
Photograph via snooOG

Misophonia is a neurological affliction that causes a fight/flight/freeze response to otherwise normal visual and audial stimuli.

This is a place for you to vent and express anything related to Misophonia, whether they are happy, sad, or frustrating.


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  • Posts or comments directly stating or inciting violence will be removed.

  • When referencing feelings of violence, you are allowed to express how you feel and the feelings that you get, but encouraging someone to do anything violent or stating yourself that you are going to be violent toward someone else is not permitted and will be removed.

  • If you think your post contains a level of violence that may be uncomfortable for others, make sure you flair it as "trigger warning" and tag it NSFW.

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  • Feel free to talk about the "unverified treatments" and things that allow you to cope, but do not make suggestions for what someone should try. We highly discourage attempting to self-medicate without first speaking to a medical professional. Please use a level of common sense when discussing treatments and medications.

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Vibration sounds in house triggers sexual frustration

Hi all,

I want to share a trigger that I can't really find anywhere else. Maybe someone is experiencing the same?

I am in a relationship with my girlfriend since 2 years. She's in a deep depression since about 6-8 months now and our sex life has completely died off since September 2023. I am getting sexually frustrated more and more and have a feeling of rejection. Since about 2 months now, vibration noises in the house ( and there are a lot here! At least 9 sources like 2 fridges, sump pump, heater, air filtering system, fans etc) trigger something really strange and only when I'm not busy, concentrating on something or at bedtime. The vibrations sound like my girlfriend is masturbating with a vibrator! Due to her depression she has a weird breathing habit that makes it sound like she's holding back orgasms. This goes on as long as I am awake and can hear the vibration sounds In the house. I get this feeling of being rejected by her and it makes me feel anxious and sad. Yesterday I confronted her with it and got confirmation that she is NOT doing anything.

I have already tried going In another room, but that didn't work because then I hear the vibration noises in that room more and still think she's doing it. During the day the sounds don't bother me because we do day stuff. Anywhere outside the house no problem whatsoever.

Can anyone relate or have similar experience?

Any input would be greatly appreciated as I do not want to lose her over this ( she told me I scare her by imagining Stuff ) I want to show her that I am getting help.

Thank you

12:36 UTC


Anyone else wish that misophonia wasn't only represented with eating sounds, but ALL triggers?

It just annoys me how misophonia is only portrayed as the "ew I hate chewing noises" disorder when it is so much more than that. A lot of people with misophonia have many triggers, some even worse than chewing. I'd take chewing sounds over sniffling any day.

Literally every time I Google stuff about misophonia, I get stock photos of people covering their ears next to someone eating food like "😆 aaaahhh eating sounds", akin to how most OCD images are just "😆 aaaahhh must organize things"

Or the articles about misophonia are just "Don't like the sound of people chewing? You may have misophonia"

It feels like these kinds of representations of misophonia downplay how horrible it really feels. I'd love to be able to leave the house without headphones, or exist in my room without a white noise machine 🙂

06:44 UTC


I’m having lunch with my family

I can’t do this I’m hiding in the bathroom trying not to throw up I can hear my sisters chewing and snorting and gulping reverberating still in my head and I feel like I’m going insane. I actually want to cry and I’m so close to just sticking knives in my ears. Hearing and sight have never benefited me just contributed to my mental breakdown I hate this

1 Comment
02:14 UTC


Uncle has been coughing for a month and a half. Feel like I’m going insane.

I live with my aunt and my uncle who are basically my parents. I love them more than anything and they let me live in their home for free which I am extremely grateful for. My best friend and I are trying to get a place together by the end of the year so before anyone asks, yes I am working on moving out.

Now, my uncle has started coughing. He started sometime in February and just… never stopped. I know he doesn’t have anything contagious because my aunt and I haven’t gotten sick. He is pre-diabetic/diabetic which he does almost nothing to manage so I don’t know if that has anything to do with it.

It echoes throughout the entire house. It is all day, every day. It keeps me up at night and wakes me up in the morning. It doesn’t matter if I turn up my TV, I can still hear it. I work almost 50 hours a week and also have inflammatory bowel disorder so more often than not I don’t feel well or am extremely exhausted.

