
Photograph via snooOG


All campaigning must happen on r/mhoccampaigning, campaign posts outside of that shall not count


All posts must be tagged properly otherwise they will not be counted. Each constituencies tag is their name with nothing else added.


#SPVIII [Grampian]

#WPV [North Wales]

#AEIX [Belfast]

Information on the name of constituencies can be found below. It only takes a second to check to make sure you have the exact wording of the constituency correct! That said, if you make a mistake, just tag /u/Duncs11 in the thread and we'll be aware if it - it's no issue.

A reminder that for devolved elections, constituencies refer to the electoral regions they cover. For Wales these are the 5 electoral reasons of the irl Senedd. The 10 Scotland seats and 6 Northern Ireland are linked below.

Please make sure you have the flair from your party on this subreddit.

Campaign Post Limits

A reminder we have post limits for the Devolved Elections.

These are:

  • 5 posts for you in the constituency you are running in (if applicable) - personal posts
  • 5 posts for each member to use in any constituency they want (apart from the one they are running in, if applicable) - visit posts
  • 5 posts for each member to use either in national posts

National posts all contribute to the national scores and not the constituency scores. If you want to influence that directly use a personal or a visit post!

National posts are important still, because they do affect your party at a national level so make sure you run well rounded campaigns but they just won't affect individual constituencies directly. Please also note that national posts are...well national posts - they should be part of the party campaign. If you just use them as 'extra constituency/personal posts' these will not score well.

If people go over the limit only their first 5 posts in the category will be counted. I will also be keeping track of the posts submitted so don't delete any in an attempt to game things.

Campaigning Tips

There's no 'best' way to do a good campaign - you can win high or you can win wide. Some general tips though:

  • Campaign! Your campaign should actually focus on issues - the most simple mistake are posts that just go out there, say how wonderful they are and that everyone clapped and then move on. No - focus on issues.
  • You don't have to diversify but pictures are welcome. Doing all text posts is perfectly fine, doing all pictures are perfectly fine. Quality is more important. Don't think that doing a picture is a 'waste' of a campaign because you can get so many more words into a text post - that's not the case.
  • Memes are fun, but not all memes. I like fun campaigns, but if you go wildly off track it's just going to score poorly - memes whilst also campaigning on the serious issues - great!
  • The best campaigns have themes - maybe a massive event, maybe different issues each day, maybe following the national campaign, a battle bus, whatever. It can be unique and there are so many ways to do it but make it mean something not just words.
  • Separate national and constituency campaigning. As said above they are separate things. My biggest pet peeve are seeing national posts that are clearly designed for someones constituency but they think it'll have more 'impact' as a national. No, they're different! Theresa May wouldn't campaign on keeping Lowestoft's Lido open on the BBC News at Ten (okay, maybe she would).

Constituency Boundaries for the seats can be found as follows:


Northern Ireland

For Wales, the 5 constituencies are the same as the 5 irl Senedd electoral regions.


494 Subscribers


#WMI [Redditch] Yimir attends a Q&A session in Feckenham for West Midlands voters.

Parliamentary candidate u/Yimir_ does a public Q&A in Feckenham village hall with locals, young and old. The Q&A lasts 1 hour, during which she was asked and answered four questions. This is a transcript of the session.

Michelle, 33F

Are you a NIMBY? What we need right now is growth, not more of the same.”

Absolutely not. I value our natural landscapes and ecosystems, and think rewilding is a very good thing for our rural communities as far as it doesn’t harm our farmers. Our country needs to grow, and things need to be built to do so. That doesn’t mean they all have to be eyesores though. We have the knowledge and the money in this country to make beautiful things, to add to our landscapes in a way that enhances them instead of blighting them. We need disaster infrastructure for things like droughts and more specific local issues like erosion or sea level rise, and they won’t get done if NIMBYs are left to dictate national policy.

Michaela, 84F

“I’ve been struggling to get a GP appointment for months now to sort out my cataracts. What will you do so I can get an appointment?”

I’m so sorry to hear that. I know how frustrating it is to call right when they open and be stuck listening to holding music for hours and hours just to be told that there are no more appointments today.The NHS is in crisis at the moment. As an independent MP, I won’t have the power to snap my fingers and unilaterally change the NHS, but I can fight for and lobby the government for necessary change. The reason many of our GP appointments are taking so long at the moment is the lack of community care. Everything is so clogged, hospitals can’t discharge from wards to community care so hospitals are clogged, so A&E is clogged. That means that people who should go to A&E end up calling their GP instead so they aren’t waiting for hours in hospital. If they’re doing GP appointments instead that means nobody who actually needs a GP appointment can get one in a reasonable time. It’s this vicious spiral. So, if I can get the Government to support my ideas I will increase community care capacity through funding and training. On top of this I support the training of hundreds of new MPs, and increasing their salaries to improve retention. I sincerely sincerely hope that we can get GP appointment waiting times down to within 24 hours with this.

Micky, 18M

“Climate change is gonna change the world in my lifetime. What are you gonna do to solve it?”

Well, first I have to be clear that I alone cannot possibly solve Climate change. It’s such a huge problem that it will take herculean effort worldwide to make even a dent. I will fight in Parliament to improve our approach to tackling it, not just on tackling CO2 emissions but making it known that CO2 emissions are not the be-all and end-all of what we can do against climate change. I will be arguing for tackling waste emissions by companies, such as them polluting our rivers and destroying our landcapes. 

I’m also realistic about how Climate change is going to be at this point. We have not done enough to solve it before now. At this point I consider it worthwhile to invest in infrastructure to make the inevitable climate turn more manageable in this country such as: an investment into insulating homes; more reservoirs to store water in case of drought; long-term emergency food stores; and increased availability of air conditioning in so far as we can power it by green means; planting more trees to improve our landscapes, ecosystems, and act as a carbon sink.

Misha, 27M

“You’ve been endorsed by Reform UK. How can you expect us to vote for you when you’re supported by the far right?”

I’m as surprised as you are. I have not and will never have anything to do with that party. I utterly repudiate their endorsement and want nothing to do with them and their divisive and racist views. I, unfortunately, share views in a few areas as them, such as on nationalism and tradition- a stopped clock is still correct twice a day- but my conclusions from that are completely different. I am a lover of landscapes, of the countryside and rural traditions as well as the rich culture that immigration brings to this country and the art it produces. We are better off because of immigration. Anybody who spouts the racism of a party formerly including Farage will be shown the door as far as I’m concerned.

20:56 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] Yimir makes a speech in Redditch town centre for her West Midlands by-election.

Yimir makes a speech in Redditch town centre, surrounded by a small crowd of locals excited to hear what she has to say.

We’ve had 14 years of incompetent government! One after the other, in a parade of ineptitude! 6 Prime Ministers, and no change! Our current Labour government is doing almost nothing to solve our current crises. 100% debt to GDP, sewage in our rivers, an NHS on its knees. What the hell are they doing? 

Even the other parties are doing little to solve the problems. The last MP here, t2boys, a Liberal Democrat, said nothing in Parliament and didn’t attend a single vote! That’s what the Lib Dems think of you! These parties treat you with utter contempt, thinking that just because you voted for them in a single election they get to take you for a ride and give you nothing back! I won’t stand for it! Vote for me and I’ll be your honest voice in Westminster. I won’t be held to any party line or whip, I won’t be parroting party leadership. I will be speaking honestly and truthfully to the government about their failings and fighting for you and what you want.

