some of the symbols I saw while trying to research neopaganism. I really want to learn more about them but I dont know where to go.
Is that weird?
Is it ok to join a religion you weren't born into?
If I do is it culture appropriation? How do I avoid this?
Is it normal to almost feel drawn to certaint things I have read about gods/goddesses in this religion[s]? I feel kinda silly-
Do neopagans remember past lifes? Or do you not believe in it. Personally I remember some of mine
I dont want to make it seem like I'm trying to force myself and my beliefs into ya'lls religion. If something I said was offensive dont be afraid to correct me! And dont worry I wont be offended, I see truths in all religions. I just haven't found one that fits me yet.
if this link is not allowed, I apologize. Please feel free to delete it.
Hi all, my name is Lindsey. I have been practicing Paganism for about five years now. I am also a psychology doctoral student. My doctoral research is on our community and our experiences as Pagans. Below is a link to my survey. It takes about 20 minutes and is completely anonymous. If you could please take it, I would greatly appreciate it. You are welcome to participate if outside the US, but will need to put your country instead of state.
Hey folks! I'm a game developer interested in worldbuilding outside of the Christian conventions of western writers as I think it develops uniquely compelling worlds and cultural conflicts to explore. I'm working on an interactive moral thriller right now where Paganistic religions and cultures adapt to an unforgiving exile zone, and I'd like to share it with all of you. I think this community will find it evocative as the game is set to explore both the goods and ills of sects of Pagan belief, and allows you as the player to engage and argue within them.
The game is called Yuma Will Burn-
Yuma Will Burn is an experimental narrative survival game where choices have long-lasting story and mechanical consequences. Harsh survival mechanics exist alongside a dynamically changing narrative in an uncaring and sadistic world of triage, poverty, and fear.
As a developer, I've taken a risk by dedicating so much time to a game of this type. The genre is VERY obscure and niche. I still did it though, because I believe in both the artistic value of a deep and complex moral narrative experience and the unbridled passion this audience for them has.
I encourage you to check out and wishlist the game with the link above. I'm a biased party, but I think it's worth your time.