I’ve tried to hold in my frustration for so long but it’s gotten to the point where if I’m at home I just lay in bed sobbing all day because it’s all I can focus on. I don’t know how to describe it, but it’s like the sound is PAINFUL to me.

I feel bad because I know he can’t help it and don’t want to make him feel bad about it or anything but I feel at some point you have a responsibility to the other people that you live with to maintain your health.

I don’t know what to do. It’s seriously making me miserable. Just wanted to vent my frustrations. Thanks for listening.

20:11 UTC


Whenever my Brother talks

I’m decided to post my issue here because it’s some community I feel I could relate to at some level. Basically my issue is that whenever I am quietly doing a task or riding in a car I hear my little brother talk and its only him but his voice annoys me so much it makes me go insane. It’s just him I have the issue with though. Whenever I’d loose my headphones I could barely even be in the house without yelling and crying about how terrible he sounds. Also it’s worse when he sings. I just want to get help on why I’m experiencing this pain with only one person.

00:28 UTC


i feel very alienated from friends and family

i have been struggling with misophonia since i was around 6 years old and it has completely isolated me from everyone in my life. i have had to cut people off and not spend time with people that i genuinely love and care about because the disorder runs my life at this point. along with misophonia i also have bipolar disorder. it’s actually insane how the two can work together. when i am feeling manic i usually am more quick to anger when someone is making a noise that bothers me. as opposed to when i am depressed or low in general i tend to hurt myself and almost choose to stay where i am to make myself more miserable. my family knows about both and i am medicated for bipolar but obviously as you guys know there’s not much medication wise that can be done for misophonia. i have never felt heard since it first started and my family has honestly made the process much harder for me. my boyfriends family is a whole different issue however. they are not the nicest people in the world and although his mother has really come to understand my problem, a lot of his family can be so rude to me because of it or make noises on purpose to bother me. this is actually my first post on reddit and when i found this group i was stunned by the amount of people in it solely because i have literally never met in my day to day life someone who has misophonia. i honestly dont expect much from this post but even just having a group of people like this who understand my feelings and validate them is like the best thing lol.

07:59 UTC


I hate humming whistling and chewing but my family still does it

I tried to tell my family I have misophonia but they blow it off and just do the sounds more, I have to wear ear defenders 24/7 at this point and now they aren’t doing anything to help with the noises, when I tell my brothers to stop they just do it louder!?

12:32 UTC



OKAY GUYS i’ve struggled with misophonia my whole life and it only seems to get worse as I get older. I ordered these ear inserts called Calmer just to try SOMETHING bc I get extreme feelings😇 most days bc of sounds. ANYWAYS I cant tell if it works. I can still hear things but I’m not necessarily angry at them… But also can’t tell if its placebo or whatnot, but as of right now, Im not feeling hopeless and evil towards my neighbors above me. I want to take them to class bc that is a war zone to me!! I’ll update when I do. Has anyone else tried these and do they work for you?? I don’t understand what it really does, it’s a hollow silicone insert. I am just curious about other people’s experiences w them!

23:24 UTC


This was a really stupid ad.

I saw an ad on YouTube of Gordon Ramsey. He was holding a box of crackers. He took a bite of a cracker, chewed for SIX SECONDS, swallowed, then started talking about the product.

WHAT KIND OF AD WAS THAT?! Like wtf?! I was wearing headphones, and as soon as he started chewing, I threw off my headphones and they almost broke.

Not only would it be horrible for people with misophonia or people with sensitive ears, it was a horrible structure for an ad. People without misophonia would just be bored. Why would someone want to watch someone chew something for six seconds? Why would they want to wait for him to be finished, then hear about the product?

It was the worst ad I had ever seen. People need to do better.

15:39 UTC



My sister makes the most unbearable, GROSS sound when sniffing her sticky snot back into her noise. It makes me want to lash out and it puts me in such a bad mood. I tell her to blow her nose, but she refuses, so all the snot just cycles back into her nostril system. It never ends, she breathes in the snot, over and over again bc she JUST WONT BLOW HER NOSE. HELP.

