
Photograph via snooOG

This group is dedicated to the discussion of the research and use of various types of psychoactive mushrooms (or their active compounds) for medicinal, psychological, and personally introspective purposes.

This group is dedicated to the discussion of the research and use of various types of psychoactive mushrooms (or their active compounds) for medicinal, psychological, and personally introspective purposes.


356 Subscribers


Researchers at the University of Wollongong are after study participants for an online study: Belief Changes and Psychological Dynamics following a Psychedelic Experience

Posting to this group as I believe it will be of interest :)


Researchers are associated the University of Wollongong. This study has ethics approval.

Have you had a significant psychedelic experience? Please help us with our research and fill out our survey!

Access the survey through the link below or the QR code on the poster: https://uow.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9oG6809Q2gBo3Q

Belief Changes and Psychological Dynamics following Psychedelic Experiences

Our research team are looking for participants to fill out an anonymous online survey (approximately 35 minutes – please go through to the end!) for a study on Belief Changes and Psychological Dynamics following a Psychedelic Experience.

What is the study about?

  • Exploring the subjective experiences commonly reported during the psychedelic experience and how they relate to changes in beliefs and psychological processes.

  • The study aims to further understand the mechanisms underlying the psychological effects of psychedelics, potentially informing therapeutic approaches.

What types of questions will be asked

  • You will first be asked a series of demographic questions - age, gender and religion.

  • Provide a few details about your psychedelic experience.

  • Then, answer a series of questionnaires designed to capture different types of commonly reported experiences that occur while taking psychedelic substances. This will include answering questions about your attitudes and thoughts, including rating how anxious you feel about certain topics both before and after your psychedelic experience.

1 Comment
13:22 UTC


What am I looking at?

19:06 UTC


Information on aminita muscaria for insomnia Uk based

I want to get away from using benzos and ambien for sleep I’m trying other natural remedies but they don’t work and come across a study about this particular mushroom.

Does anyone here have experience with its use ?

I want to give it a try but worry about finding a reputable source as I’ve read it can be quite toxic

All help appreciated thanks

1 Comment
18:53 UTC


Covid and magic mushrooms. Have there been any studies on the benefits of mushroom use while Covid positive? I have Covid officially since Feb 3rd but have been sick for at least 10 days. I have not taken any mushrooms during this period but my curiosity says “go ahead sissy”. Lol

1 Comment
15:30 UTC


Magic mushroom

There's a very good case that psilocybin can treat the psychology of addiction, not just alleviate the withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings.” In addition to treating addiction, psilocybin has also shown impressive results in treating depression and death anxiety. Grab mushroom without prescription from Safesti pharmacy

20:03 UTC

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