I’ve proven myself in Parliament already, in speeches fighting for our traditions and quality of life. Our Labour candidate has said precious little in Parliament, putting forth inane and frankly unconstitutional bills that got laughed out of Parliament as quickly as they went in. Is that the kind of person you want to represent you? 

I pledge to put local issues at the forefront. I want greater power to you, local people. I’ll accomplish this through more local devolution, bringing us an English parliament on par with Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. I’ll push for greater investment into rural public transport, making it cheaper, more frequent and higher quality! I’ll push for high-speed broadband nationwide, and 5G no matter where you are in the country. Honestly, places like Greece have had 5G almost nationwide for a while now. It is frankly embarrassing that Greece, a country that has been in greater economic trouble than us- and for longer- has that coverage when we don’t!

I will push for core climate change policies, focusing on getting sewage out of our rivers by issuing punitive fines and getting our government to commit to clean water targets by the end of the decade. I want our water to be as clear as the Japanese, where they can have flowing streams in front of their houses with Koi fish happily swimming upstream. That’s not such a big ask now, is it? I also want greater water redundancy: with an increase in the amount of reservoirs we have so that when warm weather hits we aren’t struck with droughts, and can continue to irrigate our crops and take long showers! And finally, I pledge to plant more trees. Personally, if I have to. Not only do they act as great carbon buffers, but they improve our landscapes and ecosystems. Helping us restore the natural world we lost when we had to chop down forests and wild land to feed ourselves in the second world war.

And lastly, we can help solve the woeful gender imbalance in Parliament. The House of Commons is dominated by male voices, with only a few of us, like our lacklustre Prime Minister, being able to give a feminine perspective on things. You can elect me as the first Independent female MP in almost 50 years, and really show those parties what not just women want, but anybody who doesn't fit in the binary of the gender or party system.

I hope that together we can hold this government to account, and push for real and meaningful change with voices outside of this Westminster bubble the parties are stuck in.

Together we can have an honest voice in Parliament!

20:56 UTC


#EEI [East of England] model-faelif gives a short speech at an environmentalist protest outside the headquarters of the Cambridgeshire Greens

#EEI [East of England] model-faelif gives a short speech at an environmentalist protest outside the headquarters of the Cambridgeshire Greens

Comrades, we all know why we're here. The Green Party has sided time and time again with the forces of destruction. They've sided with the oil and gas industry in the North Sea. They've sided with a Government that explicitly wants to carry on damaging our environment. They've sided with a party that outwardly advocates ecocide. It simply isn't good enough for a party that purports to be "Green".

In the upcoming by-election, you, the people of the East of England, have the choice to vote for an Independent Green - a candidate that truly stands up for the planet, the environment and everything that green politics ought to stand for. I promise to never stop fighting to an end to fossil fuel extraction in the North Sea, and to never sell out on that commitment in order to gain political power. Electrification is the way forward, and we desperately need voices in Parliament that are awake to this - the Government is a non-starter, and good luck getting the Lib Dems, the Tories or - even worse - Reform to take any sort of decisive action.

It's time we stand up and demand change - because if we vote in another establishment lackey that doesn't oppose the Government's reckless oil plans, we'll all feel the costs of it.

20:55 UTC


#NE1 [North East and Yorkshire] Mr Susan stands in the middle of Hartlepool and says he's proud to be British

[Mr Susan is inexplicably stood infront of Cleveland Police HQ, in Hartlepool]

People of Hartlepool! These days it may be a crime to say you are proud to be British, but I do not care. I am prepared to serve time in a woke re-education centre, to stand up for God, King, and Country.

Here I stand, with lager in hand, to say that I am proud to be British!!




[as expected, an assailant arrives and throws a starberry milkshake on Mr Susan]

[Several police officers turn up with handcuffs - it is not clear if they are arresting Mr Susan, the assailant, or both]

1 Comment
20:52 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] realbassist gives a speech in support of model-finn

In order to achieve change, we need MPs dedicated to fight for it. For a century, such people have had a home in the Labour Party. We are a party for the worker, of the worker and manned by the worker. After fourteen years in the wilderness, we are now back in government, but we need representatives for the people willing to stand up for what’s right; I have no doubt model-finn is such a representative.

If you vote for another party, you will send someone to Parliament who, I have no doubt, will vote and debate and will toe their party line to the letter. This is fine if you want a certain party represented, I suppose. But what you won’t have, and what only Labour can offer you, is genuine representation. A local candidate representing local issues, fighting for locals in Parliament. Reform, the Tories and the Lib Dems all want another voice for their party. Labour wants a voice for the People.

On polling day, that is what we are offering you. Our offer to you is the leveling up of communities, a renewed and revitalised health service, more help for workers and their families, but most of all we’re offering you a voice so long denied in our political representation. If you want politics to be about local service, then vote for model-finn. Others might make promises, but with model-finn, you have a guarantee of service and representation.

20:50 UTC


WMI [Rugby] Leftywalrus and NGSpy play rugby… In Rugby!

Leftywalrus and NGSpy, dressed in rugby kits, step onto the field at the Rugby Football Club, greeted by local players and supporters.

Hello again, Rugby!

There’s no better way to connect with this amazing town than by playing the sport that put Rugby on the map. But today isn’t just about the game, it’s about teamwork, resilience, and building a stronger future. That’s what the Green Party stands for.

After a few good tackles and passes, I’d like to share a few thoughts on Rugby’s future. First, Rugby, as the birthplace of this incredible sport, deserves investment in its facilities. The Green Party believes in supporting grassroots sports and creating spaces where communities can come together and thrive.

We also know that health and wellbeing are central to any strong community. That’s why NGSpy and I are committed to making Rugby a healthier, greener place, whether that’s through cleaner air, safer streets, or more opportunities for outdoor activity.

But beyond all of this, what today’s game has really reminded me of is the power of teamwork and community spirit. The Green Party is all about working together for a brighter future, and with NGSpy as your candidate, I’m confident Rugby can lead the way in that fight.

So let’s keep the momentum going, join the campaign, and vote Green. Together, we can win, both on the rugby field and in Parliament!

Up the Quins!

20:49 UTC


#EEI [East of England] model-faelif visits a farm in Norfolk

#EEI [East of England] model-faelif visits a farm in Norfolk

Speaking today from a farm in Norfolk, u/model-faelif outlined her policies on the environment and agriculture. She emphasised the importance of re-introducing species like beavers and wolves, and of protecting habitats for foxes and badgers.

"For too long, we've acted rapaciously, destroying the environment and losing its natural beauty. Species have been made extinct in the UK and ecosystems torn apart for simply no reason. It's time to reintroduce these important animals back to Britain, and to put better environmental protections in place to make sure this never happens again."

She met with representatives of the local agriculture industry and discussed ways to help rural businesses across the country.

"One thing that I think would have a massive impact for farmers and other countryside-dwellers would be to improve local autonomy for councils. What does Westminster know about the preciseties of managing a farm? Rural people need to be able to get together collectively to have a say in how their regions are run, and on how decisions should be made on a local level. Councils should be empowered to make more wide-reaching financial decisions and should be able to play a more active role in making sure developments don't leave anyone behind."

image of model-faelif holding a newborn lamb and feeding it from a bottle

After a brief hands-on session, helping to birth a lamb, she spoke about food security and the importance of investing in British agriculture.

"With food prices rising and many unable to afford the cost of their meals each day, it's clear that we desperately need more investment into farming to encourage greater supply. It's an embarrasment that we don't take more drastic action to help farmers' livelihoods and those of the British people by taking proper fiscal action, and I call on the Treasury to take the necessary steps to boost food security."