1 Comment
15:56 UTC


Manager crunches ice ALL THE TIME

So I have a manager that is constantly crunching ice. It’s usually not a problem unless I’m working drive thru where she goes back to get it and I am right by her. It makes me angry and I don’t know what to do. She is a very loud outspoken person, and she doesn’t like me because I don’t bend to her every whim. I feel like I can’t say anything. Anytime I’ve expressed my misophonia issues in the past I always get backlash. People telling me it’s my problem and getting mad and defensive. Mostly because my triggers are people chewing and breathing loud. I understand that this is a problem in my head, and it doesn’t affect anything else. But it’s still driving me crazy. I don’t know how to cope with it besides walking away.

18:11 UTC


Recovery stories

Three more on the YouTube channel

04:39 UTC


Lashing out

When I'm exposed to a certain sound for too long, I lash out in anger. And I don't do it on purpose, I literally can't control myself. Even when I get away from the sound, I still feel lingering frustration and anger and I end up throwing something or punching something.

Am I the only one?

02:06 UTC


living with a roomate and having misophonia is the worst

like i feel so bad bc i get violently upset at her just existing. when she walks she drags her feet across the floor, she can never sit still, and is always making some kind of noise, which just pisses me off. she also chews with her mouth open SO loud, constantly clicks her pen, and i just can't. i try headphones, or just blasting music in my airpods, but once i know she's making some kind of noise it's almost like when i try to tune it out, my brian subconsciously tries to listen to it just to make me more mad.

i feel really bad bc i truly love her, but sometimes, especially at night, i get crazy. we're both night owls, but ill be in bed on my phone most of the time, or just sitting at my desk, while she starts cleaning, moving, eating, etc. and it drives me insane. everytime i think of bringing it up to her it sounds crazy, like am i just supposed to say "stop eating so loud, don't type or click ur pen 50 times a second, and stop moving all together"?

04:43 UTC


My mom says she's "happy her daughter doesn't get mad anymore" when I hide my triggers and it's upsetting me

She knows I still deal with it, but at the same time, it feels like she doesn't. I do my best to not let out my anger towards anyone, but the subject never stopped coming up every few months in my family. And it's clear to me that my mom is aware of some triggers. I never expect anyone to just stop doing things around me because I don't want them to feel like they're walking on egg shells. I can't just tell them to stop, especially when it's a normal bodily function (e.g. swallowing, throat clearing, sniffling). However, a few times, when I've been around her/talked to her, she'd consistently swallow/clear her throat/sniffle(she tends to make a habit out of swallowing and throat clearing), knowing that it's a trigger and when I wouldn't say anything, she'd tell me "Wow, I'm so happy my daughter doesn't get mad anymore." And it just pisses me off because it 100% does and I've tried to tell her but she just ignores me??? Part of the reason I'm so upset is because for years, I never had her support. She would yell at me for hours, say hurtful things, and force me to watch her eat. Now, she's mellowed out but I've never once (that I can remember) received an apology. And I think the absence of care and understanding and then her only giving attention to it when it seems like I'm "not mad anymore" is what's so upsetting.

1 Comment
03:18 UTC


I feel like I'm going insane

I dont really know how to explain it but I feel like my brain makes up noises that I can't stand. For a bit of context, I cannot stand snoring and it literally makes me have extreme symptoms of misophonia.

I think my head makes up these snoring noises that aren't actually there. My parents snore and I can't stand it but sometimes they aren't loud and I can't hear them but then suddenly I can as I'm trying to sleep. I sit up to listen and I can't hear it, I lay down and and it happens again.

I thought it may be myself snoring so I held my breath to see, it wasn't that because I could still hear it. Idk if it's related to misophonia, I've googled it but I don't know how to word it. The only thing close to what I think it could be is EHS but that's loud noises so I don't think it is.

I feel like I'm going crazy (I probably am) but if someone knows what it could be or also struggles with the same sort of thing please help.

02:38 UTC


Every time my family members call my name I feel sick

Does anyone have this? When my family members call my name from another room I get this awful sick fight or flight feeling in my whole body and my mind goes completely blank and it completely derails me.
Even if it’s just to ask me where something is. I’ve tried to ask for them not to do this, but it feels like a completely unrealistic request. I don’t like feeling this way.

17:18 UTC


ANNOUNCING: CARE for Misophonia Day 2024. April 30th. Open access virtual misophonia research event.

