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One difference in this election cycle that I haven't seen covered much is the small donor data for each candidate.
There is a significant disparity between the two candidates this election, which is a dramatic change from the most recent elections.
While the Harris campaign is bringing in marginally more money from small donors than the 2020 Biden campaign, the Trump campaign has seen a dramatic plunge. And the disparity is approaching the level of the Obama/McCain election in 2008.
The small donor metric is often used to gauge voter enthusiasm/commitment and I think this chart bears that out. Seems like a small^(†) but potentially meaningful indication of what will happen next week.
^(† Pun slightly intended)
This year the October surprise seems to be an abundance of Trump catastrophes. He has been his own "October Surprise".
Here's a list (not just limited to October, but we're still talking about them)
I know I'm forgetting some, but for any other candidate at any other time, any one of these could be enough to end your political career.
If Harris "is blowing it" and it's as simple as that, show me the scandals and missteps that compare in quantity and in quality to that list there. Don't show me poll numbers, show me the cause for the movement.
If she's such a "horrible candidate" then it should be easy. I simply see no REASON that I can attribute to the Harris campaign that could explain the disparity here.
What do you think will be the result of the Presidential election? (As opposed to what you WANT to happen)