20:44 UTC


#NEI [North East and Yorkshire] Inadorable talks about trains

Good evening Leeds!

That CrossCountry train took it's damn time, didn't it? Delays, delays, and more delays, as the whole network continues to be clogged up and struggles to deal with the fact that demand for rail transport in this country remains sky-high, and consistently and significantly outstrips the capacity on our railway network. Trains are scheduled closely together across the entire network, allowing minor issues to quickly cascade through the system and causing your train to be late, or even get cancelled.

It doesn't have to be like this, Leeds!

Yes, part of the issue is that our franchising system has failed. Companies are going deeper and deeper into debt and struggling to pay the bills despite massive subsidies: they come into worse and worse conflicts with their workforces as they find their bottom lines stretched due to a system that never could or would work as it was designed. Indeed, speaking of a 'design' is almost generous, historically speaking: the privatisation was a rapid and destructive sell-off of the railway without care for the actual functioning of the system. We have inherited that failure.

This government has already introduced and passed legislation to start bringing the railways back into public ownership. Indeed, some lines are already going to see British Rail operate by the end of the year, as certain franchises that were nationalised under the operator of last resort model are being transformed into British Rail. This will help stabilise the system and create a new, long-term leadership focused on delivering a better service for more passengers, but it is not all that has to be done.

This government is currently working on two large packages of legislation that will enable our railways to start functioning properly again. The first package of legislation relates to repairing and modernising our railway network. It will include additional funding for maintenance and standardisation on the one side; and it will then include funds to enable modernisation on the other. The modernisation will include finally allowing the UK to catch up and achieve a fully electrified railway system by the end of the next decade, new, safe signalling that allows us to run more trains and operate them more quickly, and new accessibility and safety measures as stations to allow people consistent, step-free access onto our trains.

The second bundle of bills relates to High Speed Two. The Labour Party supports the construction of High Speed Two in full, reaching both Manchester and Leeds by the mid-2030s. We will be reducing the costs of the proposals by limiting our expenditure on consultancy, reducing the amount of legal challenges that can be made against the construction and keeping our hands off the plans after we have settled on the design, and just getting on with it. We need to spend less time writing reports, and more time laying down tracks, and the faster we can get to work the faster we can get the project done.

By shifting intercity trains onto their own high-speed tracks, we will create more room on the existing railway for new, important services serving the people of the country. It means that there is, suddenly, more room for suburban services heading into Leeds, or fast trains between Leeds and Sheffield, or indeed Sheffield and Manchester. It's changes like these that will enable us to create a much better railway system that works, and works for all of us.

Thank you, and don't forget to vote for model-willem in the upcoming by-election!

20:41 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] ModelSalad believed to be breaking into homes in Redditch, whispering to voters in their sleep to influence their dreams.

In the sleepy constituency of Redditch, a new horror has emerged. Many constituents believe that the Reform candidate for the East of England has been breaking into their homes in the night, climbing into their drywall and whispering to them while they dream, in a sick attempt to persuade them to vote for Yimir_, the ReformUK endorsed candidate in the race.

Angela Stephens said the following:

"I was having a nice dream about sheep when suddenly I heard a rustling from the wall, and a voice sounding distinctly like ModelSalad saying "only Yimir can make it legal to say you're English again...", it was terrifying."

A similar experience was reported by William Morris, who said:

"I wasn't sleeping well last night, and I think I heard ModelSalad say "Just Stop Oil are terrorists, and Yimir will ban them". Not going to lie, I've had better nights sleep, but I'll probably vote for Yimir anyway."

When asked for comment, ModelSalad's office stated that:

"ModelSalad has never been to Redditch, and especially has never visited the homes of Angela Stephens of 34 Wilmslow Drive, Redditch, or William Morris of Flat 21, Churchhill Court."

20:12 UTC


#NE1 [North East and Yorkshire] Mr Susan takes some lovely old ladies for tea at Betty's in Harrogate - so they can reminisce about a time when life was simple and there weren't so many foreigners around.

... "and the thing is, young people just don't have the right priorities these days. When you were all saving up for a house, how many of you were going on holiday to Thailand?"

[several murmur in agreement]

It's no wonder young people are staying at home. They don't work nearly as hard as people used to. They're too busy on netflix or saying they don't have good mental health. And they're always on their phones - you can't talk to anyone on the bus these days.

[more murmuring in agreement]

"And even if they weren't on their phone, half the people on the bus probably don't even speak proper English!"

[Much agreement along with the pouring of tea]

"I think we should bring back national service. The problem is young people don't have hard work or graft instilled into them"

An excellent suggestion, and something that if elected as your MP, I would fight for. Young people are too soft, like snowflakes, and it would teach them discipline, and patriotism. Your generation didn't fight in the war so that this generation could forget all about the sacrifices you made...

[despite not being old enough to fight in the war, and not allowed to join the army at the time, everyone murmurs in agreement]

Now as promised, here are some photos from my travels to Siam, and of my 2 kittens.

[several old ladies gather round]

... and this photo is of when biscuit was still a kitten, drinking some milk...

[at this point, an assailant throws a milkshake in the direction of Mr Susan]

20:04 UTC


#EEI [East of England] ModelSalad (who definitely knows their own name) sets out their Environmental policy in response to the recent Eco-Terrorist attacks

ModelSalad gave a brief statement looking wearily into a camera while filming in a tiny bedroom closet, the statement was as follows:

"I was very alarmed to hear about the latest attack from the domestic terror organisation "Just Stop Oil". While I strongly disagree with most things advocated by the Green Party (not least of which being their support for the net zero death cult), I believe that in a free society they should be able to say what they believe without fear of violence.

This radical group has been a thorn in the side of UK Plc for sometime. We must all of-course remember their attempts to attack the NHS by blocking major motorways, seeking to delay ambulances and emergency services workers. Their ideology is a brutal one, that would see pensioners freezing in cold, unlit homes, hoping that one day soon the wind will blow, causing the wind turbines to kill a thousand birds to heat their home. Meanwhile of course, China builds a new coal power plant virtually every day.

If the people's army here in the East of England is successful in stopping the steal, and I am elected as the new MP for this patriotic region, I will pledge to introduce new legislation requiring the Government to designate Just Stop Oil as a proscribed organisation under the Terrorism Act.

But this latest criminal attack proves that the pushing of Net Zero simply has gone too far. We are a democratic society, and cannot allow the rule of the mob to override the rule of law. For this reason I will call for the British people to decide for themselves if they wish to take on the higher bills and economic damage of Net Zero, with a full, free and fair referendum on the matter."

19:20 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] Mr Susan caught under cover of darkness, delivering slightly less high quality posters across Worcestershire to support Yimir

1 Comment
19:20 UTC


#WS1 [Wales] Inadorable delivers a quick speech for her good friend, /u/realbassist

Good evening Swansea!

It's so good to be back in Southern Wales. Back in one of the heartlands of our Labour Party, back in a part of the country where we all know the interests of the working class will be defended as strongly as they can be. A place where people have never given up hope for the future, indeed, a place where they will never do so.

A fight that, sadly, never seems to end, or even grow much less intense. The working class of our country remains under constant threat of conservative government or a capitalist class that does not care about their interests, indeed, are legally expected not to do so: it is their primary interest to deliver for their shareholders, even where it comes at the expense of our workers.

A government that applied these principles of profit over the people of this country destroyed thousands of jobs here in Wales, closing the pits and throwing large parts of the country into an economic depression they are yet to recover from. Today, another town is being threatened with that fate, that being the people of Port Talbot.