ANNOUNCING: #CAREforMisophonia Day 2024 will happen on April 30th! Learn about the latest #misophonia research directly from the researchers themselves.

Virtual event. Open to the public. No charge. Registration required.

Sign up at: www.misophonia.care

This event is presented by @soquietorg, the Duke Center for Misophonia and Emotion Regulation [CMER] , and the Misophonia Research Network thanks to funding by the Brown Family and donors to soQuiet and CMER.

16:24 UTC


I hate school

Forgot my headphones at home today. I have to sit next to this guy who is constantly eating something. Just anything. And he's an extremely noisy eater. He'll suck nonstop on a mint for 20 minutes and it's loud as shit. And just when I think he's finished, he'll pull another mint out of his pocket and I'm back to square one. I cannot stand people like this. I know it's not his fault I'm so sensitive to sound but that doesn't make me any less annoyed. I would ask my teacher to move seats but he hasn't been at school ever since he changed the seating arrangement.

1 Comment
17:14 UTC


I'm at my grandma's house with my sister

As the titles says I'm at my grandma's house with my sister, and it's a freaking nightmare. My sister has a sniffling problem and so does my grandma, trust me I love them but right now I'm full of hatred. My sister is sniffling every 2 seconds and when she chews you can hear it from across the universe. My grandma also sniffles a lot but it's like every 2 minutes and she also chews loud.I don't know what to do, I had a thought about wishing my sisters nose broke. I honestly regret it but everytime I'm with her my mind immediately becomes violent, I hate this life and I wanna kill myself everytime. It makes my social life so freaking hard, and I have become a hater of winter because of all the coughing, sniffling, and clearing throats. I wanna cry so bad right now, and my sister knows my misophonia but she tends to ignore it and sniffles me up in he face. Honestly I hate everyone at this point, I just wanna bury myself under the ground and never think about anything else. I have no one to vent to, and no one who really cares. But thanks for listening or reading, have a good day and sorry for triggering my fellow people.

13:06 UTC



21:19 UTC


how to deal with the anger?

how to deal with the anger?

so, this is my first time sharing about this so i hope someone can understand. i've had struggles with misophonia my entire life, but I only found the term for it about 5-6 years ago (I'm 22.) and I was so happy to find there was actually a name for it bc nobody ever understood what I was talking about. I've been very open to everyone in my circle and let them know if you're around me please do not chew with your mouth open or chew anything hard/loud. well, the actual story starts here. my mom is an AVID ice eater. like no exaggeration, ALL day EVERY single day. ice is the WORST trigger for my misophonia bc it doesn't matter how hard you try not to, it is so loud and it sounds like she's breaking her teeth all day long. i have tried SO many times to kindly explain all of this to her. explain that i can't help it makes me so angry and disgusted. she thinks i'm singling her out and just trying to "be disrespectful and start an argument." she has an iron deficiency and says that she can't help but want to munch on ice all day. which is fine, i understand that. but wouldn't it be respectful on her end too to try and not do it while she is sitting right next to me? she doesn't care about it triggering me at all, yet the second i just literally can't handle it anymore, and either cover both of my ears or just completely leave the room, she gets mad and says i'm being rude. i try wearing headphones while she's doing it, but she also talks to me a lot so i have to leave one out always, and bc it's so hard NOT to focus in on it, the headphones do absolutely nothing. i can still hear it like it's right in my ear. or she'll be standing right next to me talking, WHILE she is chewing, and then the second i either stop listening bc i CANT, or tell her to please stop while she's talking, i'm rude!! it pisses me off so bad to the point i want to rip my hair out (ik that sounds psycho but im sure one of you will understand lol.) so i guess im just asking, how do i deal with the anger of it since it'll clearly never go away? moving out isn't an option bc one, im saving money right now and its so convenient staying with my parents. two, apart from this situation, my parents are perfect. i dont want to not be with them right now. but its also very hard to sit in the same room with someone who is constantly doing the ONE thing you've asked them not to a million times, and you're not allowed to react to it or you're disrespectful. nobody even knows how hard it is for me every day to HOLD my anger from it inside bc i quite literally cannot express it to anyone around me. i have more mornings that her ice chewing is the first thing i hear when i wake up than not. it drives me absolutely insane. i feel like i can't get away from that sound. this is the only issue me and my mom have. but its gotten to the point i literally just can't say anything anymore or it'll turn into an argument. i just have to leave the room and pray the next time i go in there she'll have ran out and forgot to fill her cup back up for awhile. which is usually never, and i've noticed it's added some distance to us bc since she is literally ALWAYS chewing it, i always feel angry around her. i hate it. i hate that i can only be in a good mood with my own mother when she's not chewing ice. it sounds so f*cking stupid put like that, i know. trust me, i know. 🙃it makes me feel so guilty and shameful of myself that it makes me that angry. so if anyone has any advice on how they cope or somehow just get over it, please help! she just doesn't understand it has nothing to do with HER, it's the stupid ice.

