A subreddit for pictures and videos of women wearing clothes that show off their midriffs...because there's nothing better than the female belly.
This is a subreddit for pictures or videos of women wearing clothes that show off their midriffs. A "midriff" is the area across the front of the body between the chest and waist.
Rule #1: No Minors
All persons in the post must be 18+. Absolutely NO minors allowed.
Rule #2: No Nudity
Absolutely NO nudity allowed. This includes see-through, sheer, or translucent clothing.
Rule #3: Women Only
This is a subreddit for pictures or videos of women only.
Rule #4: Proper Clothing
Women must actually be wearing proper clothing (not swimwear, underwear, lingerie, etc...) and their belly must be exposed to some degree. "Proper" attire is something the average person would wear in public. Visible underwear is permitted so long as the model is wearing a top and bottom, with at least a proper top or proper bottom.
What Is Allowed?
Examples of Things Not Allowed:
Rule #5: Naturally Worn
The clothing must be worn naturally. This means not hiking up her shirt or pulling her pants down to show her midriff. Handbras, crossed legs, tight zooms, and trick angles are also not allowed.
Rule #6: Quality
See Also
Know any similar subs? Suggest it to the mods to add it here!