A subreddit for discussion and content relating to Mr. Bungle.
Mr. Bungle is an American experimental band from Eureka, California. The longest-serving members are vocalist Mike Patton, guitarist Trey Spruance, bassist Trevor Dunn, saxophonist Clinton "Bär" McKinnon and drummer Danny Heifetz.
In 2020, the band reunited with Scott Ian (Anthrax) and Dave Lombardo (Slayer) to perform and re-record the 1986 demo album 'The Raging Wrath of the Easter Bunny'.
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What have you all been spinning recently? Any new musical discoveries? This is a general thread to discuss music, Bungle related or not.
Feel free to drop in Youtube or Spotify links.
This has always been my favorite Bungle tune & is so captivating on a musical level. There are so many distinct sections and yet they all merge so exceedingly well--the gnarly funk metal of the front half, to the smooth reggae/ska of Patton's "Dahg Rastubfari" verse, and eventually landing on this phantasmagoria of demented disco and a Barnum & Bailey circus march. And to top that off it captures the irreverence of a dog so perfectly. Thanks, mom!
The website Collectors Choice Music has the quote unquote box set for only 80$, a much lower price than any other website. Does anyone know if this website is legitimate, or has anyone bought the boxset from there before? I can’t find much of anything online regarding its credibility.
This has probably been posted a thousand times, but if Mr. Bungle were to ever tour again, and they announced that they were gonna play songs from all 4 albums, which songs would be part of your dream setlist?
I know there isn't a super big selection, but I'm curious! Mine is Mr. Nice guy, Slowly growing deaf, and Desert Search for Techno Allah. =°)
I know it's some sort of microphone or maybe a vocoder or something but I can't find anything that looks like it. Also since the quality on some of the shows it's hard to tell if it's connected to a pedal or a keyboard because since it's so thin you can't really see if it's connected to a cord. But I don't know.
What have you all been spinning recently? Any new musical discoveries? This is a general thread to discuss music, Bungle related or not.
Feel free to drop in Youtube or Spotify links.
i bought this cd from a resale site and i can’t find any information about this specific edition. does anyone have any info?
Found this at Dollar General, thought I’d share it
Starts around 17:48, goes back into We Are the Champions, and then it sounds like another song. Basically just wondering what these songs are? Thanks in advance!
What have you all been spinning recently? Any new musical discoveries? This is a general thread to discuss music, Bungle related or not.
Feel free to drop in Youtube or Spotify links.
Me and my friend are going to a Mr.Bungle tribute tonight :p So we had to get dressed for the occasion
Been listening to Bungle for years. Took me a while... yeah.
I know that my ass is on fire was reworked and performed on disco, California and raging wrath tours, same with platypus on disco tour. I also know that quote unquote is was played all through the bands time together, but have songs like slowly growing deaf, squeeze me macaroni, carousel, egg, stubb, love is a fist and dead goon not been played since the early 90’s? I’ve checked a bunch of setlists online and they seem to drop off around 92. I think they played TGOP some time in the California tour, haven’t heard it though.
I pickled the meme myself
have they ever done sudden death live in the 80's or 90's? i have been trying to find any footage of them playing it live at that time, but can only find stuff from after the release of the demo re-recording
yeah i think i'm gonna do the whole album. this oughta be fun
What have you all been spinning recently? Any new musical discoveries? This is a general thread to discuss music, Bungle related or not.
Feel free to drop in Youtube or Spotify links.
The title kinda says it all. But I have this friend who doesn't like Mr. Bungle, and I wanted to prove a point to him by seeing if I could get my other friends to listen to them. So far said 8 friends have only really listened to the Raging Wrath demo and self titled album, but they really seem to enjoy it. I think I have successfully proven my point lmao.
did an acoustic cover of goodbye sober day, wanted to see what people thought of it. thinking of doing the whole record but i'm not sure 🤔 enjoy!
very new to this subreddit but has anyone ever gotten a recording of when bungle played captain asshole live?