Let me be very clear to the people of this region: we will not let the steelworks close!

This government has entered negotiations with Tata Steel to bring the Port Talbot steelworks into public ownership. In doing so, we will avoid the closure of the plant: instead, we will ensure that it is modernised for the future without job losses here in Wales.

Yes, that does mean a shift to so-called electric arc furnaces. If there's a like-for-like replacement, this shift will lead to a loss of jobs here in the region. We will not be doing that. Rather than assuming a continued slow death of our steel industry, we will be protecting it and allowing it to recover from decades of mismanagement, delivering the steel this country needs to build new industries, infrastructure, ships and to export gods as needed. Port Talbot will not just see its jobs saved, it will end up being central to Labour's plan to restore this country's economy, producing the vital goods that we need to rebuild a country devastated by fourteen years of Conservative mismanagement.

The fact that Tata Steel feels so at ease closing down this vital economic centre so they can avoid making necessary capital investments to save the site is a sign that this free market system, as it applies to steel in our country, is not delivering on our needs of our people. Indeed, during a time where we are seeing increased international tensions, having primary industries within Europe has only become more vital: we cannot assume that China will deliver these materials forever.

My friend, /u/realbassist, will be a true champion for this cause. He's local to this city, and knows just how important the issue is to the people here. He will hold my government to account so that we make a good deal. Of course, I certainly intend to, but I also lack the kind of deep locally rooted knowledge that he can bring to the table: one of the great benefits of our political system as is is that we get this local knowledge and can build upon it in government. His involvement in the process will ensure that we can deliver the best possible deal for the people of Wales.

19:16 UTC


#EEI [East of England] MHOCSalad posts an extremely heavily compressed image on Instagram to support their campaign

In an attempt to rally the gammon vote in the East of England, MHOCSalad has today put out a post on Instagram, urging Reform supporters to "stop the steal" of the seat formerly held by the Reform UK leader.

The instagram post put out by MHOCSalad

Using advanced image reconstruction technology developed by NASA, reporters have successfully restored the image MHOCSalad attempted to share before compressing it harder than the pressure which the NHS is put under by 50 billion illegal migrants arriving every second in the UK. The reconstructed image is seen below.

Restored image.

When asked to comment on the post, MHOCSalad gave the following statement:

"I think we all need to remember that this by-election is only happening because of a woke speakership attempt to silence Reform UK. They're afraid of a political party standing up for Britain, and so they had our leader thrown out of Parliament. I'm the only candidate running to stop the steal in this election."

19:09 UTC


#EEI [East of England] LightningMinion campaigns in Cambridge

LightningMinion gave a speech at Senate House Hill in Cambridge in support of Labour candidate jamie_strudwik’s candidacy:

“It is often said that by-elections are a referendum on the government, with voters expressing their judgement as to whether the government is performing well or badly.

At the last election, we got a change of government. After fourteen years of failed Tory government which broke our country and failed to tackle the cost of living crisis, Labour entered number ten with the promise of change and the promise to fix broken Britain. At the election, I was also elected by you to represent this city in Parliament, and I became the new Energy and Net Zero Secretary.

As soon as we entered government, Labour began delivering on its promises. The cost of living crisis has been the most pressing issue in politics over the past few years as many living costs, such as our supermarket runs, our energy bills, mortgages and rents skyrocketed. Accordingly, we promised to raise the minimum wage to boost the incomes of those suffering most from the high cost of living. We have kept this promise, with Parliament passing our minimum wage increase plan; and the minimum wage will accordingly go up at the start of next year. Additionally, earlier today we also announced reforms to Universal Credit to cut poverty and ensure that everyone can live off their work.

One of the biggest factors contributing to the high cost of living are energy bills. During the fourteen years they were in power, the Conservatives sabotaged net zero and ensured that we would remain hostage to the whims of the volatile international gas market and to the dictators of oil-producing nations like Vladimir Putin. They banned onshore wind farms in 2015. Last year, in the annual offshore wind project auctions, they managed to secure exactly zero new offshore wind projects; and instead decided that the National Grid should continue to rely on expensive and volatile gas instead of relying on cheap British renewable energy.

During the last election, Labour promised to take the ambitious action needed to tackle the climate crisis. Accordingly, when I took over the job of running the UK’s energy policy, I ordered the department to stop waging an unnecessary culture war on net zero, and recommitted the government to tackling climate change. We promised to end the Conservative offshore wind ban - I have abolished the Conservative offshore wind ban. We promised to double onshore wind, triple solar power and quadruple offshore wind by 2030 - I have announced plans to make it easier to build renewables. We promised to create Great British Energy, a new state-owned clean energy company which will generate cheap clean energy for the taxpayer and will be owned by the taxpayer, simultaneously slashing bills and emissions. I can reveal that my department is currently hard at work finalising our plans for GB Energy, and I hope to present these plans to Parliament very soon. We promised to set a new target saying that all of our electricity should be generated from low carbon sources by 2030, and to set a new net zero by 2040 target. My department is currently working on drafting legislation making these targets legally binding, and I hope to present this legislation to Parliament soon.”

At this point, LightningMinion realised that no one was really paying attention to him other than some sad political nerds and journalists, so he changed strategy and shouted “WHO HATES GREATER ANGLIA?!”

Everyone in a three hundred metre radius instantly shouted back in unison “FUCK GREATER ANGLIA!!”

LightningMinion then continued: “Thanks to Labour, Greater Anglia will be no more!” The crowd reacted by cheering loudly for several minutes. After this, LightningMinion then resumed the speech he had written the previous night at 2 AM on his laptop:

“Labour promised to take our railways into public ownership and end the failed Thatcherite Tory privatisation of our trains which has seen us delivered a bad service with delayed, cancelled and overcrowded trains for ever-increasing fares. And we have passed plans to nationalise our railways through Parliament, meaning that Greater Anglia, Great Northern, Thameslink and Crosscountry will soon be no more.

I believe it is clear that, since we promised to fix a Britain which fourteen years of Tory rule utterly broke, and you sent Labour to Downing Street on that promise, we have begun fixing Britain and delivering the change this country so desperately needs, be it tackling the Tory cost of living crisis by raising the minimum wage, be it slashing bills and slashing emissions through establishing GB Energy, or be it fixing our broken railways by returning them to public ownership.

What have the other parties been doing since the election, on the other hand? Reform has continued fighting its culture war against net zero and has made clear that it wishes for us to still be reliant on polluting and expensive fossil fuels instead of cheap, homegrown, green renewable energy. They have opposed us abolishing the onshore wind ban, said they would extract even more oil and gas, and are now also proposing to open new coal mines in England. Reform’s plans would completely destroy all progress made towards net zero and would lock in sky-high energy bills for decades to come.

What about the Conservatives, who are now the official opposition? It is now their job to hold me and the rest of the cabinet to account, and to present a credible government in waiting. Despite this, I have not seen a Tory MP in Parliament in literal years. The Tory candidate here has been completely absent from politics since the election. The Liberal Democrats have been similarly chronically absent in Parliament. Their legislative achievements this term are essentially nonexistent. Labour, however, is hard at work delivering change, with our MPs working hard to actively represent their constituents.

As I said earlier, this by-election is a referendum on the government, and I believe that the case for the government winning it is clear. If you want to support fixing broken Britain, and to safeguard change, then you should elect another Labour MP at the by-election by casting your ballot for the local Labour candidate jamie_strudwik. Thank you all!”

