The inspiration for this subreddit came from this post.
Post photos of miniature versions of big animals! This can mean adult and baby, or small animals that look like other large animals of varying species.
These are examples of things you should post. We want cuteness of varying sizes!
Post photos of miniature versions of big animals! This can mean adult and baby, or small animals that look like other large animals of varying species.
These are examples of things you should post. We want cuteness of varying sizes!
No NSFW material
Be nice. We reserve the right to remove comments or content that is considered offensive, profane, or otherwise objectionable.
Link directly to a photo. It is preferable that the image be hosted on imgur. Gifs are allowed.
Give credit where credit is due. If the photo is not yours, then include your source in the comments or include [X-post from r/____] in your title.