21:03 UTC


People talking outside

Does anyone else get annoyed hearing people’s muffled voices talking outside their window? 🤦🏼‍♀️& you have to immediately turn on your white noise machine or put in earplugs to drown it out?

18:47 UTC


Guilt over having misophonia

Idk how relatable this will be, but does anyone else feel an immense amount of guilt telling other people about your misophonia? and asking for people to be considerate of that fact, etc

I guess it stems from the constant gas lighting I recieved growing up over it (it's Impossible to hear, you're making it up, stop being a baby, etc etc). For example, I wasn't allowed to leave the dinner table when chewing and breathing bothered me as a kid, I was forced to sit there and endure it, often breaking down crying in the process.

Since it's been instilled in me that my condition is an inconvenience at best and actively harmful to my relationships at worst, I feel extremely guilty every time I tell someone I'm struggling with it. I constantly feel like they're gonna snap, or tell me to stop being so sensitive, or that I'm being unreasonable and I shouldn't have brought it up in the first place.

It then causes me to backtrack a little bit sometimes, which accomplishes nothing but making me suffer through the sounds more often and confusing/angering the other person, accidentally manipulating them.

just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience, and any advice on dealing with the sheer guilt.

16:10 UTC


School and Dorm life = Nightmare

My headphones don’t block out the noise in my dorm and all the “quiet spaces” reserved for studying at my dorm and school are filled with loud groups of people who stay there until after midnight. I can’t stand all the voices and footsteps. In class I’m always seated extremely close to people who swallow, chew and breathe super loud and I’m not allowed to wear headphones. I literally want to freak out

02:00 UTC


Can anyone please help me understand what can cause misophonia?

I've been dealing with misophonia since I was 13-14 years old. 22 now and it's just gotten worse over the time to the point where I curse myself everyday for feeling like this as I can't spend enough time with my parents just because they have human behavior like coughing-sneezing & chewing, burping noises. They've taken me to a therapist but it didn't really help. All I do is numb my ears by wearing earphones all day long can't even hold a proper conversation because I'm scared mid conversation they'll cough and I'll have to leave. I can't even confront them as it's only natural to make these sounds and I've spoken to my parents about this many times they try to understand but they can't understand my anger. Sometimes even I can't? I cant live like this any further I don't know where to find help and what to do sometimes i just wish I could cut my ears off, I need someone to help me figure out why this happens so maybe I can work on it.

10:04 UTC


Am I insane?

A friend linked me to this subreddit; I wouldn't say I have misophonia per se, but I do have sensory processing sensitivity, especially to sound, and I relate to some posts and comments I've seen here.

First of all, am I insane? Nobody seems to understand what the fuck I'm talking about when I say noise hurts me. At best I get sympathetic responses suggesting anxiety medication or headphones. I'd love to get meds sorted but i can't focus on anything right now except finding somewhere else to live.

I have been through the fucking ringer, let me tell you. 1st apartment fucking explodes, 2nd apartment is under active construction in the building i live in, current apartment has the worst most inconsiderate neighbors of all time that like to slam couches(???) on my ceiling at any hour of the day.

What did I do to deserve this??? i don't wanna be highly sensitive i can't control my physiology— and that's what it is for me, physiology, not psychology— and they keep putting me in crisis mode.

I'll be real, i don't wanna keep living. Noise follows me everywhere. The city is full of scary people.

i don't know how to continue on.

There's theoretically a path forward, but unless I find safe secure housing for 2 months I'm never gonna get there.