18:58 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] Yimir puts up super high quality posters across Worcestershire

1 Comment
18:15 UTC


#EEI [East of England] model-faelif launches her campaign with an interview on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

#EEI [East of England] model-faelif launches her campaign with an interview on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire

Radio Host: And we're joined in the studio by /u/model-faelif, who's running in the upcoming by-election here in the East of England. /u/model-faelif, thank you for joining us.

model-faelif: Thank you for having me!

RH: The one everyone's asking: why do you offer something different to the Green Party?

MF: Well, first of all the Greens aren't even standing here in this by-election. But thinking nationally, it's clear that the Greens have abandoned their core message. While individual members might be supportive of green measures, actions speak louder than words and the party as a whole has abandoned its ideals to get into bed with a government that has promised to continue extracting gas and oil in the North Sea. Quite simply, if you're looking for green politics they're not an option.

RH: So what would be your proposed solution? And why should we care here, far from the North Sea?

MF: Well, what we need is to electrify rapidly and we need a complete end to extraction altogether. Not this 'maintaining current levels' we've heard from the Government; there must be no new licenses whatsoever. As for why we should care? Well, for one thing electrification is just far more energy-efficient, lowering bills and easing pressures on the cost of living. But also, if we don't quickly change course on the climate, we'll soon see - are already seeing! - worse and more frequent weather events. Here in the East we see a lot of flooding, and that'll only get worse with further climate change.

RH: On the cost of living - what do you see as the solution?

MF: First and foremost, I see it as a failure of the state. We pay our taxes so that no one is ever in abject poverty, struggling to survive, so the fact that so many cannot pay their bills demonstrates that the status quo just isn't working. I've been steadfast in calling on the government to tax corporations and the super-rich properly, and I will continue to do so - the only way free here is to end the profiteering and inequality that has plagued us, and to put the money to better use helping the people of Britain.

RH: How would you improve support for students like those here in Cambridge?

MF: Well for one thing, I would take the maintenance and fee loans that we have right now and turn them into grants like they used to be; as it is, tuition fees act as a tax on getting a degree, which is something that we really want to encourage more young people to go to university and do. It's also clear that the maintenance amounts just aren't enough: they admit this, there's an expectation that your parents should cover a large part of your cost of living. For many that's not true, and getting a job as a student can leave you with a lot less time to study and revise - and after a hard day of lectures and seminars I can see you wouldn't want to also have to work for hours! I'd definitely want to look at increasing these.

RH: That's all we have time for today - where will you be next on the campaign trail?

MF: My next engagement is at a farm in rural Norfolk - I'm looking forward to it!

RH: And now, the weather.

18:10 UTC


#WSI [Rugby] Leftywalrus meets NGSpy in historic Caldecott Park

Good afternoon, Rugby!

We are at a pivotal moment, and this election gives us a vital opportunity to steer our communities toward a brighter, greener future. I am thrilled to be here in Rugby, standing alongside NGSpy, our brilliant Green Party candidate and Chairman of the Green Party.

NGSpy has been a massive advocate for environmental and social justice, and there’s no better candidate to represent Rugby in Parliament. With NGSpy leading the charge, we are ready to bring transformative policies that prioritise people and the planet. Whether it’s protecting green spaces, fighting for affordable housing, or transitioning to renewable energy, NGSpy’s commitment to these causes has been steadfast.

Rugby deserves a representative who will put the community first and fight for a sustainable future, and NGSpy is that person. Their work with the Green Party has been instrumental in shaping our forward thinking policies, and together, we will make Rugby a model for green living and social equality.

This election is about making sure your voices are heard loud and clear in Westminster. By electing NGSpy as your MP, you will be strengthening the Green Party’s ability to deliver meaningful change. Not just for Rugby but for the entire country.

So I urge you to join us, get involved in this campaign, and vote for a future that puts people, planet, and prosperity at its core. Vote for NGSpy and a greener, fairer Rugby.

17:15 UTC


#WMI [Redditch] Posters go up in support of Model-Finn across the West Midlands

17:12 UTC


#WSI [Wales] Dyn visits ViktorHR in Cardiff

Dyn-Cymru visits ViktorHR during his campaign in Cardiff

“Prynhawn da Caerdydd! Good afternoon Cardiff!

The upcoming vote is incredibly important, and will give us a historic opportunity. Here at Plaid Cymru believe we have found not only the best candidate but the best MP for this Wales seat: ViktorHR.

ViktorHR has been a loyal member of the party, supporting the party and putting policies forward that will change the people of Wales’s lives and get us a fairer deal for Wales. They have helped with the development of this party from an unrealistic option to now one of the most influential parties in Welsh Politics. ViktorHR also agrees with me on the key principles of this party, put the people of Wales before anyone else and fight for them.

ViktorHR helped the development of Plaid Cymru’s first bill to finally make our national day, Saint Davids Day, become a national holiday, which has passed its first vote in the commons. If passed it will put us on par with Scotland and Northern Ireland. Another MP will be another voice for ensuring Wales is treated as an equal in the UK and get bills like this passed. Yet this is just the beginning for us, we have much more work to do to get there.

By electing a second Plaid Cymru MP, you are creating a Team for Wales, Tîm Dros Gymru. We will put this country first, holding any government to account to assure Wales gets a better deal. As a team we are able to ensure that key legislation gets more support, such as the government’s plan to devolve justice. Together, we can fight against voices that wish to undermine our Senedd Cymru. As a united party and country, we can do what we have always done, give Wales the voice it deserves.

That is the choice for the Welsh people at this election. Strengthen the voice needs and deserves, ensuring we are not left behind by Westminster. Strengthen the voice that puts the people before the party, the country before politics. So if you want an MP that works for you and your communities, an MP you know has your best interests at heart, I have only one thing to say. Vote for my colleague and more importantly my friend, ViktorHR.

Diolch yn fawr i chi gyd.”

16:58 UTC


#WMI [Rugby] NGSpy places these posters around Rugby

16:57 UTC


#WSI [Wales] ViktorHr yn gorffen ei daith yn nhref enedigol Merthyr Tudful c yn sôn am yr economi / ViktorHr concludes tour in his birth town of Merthyr Tydfil, talks about the economy

The Plaid Cymru victory van finally reaches Merthyr Tydfil at the end of the day, where ViktorHr will hold his final by-election campaign rally in the Howfield Hotel. As always, guests were baited into the conference room with free drinks and snacks.

Good evening friends! It has been a long day, hasn't it? Thank you to all of you who have been following our campaign through social media, your support has meant a lot to my team and me while we were on the road traveling up and down the country.

I believe the message on the road has been extremely positive. Everywhere we stopped there was someone who came to greet us. It could be that the Welsh are very friendly people, but I like to think that these are the effects of our policies resonating with common, working-class people. Of course, I can not take full credit for popularising these policies with the people of Wales. Plaid Cymru and many people who came before me have been pushing for these policies for a long time now, constantly working on improving our grassroots support on the streets of Wales.

The fight is far from done, of course. Other than waiting for the results of this election, there are still a lot of things that have to be done. One crucial policy that will greatly improve Wales' economic state of affairs is the needs-based funding formula. Something I and many others in my party have been talking about for quite some time. The essence of the problem is that the Barnett formula is outdated and was built on the premise that Wales, for example, will never need to invest in its internal projects more than Scotland. This was a very shortsighted vision for a funding formula. Wales, above any other place in the Union, needs big developmental projects. Many projects already have all the paperwork done, but we're always missing the money to fund these projects. This is where the needs-based formula comes in. We will implement a formula where the UK government will directly allocate funding to each devolved country based on that country's financial need for each individual fiscal year. Additionally, to ensure Westminster plays fair, a codified needs-based formula would allocate each country a quota for a number of projects each country deems extremely important and necessary. These projects would be funded in full or split into a number of smaller stages which would be guaranteed funding in full.

