R/mma is an awesome place. This subreddit is certainly no replacement, but is meant to be an added resource and specific sub-community dedicated to the things that happen during the fight and training. No drama recaps, personality pieces, or posts focusing on anything other than training for the fight or the fight itself.
All the other aspects of MMA can be awesome, but this space is meant only for discussion involving the skills, styles, and strategies that are employed within the sport.
The first tag must include the broad category that your post falls into
The next tag details the post.
The third tag in the title should, when possible, describe the art involved
[Muay Thai]
[Krav Maga]
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 1 posts:
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 1 posts:
Let's look back at some memorable moments and interesting insights from last year.
Your top 1 posts:
If deontay wilder was in mma and knew how to grapple, kick, submit etc. How would his style of striking wildy go
Ben will stop him inside 2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hcfzyx-Tf_4&feature=youtu.be