I'm at the end of everything, I'm so fucking depleted.

Please tell me I'm not insane; I don't know anyone irl who actually gets it.

22:00 UTC


Misophone bf living with partner with Borderline Personailty Disorder. We trigger each other all the time. Please help

Apologies for the length. TLDR at the bottom.

I am the partner (F26) living with quiet BPD. My bf (M33) lives with Misophonia. This is not a rant, I'm only reaching out to this community because I think the members here would best be able to explain Misophonia perspectives on a calmer level than what my partner is capable of doing at this point in time. Since I'm not living with misophonia, please let me know if there's something I said that is offensive, because I don't mean to be hurtful at all.

For simplicity sake, my Borderline Personality condition makes me VERY sensitive to rejection, perceived abandonment, abandonment, and yelling/being blamed for something. When I mean quiet BPD I mean that I take things out on myself than onto anyone else. I still have a hard time regulating my emotions and from the outside, I react incredibly strongly for what seem to be the most minor of situations. If I drop food on the floor, I will feel the exact same grief/sadness/tears you'd probably feel when someone you love and were close with dies. My emotions sometimes do not align with the facts, I'm rather aware of this. But the pain is still serious and real.

Anyway, we are stressed about moving apartments, logistically and financially. I've been slaving away trying to find a place for us since he works a lot. But I'm very anxious so I bite my nails, bad habit, I know. My bf has also been taking out some of his apartment moving/work stress on me which doesn't help my anxiety. He is triggered by my biting nails as example. Although I do sympathize with his misophonia and don't blame him for having it, he sometimes reacts to triggers by yelling, slamming things, and sometimes making snide comments about me biting nails. I don't appreciate any of that. It then triggers ME because then I feel like I'm being blamed/shamed for something that is relatively normal for a human to do and that I'm obviously causing his suffering when thats the last thing I want.

When I cannot regulate and just try to cope, I cry--a LOT. I am soft spoken naturally too. But my soft-spoken nature and my crying sounds triggers him again. And it's then this never ending cycle of us triggering each other. My mental illness tells me that I am not allowed to be a human because whenever I do human tendencies, it seems to causes my bf to suffer, even though I know that's not the message he wants me to know. But it's just so hard because I can't take the yelling, comments, and slamming--it makes me feel like I'm a bad person.

I know I'm only really explaining my side, but I am on this subreddit because I am asking the community of any resources, advices, techniques, for how to manage the sound triggers, whether you are a misophone living alone but more-so if you're living with someone else. I'm trying my best to accommodate my bf but please let me know if there's certain things that you guys would want a non-misophone to know about. But I can only accommodate to so much..

Before I forget to mention, we live in a small studio in a big city, so although the space size is the cause of a lot of our stress, we at least know moving to a bigger space would help a bit. But it will be a few more months until then, at least.

TLDR; I live with mental illness where my ways of coping with rejection/pain trigger my bf's misophonia. He reacts by yelling, slamming things and not saying nice things. His reaction to his trigger, triggers me and my illness goes haywire. And then everything repeats. I would live any advice, help, suggestions for our living situation. We live in a studio but are trying to move to bigger space, but until then...

23:01 UTC


Why am i like this

I live on a top floor apartment because I learned my lesson with my first apartment on the bottom floor lol. But here comes by downstairs neighbor blasting music 24/7, fighting and yelling, a bunch of domestic abuse and it drives me crazy because management wont doing anything about it. Ive found a way where if I wear my ear plugs, a sound machine playing water sounds, my alexa playing white noise and 2 large fans running I dont hear anything. But my problem is that I cant stop listening for the sounds😩. I’ll randomly get the urge to make sure its not happening even when I cant hear anything with all the sounds I have going on. I will literally turn everything off and sit on the floor and listen for it. And then sometimes it is happening and I get so mad but I could have just not checked and I would be fine and I know this but I cant stop. Has anyone else ever experienced this??

04:49 UTC


Share your story on The Misophonia Podcast

Starting to book interviews for season 8 in April!

Each episode is a casual and authentic conversation between two misophones, myself and a guest. We touch on our experiences through life and how they affect us and the people around us.

Feel free to pick a time slot at the link below:

14:03 UTC

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