Furthermore, it is crucial for us to restructure the Development Bank of Wales into a Development Agency which would be an arms-length government agency offering grants to local governments, private businesses, startups, and manufacturers for projects that will create long-term jobs or generally add to the Welsh economy. As our country continues to fight inflation and rebuild following the COVID-19 recession, it is a priority for us to get people back into work and start developing the Welsh economy. A Development Agency would greatly assist in this project. Should I be elected, I would make it my priority to negotiate additional funds from Westminster for the Development Bank of Wales and work with the Welsh Government during the process of transforming the Development Bank into an agency.

I think we have all had enough policy now. We have a very eventful and tiring campaign behind us and now it is time for us to rest and let the voters decide. That includes you too! Tomorrow don't forget to set your alarm and go vote, and I would especially suggest you go vote early! Thank you so much, everyone, let's win this!

O'r diwedd mae fan fuddugoliaeth Plaid Cymru yn cyrraedd Merthyr Tudful ar ddiwedd y dydd, lle bydd ViktorHr yn cynnal ei rali ymgyrch isetholiad olaf Yng Ngwesty'r Howfield. Fel bob amser, roedd gwesteion yn cael eu bwydo i mewn i'r ystafell gynadledda gyda diodydd a byrbrydau am ddim.

Ffrindiau nos da! Mae hi wedi bod yn ddiwrnod, on'd yw hi? Diolch i bob un ohonoch sydd wedi bod yn dilyn ein hymgyrch drwy'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, mae eich cefnogaeth wedi golygu llawer i fy nhîm a minnau tra'r oeddem ar y ffordd yn teithio i fyny ac i lawr y wlad.

Credaf fod y neges ar y ffordd wedi bod yn hynod gadarnhaol. Ym mhobman yr oeddem yn stopio roedd rhywun a ddaeth i'n cyfarch. Efallai bod Y Cymry yn bobl gyfeillgar iawn, ond rwy'n hoffi meddwl mai dyma effeithiau ein polisïau sy'n atseinio gyda phobl gyffredin, dosbarth gweithiol. Wrth gwrs, ni allaf gredyd llawn am boblogeiddio'r polisïau hyn gyda phobl cymru. Mae Plaid cymru a llawer o bobl a ddaeth o'm blaen wedi bod yn gwthio am y polisïau hyn ers amser maith bellach, gan weithio'n gyson ar wella ein cefnogaeth ar lawr gwlad ar strydoedd cymru.

Mae'r frwydr ymhell o fod wedi ei gwneud, wrth gwrs. Heblaw am aros am ganlyniadau'r etholiad hwn, mae llawer o bethau i'w gwneud o hyd. Un polisi hanfodol a fydd yn gwella sefyllfa economaidd Cymru yn fawr yw'r fformiwla ariannu sy'n seiliedig ar anghenion. Rwyf I a llawer o bobl eraill wedi bod yn siarad amdano ers amser maith. Hanfod y broblem yw bod fformiwla Barnett wedi dyddio ac wedi'i hadeiladu ar y rhagdybiaeth na fydd Angen i Gymru, er enghraifft, fuddsoddi yn ei phrosiectau mewnol yn fwy na'r Alban. Roedd hon yn weledigaeth fyr iawn ar gyfer fformiwla ariannu. Mae cymru, uwchlaw unrhyw le arall yn Yr Undeb, angen prosiectau datblygu mawr. Mae llawer o brosiectau eisoes wedi gwneud yr holl waith papur, ond rydym bob amser yn colli'r arian i ariannu'r prosiectau hyn. Dyma lle mae'r fformiwla sy'n seiliedig ar anghenion yn dod i mewn. Byddwn yn gweithredu fformiwla lle bydd llywodraeth y DU yn dyrannu cyllid yn uniongyrchol i bob gwlad ddatganoledig yn seiliedig ar angen ariannol y wlad honno ar gyfer pob blwyddyn ariannol unigol. Yn ogystal, er mwyn sicrhau Bod San Steffan yn chwarae'n deg, byddai fformiwla wedi'i chodio yn seiliedig ar anghenion yn dyrannu cwota i bob gwlad ar gyfer nifer o brosiectau y mae pob gwlad yn eu hystyried yn hynod bwysig ac yn angenrheidiol. Byddai'r prosiectau hyn yn cael eu hariannu'n llawn neu'n cael eu rhannu'n nifer o gamau llai a fyddai'n gwarantu cyllid yn llawn.

Ar ben hynny, mae'n hanfodol i Ni ailstrwythuro Banc Datblygu Cymru Yn Asiantaeth Ddatblygu a fyddai'n asiantaeth llywodraeth hyd braich yn cynnig grantiau i lywodraethau lleol, busnesau preifat, busnesau cychwynnol a gweithgynhyrchwyr ar gyfer prosiectau a fydd yn creu swyddi tymor hir neu'n ychwanegu at economi cymru yn gyffredinol. Wrth i'n gwlad barhau i frwydro yn erbyn chwyddiant ac ailadeiladu yn dilyn dirwasgiad COVID-19, mae'n flaenoriaeth i ni gael pobl yn ôl i mewn i waith a dechrau datblygu economi Cymru. Byddai Asiantaeth Ddatblygu yn cynorthwyo'n fawr yn y prosiect hwn. Pe bawn i'n cael fy ethol, byddwn i'n ei gwneud hi'n flaenoriaeth i drafod arian ychwanegol Gan San Steffan ar Gyfer Banc Datblygu cymru a gweithio Gyda Llywodraeth cymru yn ystod y broses o drawsnewid Y Banc Datblygu yn asiantaeth.

Rwy'n credu ein bod ni i gyd wedi cael digon o bolisi erbyn hyn. Mae gennym ymgyrch hynod ddifyr a blinedig y tu ôl i ni a nawr mae'n bryd i ni orffwys a gadael i'r pleidleiswyr benderfynu. Mae hynny'n cynnwys chi hefyd! Yfory peidiwch ag anghofio gosod eich larwm a mynd i bleidleisio, a byddwn yn awgrymu yn arbennig eich bod yn mynd i bleidleisio'n gynnar! Diolch yn fawr iawn, pawb, gadewch i ni ennill hwn!

16:49 UTC


#WMI [Rugby] NGSpy is at the Hospital of St. Cross Discussing Healthcare for Drug Users

One of the bigger problems facing so many in Briton is drugs. Drug addiction breaks your bank, your body and your relationships, as it takes hold and seizes so many in a tight grasp. Our NHS does a lot to help those who are overdosing or under the severe effects of drugs. Thank you to all the nurses, doctors and other staff of this hospital that do a lot to ensure all our Britons are cared for.

The NHS side of the story is very positive, and should give you confidence that people want to help those who are seized by addiction, but the other side of the story is much more grim. Often, drugs are treated as an issue of criminality, which can lead to aggressive policies against those who are addicted. The problem is, when police get involved with a health issue, that exacerbates some of the problems that addiction can have. Humbugging and attempted knife crime can increase as addicts are desperate for their next hit, and having no compassion or resolve from our government can make these violent crimes more common. It is a negative spiral at the moment to be a drug user, which resolves in death.

