The Mushroom Church is place to discuss the religious use, growing, hunting, and the experiences of Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybin, Psilocin, Baeocystin, Shrooms).
A place to discuss the religious use, growing, hunting, and experience of Magic Mushrooms.
Is it true what I’ve heard about young ones have the same amount of siben as the larger ones ? I’d like a poisonous snake baby having more pure venom? Does anyone know. I have greenish mold in the first grow box . It’s not all over just in various spots
Hey everybody. I'm working at a magic mushrooms store and I've offered to write a more in depth strain guide for the products we have available, and I'm looking for user experiences with some strains. I'd love to hear your trip experiences (including approx dose) for the following strains. You can comment or DM me directly
Albino Choda * Albino hillbilly * Albino penis envy Aztec God * Blue meanie Blue smurfs * Ghost * Golden teacher Hawaiian * Jack Frost * Penis envy Shakti * Tidal wave Trinity True albino teacher White rabbit
The ones with stars are the strains I'm most interested in hearing your experiences on, but stories and accounts about any strain are welcome!
Yesterday I decided to have another Psilocybin trip. I made lemon tea out of 15grams “palladium” truffles, which are by far the strongest truffles you can buy. After half an hour I still didn’t feel a thing. So, frustrated from the lack or effect, I went to the kitchen grabbed the another 15grams and ate them raw. So I went back upstairs to lie down when all of the sudden I see these intense light flashes. All of the sudden, I hear Chinese voices in my head, then Russian and a bunch of other unidentified languages and I’m like, WTF is happening to me?!! And I’m thinking, did I break my brain? Did I break the matrix? WTF is this? Then out of nowhere the random voices started to fade away and an authoritative, clear voice starts talking to me and tells me to drink my own piss (I always take a bucket with me, so I don’t have to go downstairs 5 times during a trip) and I was like WTF?! Drink my own piss? Are you fucking crazy? Why would I do that? And it responds and tells me, to purge yourself. Time is running out, it’s now or never the voice told me. So I grab the bucket, and drinked my piss… So while I’m sitting there on my bed, the intense light flashes start again and the voice tells me to brace myself. I grabbed the bucket and I started to throw up violently. The force and speed at which the vomit left my body is truly indescribable, there was a pressure behind it that reminded me of an exorcism. All of the sudden the trip started to fade away and I go downstairs again, sit in my couch and smoked a cigaret at the speed of light. As I am smoking the cigarette I noticed that I was super focused on the ember glow. As I threw the sigaret away the voice showed up again and told me to go upstairs again because I wasn’t finished yet. It told me to grab my phone and turn the airplane mode off as this was of utmost importance. So I listen to the voice, turned the airplane mode off and closed the door behind me. As I closed the door, my phone fell out of my hand, and whilst I tried to grab it, I started feeling sick again, so instead of grabbing the phone, I grab the pissbucket and started vomiting like crazy again. While I was throwing up, a second voice showed up telling me turn the fucking lights on. As I reached for the light my shoulder dislocated and the first voice says : DON’T YOU DARE TO TURN ON THAT LIGHT YOU DEMON. So I fell to the floor, in my own piss and vomit with a dislocated shoulder, still trying to comprehend WTF I just experienced. As I put my shoulder back in place, I got up and felt a million times lighter, the pain in my shoulder was gone and I felt this intense warm light and sensation came over me. This morning I woke up and I could move my shoulder and arm in all directions as if nothing ever happend. I should probably mention that I had 3 surgeries in the past and couldn’t move my arm/shoulder as intended prior to the weirdest trip of my life.
Hi everyone.
Can anyone tell me if this is a magic mushroom. I found it on my backyard. We have a pig as a pet and she eats absolutely everything but did not go near the mushroom. is it edible, is it a magic mushroom?
Just did Lemon Tek with 5 g's of APE Thrasher mushrooms! Let's see if all the hype is true! First time with APE mushrooms. Hope everyone has a great night!🍄❤️🍄❤️🍄❤️
I’m new to reddit and mushrooms but have found your post quite intriguing. I’m looking to start growing shrooms but would like a bit of insight if you guys could provide any thanks!
Sincerely: tooCooked :)
I’ve thought for a while about starting a mushroom church, in hopes that this sacrament I hold so dear could be legally protected instead of persecuted. But I feel like the spirituality of the mushroom doesn’t lend itself to boxes and classification the way other faiths might. How would you define the church? What are the quintessential elements?
This story begins a very long time ago when we were all carnivorous monkeys roaming the plains of Africa. One thing a hunter uses to find pray is their droppings. What grows out of their droppings in Africa happens to be Magic Mushrooms. There's no way to prove it, but the likely hood that these monkeys came across these mushrooms, not once or twice but hundreds of thousands of times, is also impossible to disprove. Now, if you are a hungry monkey and you find these tasty looking mushrooms, what would you do? Probably try one. When you eat a small amount of Magic Mushrooms, you notice a few things, mainly enhanced vision and hearing. This would be a significant advantage to any hunter. You now see every leaf that moves, every plant you might want to eat, and hear every sound an animal could make. Now when you eat a bunch of these mushrooms, you see some crazy shit. As a monkey who has just seen god, you would be compelled to try to explain what you saw to another monkey.
Simply put, the "Religious Evolution" theory says that Magic Mushrooms were the reason for the evolution of both human communication and the concept of religion itself. Monkeys trying to explain god to each other.
On a scientific level, Magic Mushrooms also help build new neural pathways in the brain. One could say that Psilocybin makes you smarter.
The pioneer of this theory was Terence Mckenna. Although I have an amazing amount of respect for him, I think he did a few disservices to his own theory:
A place to discuss the religious use, growing, hunting, and experience of Magic Mushrooms.