The Greens believe in tackling drug addiction with properly trained health services, including rehabilitation centers. These staff would know better than a police officer on how to treat drug addiction as an issue, and would be able to give expert advice and services to stop harm to others as well as themselves. The Greens will seek to decriminalise drugs across the board, as their criminalisation has done nothing but cause misery to so many, particularly minorities which are targeted disproportionally by the police. The Greens will also fund NHS services to deal with drug rehabilitation, so that anybody in the UK can get treated properly for their vices. This extends to abuse of alcohol, which often cause severe domestic violence if left to fester.

The Greens believe fundamentally in tackling these issues head-on, rather than wasting police resources and time perpetuating a negative cycle. If you believe in our beloved NHS handling those with addictions, which is common sense, vote for the Greens this by-election for a better, Greener Britain.

16:20 UTC


#WMI [Rugby] NGSpy speaks at the Cemex Concrete Plant in Rugby

Thank you all for having me here at this historical concrete plant, it has been lovely to meet you all and talk about issues that you care about.

Concrete is quite literally the foundation of Britain: it helps provide support for our buildings, and provides shelter for British families across the country. Concrete here should be selling like crazy across Britain, and yet, we still have a housing crisis. Due to a lack of action politically, the housing problem in this country is absolutely crazy. Younger people cannot afford to move out home, often living with their parents for far longer, which hinders independence and important life experiences for younger people. It also hinders working opportunities for many, as their family home becomes restrictive to what jobs are available.

Everyone deserves a better life, with shelter, and that is why the Greens will boost public housing funding dramatically, to ease up supply, and to ensure everyone who needs a home, gets one. The Greens will also ensure that 30 billion pounds is spend over the next five years to insulate all homes, so that gas bills will be cheaper, and everyone will be warm for the winter, not freezing to death.

To make it easier for people in Rugby to get around, the Greens support initiatives to improve public transport, including the promotion of a walkable and bikeable Rugby. Improving the walkability of cities brings shops to life, as walkers are more likely to stop and have a look at a shop than a car driver who is dedicated to their destination. In addition, the Greens support the increase in Green spaces in Rugby to counteract carbon pollution, and so that all of you can get fresh air every so often.

All of this obviously requires the foundation of our buildings, cement, which is why I am at this cement plant today. Cement will be needed to build new houses, create better pavements, and to pave out Green spaces in Rugby, so thank you all for your work here at the Rugby plant, and vote for the Greens in this by-election!

15:53 UTC


#WSI [Wales] Mae ViktorHR yn cyrraedd Y Drenewydd, Powys i siarad am ddatganoli/ ViktorHR reaches Newtown, Powys to talk about devolution

After an energetic morning in Amwlch, the Plaid Cymru victory van reaches Newtown in the heart of Powys. This time the van is parked in Dolerw Park, where the staffers set up a tent and are giving our refreshments to those who came to listen to what ViktorHr had to say. The setup is largely the same. It's ViktorHr with two speakers, except that this time there are some plastic beach chairs set up for the public to relax in.

Good afternoon friends! Thank you for this amazing turnout. Hopefully, there will be enough lemonade and sausage rolls for everyone. It's an honour being in the birthplace of Robert Owen who, although maybe not perfecting his ideology, was one of the founders of socialism in the United Kingdom and someone I had a lot of sympathy for while growing up in the postindustrial Welsh valleys.

And as someone who grew up in Merthyr Tydfil, I have had a lot of experience with people in poverty and those on the social margins. Many kids I went to school with come from mining families who worked in the mines for generations. But when Thatcher came along and closed the mines, without thinking of the repercussions for those working in them, all of these families who were proud of their work and managed to get by with one mining salary suddenly lost everything and fell below the poverty line. Although these closures happened in the '70s and '80s, their consequences could still be felt in the early 2000s and even today! This is not the only example of how Westminster has mismanaged us. What about Tryweryn?! Why was it necessary to destroy a whole community for a water reservoir for Liverpool? Why weren't we asked about this? Why couldn't a reservoir be built on their side of the border in England? And the list of mismanagement by Westminster direct rule goes on and on. All the way into the new millennium and the introduction of devolution to Wales. Suddenly, when given the opportunity to govern ourselves, there are fewer and fewer cases of mismanagement by the Government. And that's not all, suddenly when Westminster wants to do something clearly bad for Wales there is someone who can stand up for us. Just take the example of HS2 and how Westminster wanted to bill us for a project we would not receive any benefit from. The Welsh Government has, rightly, demanded that we be repaid for this. And Westminster has listened, this Government will repay the Welsh Government every single penny we spent on building a railroad which will not enter Wales. This is a clear benefit of devolution. Devolution is our voice, the voice we've been looking for to counter England's supremacy in the Union for centuries.

So what's next for devolution? Well, we've only begun having fun with it! Devolution has been very beneficial for us, but there is a lot more to be done in Wales in areas of justice, crime, policing, energy management and production, and broadcasting - all of which are reserved matters Wales currently can not legislate on. This is why we are here. Plaid Cymru supports not only amending the Wales Act in a way that will put us on par with Scotland but we also support maximum devolution. All policies which pertain to Wales should be made in Wales. Of course, this can not be achieved all at once. This is why for us the priority is justice and policing devolution. Plaid Cymru will secure justice devolution for Wales, ensuring that we have our own legal jurisdiction just like Scotland and Northern Ireland. This would allow us to pass progressive legislation which has broad support in Wales but not in England. We could legalise the recreational use of marijuana, decriminalise drugs, and finally adopt a rehab-oriented system, as well as pass a modern and progressive gender identity recognition bill.

The path to justice devolution will be long and not easy, but by electing another Plaid Cymru MP it is achievable. None of the other parties, not even Labour, support justice devolution. Justice devolution is a government policy solely because Plaid Cymru is participating in it and it was our core demand during government negotiations. This is what real care for Wales looks like. Labour will not prioritise Wales like I will, and let's not even speak about the Tories. If you, like I do, care deeply about keeping people in Wales, uplifting the working class, and taking back control over our governance there is simply no other option than to vote for Plaid Cymru. So don't forget, tomorrow is polling day and I will need your help. Let's uplift Wales together, let's vote for Plaid Cymru!

Wedi bore egnïol Yn Amlwch, mae fan fuddugoliaeth Plaid Cymru yn cyrraedd Y Drenewydd yng nghanol Powys. Y tro hwn mae'r fan wedi'i pharcio Ym Mharc Dolerw, lle mae'r staff yn sefydlu pabell ac yn rhoi lluniaeth i'r rhai a ddaeth i wrando ar yr hyn oedd Gan ViktorHr i'w ddweud. Mae'r gosodiad i raddau helaeth yr un peth. Mae'n ViktorHr gyda dau siaradwr, ac eithrio bod rhai cadeiriau traeth plastig wedi'u sefydlu i'r cyhoedd ymlacio ynddynt y tro hwn.

Prynhawn da ffrindiau! Diolch am y cyfweliad rhyfeddol hwn. Gobeithio y bydd digon o lemonêd a rholiau selsig i bawb. Mae'n anrhydedd cael Bod ym man geni Robert Owen a oedd, er efallai ddim yn perffeithio ei ideoleg, yn un o sylfaenwyr sosialaeth yn y Deyrnas Unedig ac yn rhywun yr oedd gen I lawer o gydymdeimlad ag ef wrth dyfu i fyny yng nghymoedd ôl-ddiwydiannol cymru.

Ac fel rhywun a fagwyd Ym Merthyr Tudful, rwyf wedi cael llawer o brofiad gyda phobl mewn tlodi a'r rhai ar yr ymylon cymdeithasol. Mae llawer o blant yr es I i'r ysgol gyda nhw yn dod o deuluoedd mwyngloddio a fu'n gweithio yn y mwyngloddiau am genedlaethau. Ond pan ddaeth Thatcher draw a chau'r mwyngloddiau, heb feddwl am yr ôl-effeithiau i'r rhai oedd yn gweithio ynddynt, collodd yr holl deuluoedd hyn a oedd yn falch o'u gwaith ac a lwyddodd i fynd heibio gydag un cyflog mwyngloddio bopeth yn sydyn a syrthiodd o dan y llinell dlodi. Er bod y cau hyn wedi digwydd yn y 70au a'r 80au, gellid teimlo eu canlyniadau o hyd ar ddechrau'r 2000au a hyd yn oed heddiw! Nid dyma'r unig enghraifft o Sut Mae San Steffan wedi ein camreoli. Beth am Dryweryn?! Pam roedd angen dinistrio cymuned gyfan ar gyfer cronfa ddŵr i Lerpwl? Pam na ofynnwyd i ni am hyn? Pam na ellir adeiladu cronfa ddŵr ar eu hochr nhw o'r ffin Yn Lloegr? Ac mae'r rhestr o gamreoli Gan reol uniongyrchol San Steffan yn mynd ymlaen ac ymlaen. Yr holl ffordd i'r mileniwm newydd a chyflwyno datganoli i Gymru. Yn sydyn, pan gaiff y cyfle i lywodraethu ein hunain, mae llai a llai o achosion o gamreoli gan Y Llywodraeth. Ac nid dyna'r cyfan, yn sydyn pan Mae San Steffan eisiau gwneud rhywbeth sy'n amlwg yn ddrwg i Gymru mae yna rywun sy'n gallu sefyll i fyny drosom ni. Cymerwch esiampl HS2 a sut Roedd San Steffan am ein bilio am brosiect na fyddem yn derbyn unrhyw fudd ohono. Mae Llywodraeth cymru, yn gywir, wedi mynnu ein bod yn cael ein had-dalu am hyn. Ac Mae San Steffan wedi gwrando, bydd Y Llywodraeth hon yn ad-dalu i Lywodraeth cymru bob ceiniog a wariwn ar adeiladu rheilffordd na fydd yn dod I Mewn I Gymru. Mae hyn o fudd amlwg i ddatganoli. Datganoli yw ein llais ni, y llais rydyn ni wedi bod yn chwilio amdano i wrthsefyll goruchafiaeth Lloegr yn Yr Undeb ers canrifoedd.

Felly beth nesaf i ddatganoli? Dim ond dechrau cael hwyl! Mae datganoli wedi bod yn fuddiol iawn i ni, ond mae llawer mwy i'w wneud yng Nghymru ym meysydd cyfiawnder, trosedd, plismona, rheoli a chynhyrchu ynni, a darlledu - y mae pob un ohonynt yn faterion a gadwyd Yn ôl Na all Cymru ddeddfu arnynt ar hyn o bryd. Dyna pam rydyn ni yma. Mae Plaid Cymru yn cefnogi nid yn unig diwygio Deddf Cymru mewn ffordd a fydd yn ein rhoi ar gyfartal â'r Alban ond rydym hefyd yn cefnogi'r datganoli mwyaf posibl. Dylai pob polisi sy'n berthnasol I Gymru gael ei wneud yng Nghymru. Wrth gwrs, ni ellir cyflawni hyn i gyd ar unwaith. Dyna pam mai cyfiawnder a datganoli plismona yw'r flaenoriaeth i ni. Bydd Plaid Cymru yn sicrhau datganoli cyfiawnder i Gymru, gan sicrhau bod gennym ein hawdurdodaeth gyfreithiol ein hunain yn union fel Yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon. Byddai hyn yn ein galluogi i basio deddfwriaeth flaengar sydd â chefnogaeth eang yng Nghymru ond nid Yn Lloegr. Gallem gyfreithloni defnydd hamdden mariwana, dadgriminaleiddio cyffuriau, ac yn olaf mabwysiadu system sy'n canolbwyntio ar adsefydlu, yn ogystal â phasio bil cydnabod hunaniaeth rhywedd modern a blaengar.

Bydd y llwybr at ddatganoli cyfiawnder yn hir ac nid yn hawdd, ond trwy ethol AS arall Plaid cymru mae'n gyraeddadwy. Nid oes yr un o'r pleidiau eraill, nid Hyd Yn oed Llafur, yn cefnogi datganoli cyfiawnder. Mae datganoli cyfiawnder yn bolisi llywodraeth yn unig oherwydd Bod Plaid Cymru yn cymryd rhan ynddo a dyna oedd ein galw craidd yn ystod trafodaethau'r llywodraeth. Dyma sut olwg sydd ar ofal go iawn I Gymru. Ni fydd llafur yn blaenoriaethu Cymru fel y byddaf i, a gadewch i ni hyd yn oed siarad am Y Toriaid. Os ydych chi, fel fi, yn poeni yn ddwfn am gadw pobl Yng Nghymru, dyrchafu'r dosbarth gweithiol, a chymryd rheolaeth yn ôl dros ein llywodraethu, does dim dewis arall ond pleidleisio dros Blaid cymru. Felly peidiwch ag anghofio, yfory yw'r diwrnod pleidleisio a bydd angen eich help arnaf. Gadewch i ni godi Cymru gyda'n gilydd, gadewch i ni bleidleisio Dros Blaid cymru!

15:53 UTC


#WSI [Wales] realbassist delivers a speech to supporters in Swansea

Labour is the party of the Worker. In Wales, we fought alongside the workers in the Miners’ Strike of the 80’s, in the general strike, and after the war when we ensured homes fit for heroes, and created the greatest achievement of this nation, the NHS. We stood alongside you through these last fourteen years, where the poor got poorer while the rich only got richer. And now we are in government, we stand with you still. A rise in the minimum wage has already passed Parliament, introduced by the Labour-led government, and we are going to go further still.

I am a Socialist, and that means supporting one another. If you elect me to represent you, I will ensure that your voice is heard; many of my opponents are honourable representatives, of whose skills I have no doubt. But in order to gain the change that we need in the UK, you need more than honour, you need the drive and the will to achieve it. In this regard, my record speaks for itself. Consistently in Parliament, I have spoken on behalf of the people of this country who want to see it improved, and more welcome to everyone. In this Parliament, our key aim has to be to change the country for the better, and to do this you need a progressive you can count on to represent you. I offer you this freely.

This government is the most representative of the Nations in our history. We have MPs from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland in prominent posts, where both Nationalists and Unionists work in tandem for the people of these nations. I have spoken consistently as one of these voices, considering only what is best for the People, not for myself. Where others have changed their views to fit with what’s popular, I see that one must align their views with what is right. There is nothing right about continuing the disgusting practice of Conversion Therapy, therefore I will oppose it until the day I die. There is nothing right about ignoring the plight of the worker because it makes the rich uncomfortable, so I have and will support bills in Parliament designed to help the worker.

In order to achieve real change, we need a government with the will to fight for it. Ours has shown such a will. My opponents, try as they might, either do not have the drive to fight for Wales, the dedication to reform needed, or the evidence they will actually fight for you. Look back at my comments in the Commons and beyond, I have shown these qualities consistently and without question. If you want a candidate who will fight for you, then vote for Labour. Our cause is yours, always.

15:44 UTC


#WSI [Wales] Leaflets promoting independent candidate UnluckyKale5342 are being circulated throughout Wales

15:40 UTC

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